Falling with Every Step

It Hasn't Been Long Enough

“MJ, can you give us a minute?” Pete asked as he grabbed Chris’s arm and dragged him outside.

“No problem,” Mary Jane said.

“What the hell, Chris?” Pete asked once the door shut behind them so Mary Jane couldn’t hear them. “Please tell me you didn’t sleep with her and not call her or something.”

“Hell no!” Chris yelled. “Why the hell did you sign her?”

“Because she’s good. What the hell is wrong with you? Do you know her?”

“Yeah, I know her. I went to high school with her.”

“Okay, and?” Pete asked, hoping for more information.

“And she doesn’t fit in with everyone else.”

“What?” Pete asked incredulously.

“Listen, in high school, she was that weird girl. The one that no one wanted to talk to. She was the smart girl who had no friends. She was in the band! And Pete, the band was not cool in my school!”

“Chris, this is ridiculous. You graduated high school how long ago?”

“I’m sure she hasn’t changed that much. Besides, she’s not going to fit in with the rest of us.”

“Well, she’s going to have to. She’s going on tour with us.”

“What?” Chris asked looking at Pete.

“Yeah, she’s going on tour with us. Chris, just try to get along with her. I’m sure you’ve both changed a lot since high school. Just make an attempt, okay?”

“Fine,” Chris said through gritted teeth.

“Come on,” Pete said opening the door so they could go back inside. “Sorry about that MJ,” he said when he got back inside.

“No problem.”

“So, I heard you guys already know each other,” Pete said. Mary Jane nodded her head, and Pete continued. “I know that you two didn’t exactly run with the same crowd in high school, but I’m hoping you’ll at least make an attempt to get along.”

“Of course,” Mary Jane said. “No hard feelings.”

“Yeah,” Chris said reluctantly.

“Good,” Pete said. “Well, MJ, you can go ahead and go. I know it’s been a long day, but I’ll see you here tomorrow, right?”

“Yep, bright and early,” Mary Jane said grabbing her jacket that was sitting on the couch.

“What was the ‘no hard feelings’ thing about?” Pete asked Chris after Mary Jane had left.

“Well, I might not have been the nicest person to her in high school.”

“What exactly is that supposed to mean?” Pete asked sitting down on the couch.

“Well, I might have made her life a little bit of a living hell.”

“Might have?” Pete asked.

“Okay, so I made her life a living hell. But you have to understand, she was the weird girl. No one liked her.”

“What exactly did you do to her?”

“The normal stuff, you know. Made fun of her. Stuff like that,” Chris said not giving any specifics.

“Chris, I don’t want any of that shit going on, okay? She’s a part of the Decaydance family now, just like you,” Pete said giving Chris a pat on his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah, I got it,” Chris said.

“Dude, I’ve already said it, but I’m sure she’s changed since high school.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Chris said. But he didn’t believe it. He was sure she was still the same girl that she was in high school. There was no way a person could change that much.
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