Falling with Every Step

Welcome to Paradise

Mary Jane walked off her tour bus that was parked out in front of the Paramount Theater in Seattle, Washington. This was the first stop on the Decaydance tour, and Mary Jane couldn’t believe it. She walked into the theater and looked around, taking in everything.

Vicky walked up to her. “Excited?” she asked.

“Of course! And nervous,” Mary Jane added.

“Yeah, I was too for my first show. Don’t worry, though. You’re going to be great tonight. Everyone will love you.”

“Thanks, Vicky,” she said as Vicky walked away to join the rest of her band.

Mary Jane sat around for the next few hours while everyone did their sound check. While Gym Class Heroes was doing theirs, Pete and Patrick walked up to her. “Hey, MJ, what’s up?” Pete asked her.

“Nothing much. I’m just watching everyone. I can’t wait for tonight,” Mary Jane said, smiling.

“Well, we were hoping for a favor,” Patrick said.

“Anything. You name it.”

“Okay, well you know our new song ‘What A Catch, Donnie?’” Patrick asked. Mary Jane nodded her head, and he continued. “Well, obviously Elvis Costello isn’t going on tour with us, so he can’t sing his part.”

“Okay?” Mary Jane said.

“We were hoping you could fill in for him.”

“Seriously?” Mary Jane asked.

“Yeah, why?” Pete asked.

“Well, don’t you want someone else? What about Greta?”

“We want you, but if you don’t want to,” Pete began.

“No, no. I want to!” Mary Jane said excitedly.

“Good,” Patrick said smiling. “Why don’t you come up on stage with us after Gym Class Heroes is done, and all of us can practice it.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Do you know the part?” Pete asked.

“Of course. I’ve heard the song how many times?” Mary Jane asked laughing.

“Good,” Pete said, getting up and walking over to Brendon and Ryan.

Four hours later, Mary Jane was sitting backstage waiting for her time to go on stage. She was up first, and Pete was going to introduce her. She grabbed her guitar and stood next to the stage. She watched as Pete walked on stage.

“Hey guys, how are you?” Pete asked and the crowd erupted. Mary Jane never knew that a crowd of people could be that loud. “Okay, well we’re going to have an amazing night tonight,” he continued, as the screams got louder, if that was even possible. “First up, we have the newest addition to the Decaydance family. Her CD’s coming out next month, so be sure to pick it up. I think it’s time for you guys to meet her. Here she is, MJ Carter.”

Mary Jane walked out onto the stage. She looked out into the crowd of screaming fans. She walked up to the microphone and said, “Hey guys, I’m MJ Carter. Let’s get this night started, huh?” The crowd erupted once more. “This first song is called ‘Last Time,’” she said before playing the first chord to the song.

Four songs later, she found herself saying goodbye to the crowd. “You guys were amazing, but I’ve got to go. But don’t worry, next up we have The Cab!” Mary Jane screamed into the microphone. The boys walked out on stage as Mary Jane walked off.

“Give it up for MJ,” Mary Jane heard Alex say. She couldn’t believe how loud the audience was. She smiled to herself as she made her way to her dressing room.

“Great set!” Gabe Saporta stopped her before she got to her dressing room.

“Thanks,” Mary Jane said smiling up at him. “It was amazing.”

“I’ve got to get ready to go on, but I’ll see you for the finale,” he said walking off.

Mary Jane just nodded her head as she walked into her dressing room. She sat on the couch listening to the faint sounds of The Cab playing. A couple of hours later, it was time to go back on stage to perform the finale of “What A Catch, Donnie.”

As she sang her part of the song, she looked around on stage. She couldn’t believe she was on the same stage as Fall Out Boy, Brendon Urie, Gabe Saporta, Alex DeLeon, and William Beckett. She knew she had finally made it.