Falling with Every Step

Dream On

Pete, Patrick, William, Vicky, and Mary Jane were sitting backstage at the House of Blues in Orlando waiting for the concert to begin in a couple of hours.

“MJ, you went to college, didn’t you?” William asked her. She had no idea how they got onto that subject when two minutes before they had been talking about Fall Out Boy’s last concert in Orlando.

“Yeah, I did,” Mary Jane replied. “Why?”

“Just curious,” William said.

“So what did you study?” Vicky asked.

“I majored in forensic science and Spanish,” Mary Jane responded.

“You double majored?” Patrick asked, and Mary Jane nodded her head.

“So you have a degree in both forensic science and Spanish?” Vicky clarified.

“Yes, why?” Mary Jane said laughing.

“I’m just surprised, that’s all. I mean most rock stars don’t go to college, let alone graduate with two majors. Two majors! That don’t seem all that easy,” Vicky said.

“First of all, I’m not a rock star. And second, I worked hard to get my degrees. It wasn’t easy.”

“I never said it was,” Vicky said.

“Forensic science and Spanish. You’re like Gabe’s dream girl,” Pete said out of the blue. Mary Jane looked over at Vicky with an accusatory glare. Vicky slightly shook her head no to try to convince Mary Jane that she had not said anything to them.

“What do you mean?” Mary Jane asked Pete.

“Well, you’re a smart girl, obviously. You actually went to college and didn’t go with some easy degree, but instead you did something that actually takes some work. Plus, you can speak Spanish fluently.”

“I wouldn’t say fluently.”

“MJ, you have a degree in Spanish. You have to be able to speak it,” Patrick said.

“Okay, so maybe I could hold a conversation, but still, I’m not Gabe’s dream girl.”

“You’d be surprised,” William said.

Mary Jane rolled her eyes. “Whatever, guys.”

Later that night, after the concert was over, Mary Jane and Vicky were sitting on their tour bus. “About earlier,” Vicky began. “I never told them about Gabe.”

“I know,” Mary Jane admitted. “It was just kind of weird that they brought it up, you know?”

“Yeah, but they’re right. You kind of are Gabe’s dream girl.”

“Will you shut up about that?”

“Seriously. You’re a smart girl who speaks Spanish. You’re a rock star, even though you won’t admit it. You’re not completely over obsessed with him. You’re kind of his perfect girl.”

“Shall we go over all the reasons you’re Brendon’s dream girl?” Mary Jane asked, trying to turn the tables on Vicky.

“Oh, please. I am not! Besides, we’ve already went over the fact that he doesn’t like me that way. I’m always going to be the girl in the band he’s on tour with.”

“And what makes you think Gabe doesn’t think of me the same way? As the girl that he’s on tour with?”

“I don’t know. But something tells me Gabe likes you as more than that random girl he’s touring with.”

“Shut up, Vicky,” Mary Jane said. “Let’s talk about something else.”
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