Falling with Every Step

The More Boys I Meet

Mary Jane had been in the studio for nearly five hours straight working with Patrick, trying to get the track just right.

“Try it one more time. This time try to go just a little higher in the chorus,” Patrick told her.

Mary Jane nodded her head before she proceeded to sing the same lines for nearly the twentieth time. She wasn’t complaining, though. She was glad that Patrick was a bit of a perfectionist. That just meant that her record was going to be that much better.

“Perfect, MJ!” Patrick said excitedly as she finished the chorus. “That was amazing. Why don’t you come on out. We’ll give you a little break.”

Mary Jane pulled off the headphones and walked out of the booth. She saw Pete sitting in the corner on one of the couches. “Patrick’s right. That was good,” he said, looking up from his cell phone he was currently texting with.

“Thanks,” she said smiling.

“So, I was thinking you might want to meet some of the people you’ll be touring with,” Pete said. “So, a couple of the guys will be here soon.”

“Great,” Mary Jane said sincerely. She was looking forward to meeting her tour mates. Of course, she had at least heard of most of the people on the record label, but it was still exciting to meet these people. A couple of minutes later, the guys from Panic at the Disco walked in.

“Hey guys,” Pete said standing up.

“Hey man,” Brendon Urie said.

“Hey, I want you to meet the newest addition to the Decaydance family,” Pete told them. “Guys, this is Mary Jane Carter.”

“Call me MJ,” Mary Jane said holding her hand out.

“MJ, this is Brendon Urie, Jon Walker, Spencer Smith, and Ryan Ross. Or, you might know them as Panic at the Disco,” Pete said as each one shook Mary Jane’s hand.

“It’s so great to meet you,” Mary Jane told them.

“It’s good to meet you, too,” Ryan said.

“So, are you the one recording right now?” Jon asked her.

“Yep,” Mary Jane said shaking her head yes.

“Can we get a preview?” Brendon asked.

“Sure,” Mary Jane said turning to Patrick. “What one next?”

“How about ‘Just Look'?” Patrick suggested.

“Okay,” Mary Jane said walking back into the booth and putting the headphones back on. She grabbed her guitar and began playing her song. After she finished, she looked up to see the guys clapping. She took off the headphones and went back out to where the guys stood.

“So?” Mary Jane asked shyly.

“That was good,” Ryan said sincerely.

“Really good,” Jon continued.

“We need to work on the second verse some more,” Patrick said. Everyone looked over at him and started laughing. “What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” Brendon said.

A little while later, the guys from Panic at the Disco left and Mary Jane went back in to record some more.

“Okay, this is the last time. Then, you can go home,” Patrick told her. She performed the song one more time. “Good,” Patrick said. “Come on out.”

“Thanks,” Mary Jane said walking out of the booth with her guitar in her hand.

“You have time to meet one more person?” Pete asked.

“Sure,” Mary Jane said. “Who’s coming?”

Before Pete could answer a dark haired guy walked into the studio. “Hey Pete, so where’s this new amazing artist?” the guy asked.

“Right here,” Pete said motioning toward Mary Jane. “MJ, this is Chris Faller from The Hush Sound. Chris, this is Mary Jane Carter, our new artist.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” Chris yelled.