Falling with Every Step


After Mary Jane had left Brendon and Vicky alone, she decided to go sit down at a table. She couldn’t find any of her tour mates, so she sat down by herself. She looked out into the crowd, watching people dance for a little while. Her eyes fell upon Brendon and Vicky, and she smiled to herself. She was glad that those two were finally together.

She kept looking around the room, and she found Gabe sitting at a table on the other side of the room with a blonde-haired girl with red streaks sitting across from him.

Mary Jane looked up and saw that William had sat down at her table. “Hey,” she said with a semi-smile, while her gaze went back to Gabe.

“Stop staring,” William said. “It’s not nice.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Mary Jane said.

“You know she means nothing to him. He’s just trying to forget about you. He still cares about you.”

“Then why did he break up with me?” she asked looking over at William.

“Because he’s an idiot?” William suggested. “Seriously, I don’t know why. In his mind, it was the best thing for both of you.”

“Then, he is an idiot.”

“Yeah, but you still care about him.”

“That is true,” Mary Jane admitted. All of a sudden, Chris came over to their table.

“Hey,” he said to Mary Jane and William.

“Hey,” William replied, while Mary Jane said nothing and turned back to watch Gabe and the girl.

“Mary Jane, I was hoping we could talk,” Chris said.

Mary Jane swung her head around and looked at Chris, an odd expression on her face. William looked at him with a confused face, too. “You want to talk to me?” Mary Jane asked.

“Yeah, but do you think we can talk somewhere else? It’s kind of loud here, and it’s kind of important,” Chris said.

Mary Jane looked over at William who shrugged his shoulders. “Okay?” Mary Jane said, but it came out as more of a question than a statement.

Chris led her to the staircase and up the stairs. “It’ll be quieter up here in one of these rooms,” he said.

“Are you sure we’re allowed to be up here?” Mary Jane asked looking around. She saw no one around.

“It’s fine. Let’s go in here,” Chris said entering a door on their left. Mary Jane followed him in, and Chris shut the door behind them and then locked it.

“What are you doing?” Mary Jane asked nervously.

“I thought we could have a little private time,” Chris said turning around and looking at her.

“I’m going to leave,” Mary Jane said trying to reach around him to get to the door.

“Oh, no, you’re not,” Chris said grabbing her wrist.

“Chris let me go.”

“No,” he said pushing her down on the couch that was in the room.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, I figured if you’re giving it up to any old rock star, then why not me?”

“What are you talking about?” Mary Jane asked, genuinely confused.

“You’re fucking Gabe. I figured the least you could do is give me some, too.”

“Gabe broke up with me because of you.”

“Oh, well then you were fucking Gabe.”

“I was not!” Mary Jane screamed. “And I am doing nothing with you!”

“Oh, believe me, you are,” he said leaning down and grabbing her shirt, attempting to take it off of her.

“Chris, stop!” Mary Jane yelled.

“I don’t think so,” he said, continuing to take off her shirt.

“Chris, I said stop it!” Mary Jane screamed. She heard someone trying to get into the room, and recognized a voice that belonged to Vicky. Before she could scream for help, Chris covered her mouth with his hand. After a few moments, the door handle stopped moving, and Mary Jane knew she was in trouble.

Chris covered Mary Jane’s mouth with his own, and Mary Jane did everything she could to try to get out from underneath from him, but he was too much bigger than she was.

A few minutes later, Chris had managed to get his own shirt and pants off, while continuing to hold Mary Jane down. He heard someone jiggling the door handle again and yell Mary Jane’s name.

Mary Jane immediately knew the voice was Pete’s and began to yell for help. “Pete! Help me!” she attempted to scream before Chris put his hand over her mouth to stop any more attempts. Mary Jane began crying, and she heard someone banging on the door. She knew it was Pete trying to get in.

“Well,” Chris said looking at Mary Jane, tears streaming down her cheeks. “I guess we’re going to have to do this quicker than I thought,” he said reaching down and undoing the button of her jeans.
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what you guys think!!
I'll be updating this again in just a little while.
As much as I like cliffhangers, I'm not going to leave you all hanging for too long.
You'll soon see what happens with Chris and MJ!