Falling with Every Step


Gabe ran up the stairs and found Pete screaming and trying to open a door. “What’s going on?” he asked as he ran over to him.

“MJ’s in there with Chris. She was screaming for my help. The door’s locked, and I can’t get it opened,” Pete explained.

“Come on. We’ll do it on three,” Gabe said, motioning to the door. “One, two, three,” he counted, and both boys threw their shoulders into the door.

Vicky stood behind them, not knowing what to do. She was praying that MJ would be alright, and that Gabe and Pete would get the door open soon.

On their third attempt, the door flew open, with Gabe and Pete falling into the room. Vicky ran into the room, right behind them. When they got in, they couldn’t believe the sight in front of them.

Mary Jane was lying on the couch with Chris hanging over her, both completely naked. As the door opened, Chris thrust into her, with Mary Jane crying out in pain.

Chris continued thrusting as fast and hard as he could until Pete and Gabe ran over to him and pulled him off. “Get the fuck off of her,” Gabe yelled at him.

“Dude, she was begging for it,” Chris replied.

“She was fucking yelling for help!” Pete yelled.

“I’m telling you she was begging for me to fuck her,” Chris insisted.

Gabe refused to hear anymore, and he punched Chris in the face. He continued punching him while Chris began crouching down as he ran into the wall behind him.

Meanwhile, Vicky was trying to help MJ. She ran over to the couch and sat down next to her. Mary Jane was hysterical, with tears running down her cheeks. “MJ, come on,” Vicky said, trying to talk Mary Jane into standing up, but Mary Jane continued sitting down.

“You’ve got to get her out of here!” Pete told Vicky.

“I know, but she can’t go right now. Look at her!” Vicky said motioning toward Mary Jane who was currently balled up, trying to cover herself up with her shirt that she found on the couch next to her.

“Gabe, stop it!” Pete yelled, grabbing Gabe’s arm. “MJ needs you more.”

Gabe turned around to look at Mary Jane.

“You better believe I’m going to be pressing charges for assault,” Chris yelled at Gabe.

“Yeah, and you’re going to be going to jail for rape. I’m not too worried,” Gabe replied while walking over to Mary Jane.

“MJ,” Gabe said quietly.

Mary Jane continued sobbing, and attempted to cover herself up more with the little material she had. Vicky saw her problem and immediately took off the jacket she was wearing and put it around Mary Jane.

“We’ve got to get her out of here,” Pete said again.

“I know, but if she goes like this, everyone’s going to know that something went on, and we don’t need that. Let’s wait on her to calm down, and then we’ll get her out of here,” Vicky told him.

“MJ,” Gabe said again, putting his arm around her. Mary Jane turned away from him. Gabe looked up at Vicky and Pete with sadness in his eyes.

“Gabe,” Vicky whispered trying to get him to understand. “She was just raped.” Gabe shook his head, indicating that he understood. While no one was watching, Chris snuck out of the door behind them.

Gabe turned around and noticed he was gone. “Fuck,” he said.

“What?” Pete asked turning around to see what Gabe was talking about.

“He’s gone.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Vicky said. “It’s not like he’s going to go very far or we won’t be able to find him.”

After a few more minutes, Mary Jane had finally stopped crying. “You feel like getting out of here?” Vicky asked.

Mary Jane shook her head yes, and Vicky handed her pants to her that were lying on the floor. “Here you go,” she said.

“Thanks,” Mary Jane said putting the pants on.

“We’ve got to get you to a hospital,” Pete said.

“No!” Mary Jane yelled.

“MJ, you have to go to a hospital. You were just raped. We have to make sure you’re alright.”

“Pete, please.”

“MJ,” Vicky said.

Mary Jane looked up at Gabe who was nodding along with Pete and Vicky. “Fine, but can we keep everything between us? I don’t want everyone knowing.”

“I’ll try my best,” Pete promised. “But, they’re all going to find out eventually. I mean there’s no way Chris is going to be anywhere near you anymore, and his band and everyone else will want to know why.”

“Can we just keep it quiet for now?” Mary Jane pleaded.

Pete nodded his head. “Come on,” he said. “There’s a hospital not too far from here. We’ll go with you.”

“Thanks,” Mary Jane replied, trying to smile. Pete led the way, while Gabe and Vicky were on each side of Mary Jane, with one arm around each of her shoulders. Trying to draw as little attention as possible, they finally made it out of the club and down to Pete’s car, where they made their way to the hospital.
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