Falling with Every Step

See You In My Nightmares

Mary Jane, Gabe, Pete, and Vicky were finally back at the hotel where they were staying for the next few days. They had spent the last couple of hours at the hospital talking to the police about every little detail of what had happened to Mary Jane.

The doctors had told Mary Jane that she was fine, but that she had to go back to a doctor in a couple of weeks for a pregnancy test to see if the emergency contraceptive pills had worked. After everything that had happened, Mary Jane was happy just to be able to go back to her room and relax.

About fifteen minutes after Mary Jane and Vicky had gotten back to their room there was a knock on the door. Vicky got up to open it and found Brendon on the other side. Vicky moved aside to let him in. He went over to Mary Jane who was sitting on the couch.

“Hey,” he said sitting down next to her. “How are you doing?”

“Not so good,” she said as she began crying.

He wanted to give her a hug, but he didn’t know how she would react after the rape. So, instead, he just tried to talk to her. “I know. Listen, I’m sorry about everything.”

“It’s not your fault,” Mary Jane said. “It’s Chris’s fault.”

“You’re right,” Brendon said. “Do you want me to go kick his ass for you?”

“No, thanks,” Mary Jane said smiling at him.

“Besides, I think Gabe’s got that covered for you,” Vicky told him. He gave her a confused look and she elaborated. “Gabe kicked his ass when he found him.”

“Oh,” Brendon said nodding his head. He looked over at Mary Jane who yawned. “I’ll let you go to bed. I’m sure it’s been a long night for you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Thanks, Brendon,” Mary Jane said.

Vicky walked Brendon to the door and he leaned down and kissed her before he left the room.

“Well at least something good came out of tonight,” Mary Jane said.

“I’m so sorry, MJ.”

“Don’t be,” Mary Jane told her. “I’m going to go to bed.”

“Good night. I’m going to go take a shower,” Vicky said as she went into the bathroom.

“Okay,” Mary Jane replied. “And Vicky?”



“For what?”

“For everything. For finding me. For being there at the hospital. For everything.”

“You’re welcome. Good night.”

Vicky walked out of the bathroom after blow drying her hair to find Mary Jane screaming in her sleep. She walked over to her and shook her shoulder, attempting to wake her up. “MJ!” Vicky called.

Mary Jane woke up with a jolt, tears streaming down her cheeks. “MJ, are you okay?”

“I was back in that room. Chris was there, and it was happening all over again,” Mary Jane said through the tears.

“I am so sorry, MJ. Do you want to talk about it?”

“You know what I hate the most?”

“What?” Vicky asked.

“That was my first time.”

“First time?” Vicky asked confused. “First time for what?”

“Sex,” Mary Jane said simply.

“You’re a virgin?” Vicky asked.

“I was a virgin.”

“MJ, you’re still a virgin.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are. MJ, he raped you! That wasn’t sex, it was rape.”

“You know the stupidest part though? I wasn’t a virgin for some religious reason. I just thought that I would lose my virginity to someone I was in love with.”

“That’s not stupid. That’s a good reason to want to keep your virginity. And MJ, the next time you have sex, it will be with someone you love.”

“If I ever have sex again.”

“Well, that’s up to you,” Vicky said. “Why don’t you try going back to sleep?”

“I’m scared, Vicky,” Mary Jane admitted.

“I know, but I’m here. And you have Pete and Brendon and Gabe, too.”

“Yeah,” Mary Jane said quietly as she lied back down and tried to go back to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of uneventful, but you have to have these kinds of chapters in a story sometimes :)

Please, tell me what you all think about the spin-off/sequel. I haven't started writing it yet, and I don't want to waste my time with it if no one's going to read it. I have other ideas if this one doesn't sound too good!!!

Thanks to everyone who reads/subscribes/comments! I appreciate all of you!!!