Falling with Every Step


Vicky’s phone buzzed indicating a text message. She opened her phone and saw it was from Brendon. He had been texting her the past couple of hours asking if everything was okay since he hadn’t heard from her since she had left to go find Mary Jane.

“Who’s it from?” Mary Jane asked her as she lied in the hospital bed waiting on the doctor to get back.

“Huh?” Vicky asked looking up from the phone.

“Brendon?” Mary Jane guessed.


“Go call him. You can tell him.”

“Are you sure? I mean I understand you don’t want people to know,” Vicky began.

“Vicky, go tell him,” Mary Jane interrupted. “I want him to know. But, can you not tell him all the details? I mean I want you to tell him what happened, but...”

“MJ, I understand, and thanks.”

“No problem. Oh, and Vicky,” Mary Jane called as Vicky made her way to the door. “Can you ask him not to tell anyone else?”

“Sure,” Vicky said smiling at her. She then turned to Pete. “Hey, can I have your keys to your car.”

“Why?” Pete questioned.

“Well, if I’m going to call Brendon and tell him, I want to make sure no one’s around to hear. I figured I’d be safe in your car.”

“Oh, sure,” Pete said tossing her his keys.

“I’ll be back,” Vicky told Mary Jane as she headed to Pete’s car.

Once she got inside his car, she dialed Brendon’s number. “Vicky?” he answered. “Is everything okay? I haven’t heard from you since you went to go find MJ.”

“Everything’s not okay,” she said.

“What? What happened? Are you okay? Where are you?” Brendon began firing questions.

“Brendon, I’m fine, but we’re at the hospital.”

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Before I tell you, you have to promise not to tell anyone else. And I mean no one. You can’t tell Ryan or Spencer or,” Vicky said before she was cut off.

“Vicky! I promise I won’t tell anyone. What’s wrong?”


“MJ? What happened to MJ?”

“She was raped,” Vicky whispered.

“What?” Brendon yelled. “Does anyone else know?”

“Yeah, Pete, Gabe, and I found her. And Chris knows,” Vicky said the last part quietly.

“Chris knows?” Brendon asked in disbelief. “Why does he know?”

“Because he was the one to rape her.”

“What?” Brendon cried.

“Yeah,” Vicky said. “Listen, I’ll tell you everything when we get back. The doctors said she should get out sometime tonight. They’re running a couple other tests on her, and then she can go.”

“Okay,” Brendon said. “Tell her I’m sorry and I’ll be thinking of her.”

“I will. Bye, Brendon,” Vicky said.

“Bye,” Brendon replied hanging up.

Vicky walked back inside the hospital and made her way to Mary Jane’s room. When she got there, she found Pete and Gabe standing outside. “What’s going on? Is everything okay?” Vicky asked worriedly.

“MJ’s fine, but the police are in there talking to her,” Gabe told her.


“They’re talking to her about the rape so they can charge Chris. They want to talk to us next.” Just as Pete said that, two police officers walked out of Mary Jane’s room.

“We need to talk to you three,” one of the police officers said.
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I know it's kind of short and uneventful, but I'll be updating again tomorrow.

And I have a question for you all. I've been thinking about doing a sequel/spin-off dealing with Vicky and Brendon. It would still have MJ and Gabe and everyone else, but it would focus on Vicky and Brendon. Do you think anyone would read it, and more importantly, would YOU read it??? Let me know what you think!!!