We're All Mad Here.

Lost and Found.

She was pretty in a fragile sort of way; small boned and pale skinned with wild, dark hair that quit at her shoulders. She would be beautiful, gorgeous even, if she didn’t look so breakable. No man liked a girl who threatened to shatter in one touch; it just wasn’t appealing.

She held herself with perfect poise and grace; she was taught to never make a sound and to speak only when spoken to.

Hannah grew up in a Manhattan duplex with wood floors and only a Swedish nanny’s love. Her parents bought her nice things, sent her to nice schools, and paid for the best care in the city to make up for the things they couldn’t give her, like their time and love.

Hannah took ballet and tap, she took piano and violin lessons, and she spent her free time reading and studying. She was the perfect child, except for one little flaw; she took everything for granted. She failed to appreciate any of her nice things and only focused on the things she didn’t have. She ignored her talents and focused on writing; it was what she loved most but completely unacceptable as a career; no one could live off of a writer’s salary.

When Hannah turned thirteen she started to let things go. She let her inherited uptight attitude pass. She quit her lessons; she forgot her parents and she spent more and more time in her fantasy world.

She’d make up stories and people in her head. She spent most of her time curled up in her bed imagining. Her grades dropped, she lost her friends, and lost her whole self… or found it, depending on how you look at it.

She was no angel, she was no saint, and there was no way in hell she was perfect; she just couldn’t find the strength to pretend to be all of these things anymore.
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Thanks to Audrey T. for betaing.