Falling with Every Step

Here I Come

Vicky walked up the staircase that William had pointed to in search of Mary Jane. She still couldn’t figure out why MJ would go upstairs with Chris, when they both hated each other. When she reached the top of the stairs, she found that she was at the end of a long hallway that was filled with closed doors. Vicky wondered why Chris would take MJ up here, and she began to worry for her.

“MJ!” Vicky yelled, not knowing how else to find her. “MJ!” There was no answer, so she began knocking on the doors.

After the first five doors, she began to give up hope, not knowing what else to do. “MJ!” she called again.

All of a sudden, she heard someone say, “Chris, stop!” She knew that it was Mary Jane, and she followed the voice to one of the doors.

“MJ!” Vicky yelled.

Mary Jane didn’t answer her, but instead said loudly, “Chris, I said stop it!”

“MJ!” Vicky called once more. She reached for the door handle and tried to open it, but she found it to be locked. After jiggling the handle for a few more seconds, she ran down the stairs to try to get some help.

The first person she ran into was Pete. “Pete, I need your help,” Vicky told him.

“Vicky, what’s wrong?” Pete asked her, sitting his drink down on a nearby table.

“MJ. Something’s wrong.”

“Vicky, calm down. What exactly is wrong with MJ?”

Vicky rolled her eyes, knowing that they were wasting time while MJ was in trouble. “William said he saw her go upstairs with Chris earlier. I went up there to find her, and I heard her yelling telling Chris to stop it. She’s in trouble.”

“Come on,” Pete said running up the staircase. Vicky tried keeping up with him, but he was too fast. She caught up with him on the top step, and he asked her, “Where’s she at?”

“This door here,” Vicky said running up to the door that she had heard MJ at previously.

“MJ?” Pete yelled through the door. He tried to open the door, too, but again found it locked. “MJ?” he yelled again.

“Pete! Help me!” they heard MJ scream before her voice was muffled out.

Pete began trying to break the door open by throwing himself into it. After two tries, he turned to Vicky and said, “Go get Gabe.”

Vicky nodded her head and ran down the stairs. She searched the club for Gabe, but couldn’t find him. Finally, she found him on the other side of the room sitting at a table with some unknown girl. She ran over to him and grabbed his arm.

“What the hell, Vicky?” he asked turning around to look at her.

“Gabe, come on. You’ve got to go upstairs.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Pete needs your help upstairs,” Vicky said.

“Vicky, I’m a little busy here,” he said motioning to the girl that sat across from him.

“It’s MJ.”

“What about MJ?” Gabe said standing up.

“She’s upstairs and in trouble,” Vicky said. Gabe began making his way over to the staircase with Vicky right behind him.

“Is she okay?” Gabe asked Vicky.

“I hope so,” Vicky replied as the two of them ran up the stairs.
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The next chapter will be MJ's point of view of everything.
Tell me what you think so far about the story and what you think is going to happen!!