Falling with Every Step


They were now two weeks into the tour, and everyone had an off day in a random town in Iowa. Everyone was grateful to be off their tour buses for a day and actually in a real bed in a hotel room. Mary Jane and Vicky were currently sitting in the hotel room that they were sharing. Mary Jane was sitting reading a magazine while Vicky was flipping channels trying to find something to watch.

After not being able to find anything to watch, Vicky decided to strike up a conversation with Mary Jane. “So, MJ, how are you liking the tour so far?”

“I love it,” Mary Jane replied, sitting the magazine down on the chair next to her. “It’s everything I would have imagined.”

“So, are you planning on hooking up with anyone while on tour?” Vicky asked.

Mary Jane looked over at her laughing. “What is up with everyone asking me that?”

“Who else asked you?”

“Before the tour started, Ashlee told me that I would hook up with someone. But to answer your question, I don’t plan on hooking up with anyone.”

“Why not? You don’t find anyone attractive here?”

“Oh, no. I find plenty of the guys attractive. But what about you? You planning on hooking up with anyone on tour?”

“No, unfortunately,” Vicky muttered.

“What was that? Did you say unfortunately?”

“Maybe,” Vicky said slyly.

“So, who is it?” Mary Jane asked excitedly. “Who do you like?”

“You sound like you’re in high school.”

“And you’re ignoring my question. Who do you like?”

“Does it matter? They don’t like me back.”

“How do you know?”

“I just do.”

“Who is it? Is it someone from your band? Alex? Ryland? Nate? Gabe?” Mary Jane asked quickly.

“It’s no one from my band!” Vicky interjected, laughing.

“Then who is it?” Mary Jane badgered.

“Fine! It’s Brendon!” Vicky yelled.

“What?” Mary Jane asked, her eyes going wide. “You like Brendon?”

“Yes! Okay, I like Brendon. And he doesn’t like me like that, so can we drop it?”

“Okay, we’ll drop it for now,” Mary Jane said smiling.

“What about you? Who do you like on the tour?” Vicky asked, turning the tables on Mary Jane.

“Um,” Mary Jane said, attempting to avoid the question.

“Come on, who is it? Alex? Ryland? Nate? Gabe?” Vicky asked, imitating Mary Jane.

“Well, it’s one of them, “Mary Jane said quietly.

“Seriously?” Vicky asked. Mary Jane nodded her head. “It’s Gabe, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but don’t tell him!” Mary Jane screamed.

“Don’t worry. But why don’t you want him to know?”

“Come on! There’s no way he’d like me.”

“Why not?”

“Even if he did, he wouldn’t do anything about it because of Chris. Chris is trying to get everyone on the tour to hate me just because he does. There’s no way Gabe would go against him just to go out with me. Hell, Gabe doesn’t even like me like that.”

“Why does Chris hate you so much?” Vicky asked.

“I don’t know, really. We went to high school together, and he made my life a living hell. He still hates me now.”

“Sorry,” Vicky said, not knowing what else to say.

“It’s fine.”

“Still, you never know with Gabe. He can surprise you sometimes.”

“You cannot say anything to him, okay? I don’t want things to be awkward between us.”

“Fine, but only if you don’t say anything to Brendon.”

“Deal,” Mary Jane said holding out her hand for Vicky to shake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy new year, everyone!