About a Girl

Let's Hear It For America's Suitehearts

Fragile white snowflakes cascaded from the overcast sky as I walked slowly and carefully down the road. It was November 23rd 2008, winter being my favourite season, I was quite content. The snow coated everything in sight with a thick sprinkling of flakes, making it all looked like a blank canvas waiting to be painted upon, waiting for a masterpiece to cover it.

In my hometown of Chicago, I was on my way to the apartment I shared with my boyfriend. He was back for the holidays, he’d been away for a couple of months and I hadn’t had a chance to go and see him. So as you could probably guess I was dying to see him.

As I neared the familiar high rise building, a grin managed to make its way onto my chilly face. Although I had around 5 layers on, I was chilled to the core, I couldn’t feel my toes – but at that precise moment I didn’t care.

Walking up the path carefully, strategically avoiding any icy patches I could barely contain my excitement. I made my way to the elevator and hugged myself while I endured the short ride up to the apartment. I knocked three times on the solid oak door and waited for an answer.

Within seconds the door was flung open and I was wrapped in a tight, warm embrace. An embrace I knew well, that of my boyfriend of six years.

“Amy,” he breathed into my hair as we hugged. I pulled back and looked into his brown eyes, his face even more handsome than I remembered. Without saying a word, I put my hands on his cheeks and reached up and kissed him. Warmth spreading through my insides, I smiled into the kiss, as did he. I subconsciously tangled my hands in his hair as he picked me up and took me into the living room.

“I missed you so much.” I said sitting across from him on his worn brown sofa. I thought back to the first time I ever encountered the brown sofa.

“Oh William,” I gushed as my date William Beckett complimented my dress.

“You look beautiful, so I might as well tell you.” He said to me smiling a crooked grin. He took my hand and sat me down on the deep brown sofa in the middle of the room.

We sat and he looked deep into my eyes. “Amy, I just, I just wanted to know if…if you want to be my girlfriend?” he asked me, a blush tinting his usually pale cheeks.

As soon as the words left his mouth, I smiled. “Of course Bill, of course I do!” I squealed.

He pulled me towards him and pecked me innocently on the lips.

I felt a nostalgic smile spread across my face as I looked over at my boyfriend. His brown hair feathered across his forehead, the same crooked grin formed on his lips, I couldn’t help but stare.

Suddenly, I heard a shout from upstairs.

“Uncle Billy!” the small voice called.

I asked, “Who’s that?”

“One second and I’ll show you,” he smiled before running upstairs. I sat confused, looking as the orange, red and gold flames danced around in the fireplace.

I was so engulfed in thought that I didn’t realise that Bill had come back down.

“Say hello to Auntie Amy,” he said to the small girl on his hip.

“Hello Auntie Amy.” She said, her dark brown hair swishing over her shoulders as she did so.

“Hey Emily.” I said to William’s niece. Bill put her down on the floor and she teetered over to me, I held out my arms and picked her up and sat her on my lap.

“How are you Emily?” I asked the three-year-old.

“I’m good thank you,” she said with a seemingly ever-present grin.

“Do you want something to eat Emily?” William asked her, his grin mirroring hers. I knew he enjoyed looking after her – I could tell by the sparkle in his eyes every time he looked after her.

“Yes please.” Emily smiled at him. He picked her up and spun her around as he took her to the kitchen, her delighted giggle flying through the air. I followed them and stood by the door, leaning on the door frame watching Bill feed his niece. The way he interacted with her was so sweet; he was a natural with children. One time after taking him to my cousin’s wedding all of my young cousins, nieces and nephews keep asking me when I’m going to bring back ‘Bilvy’.

After feeding Emily, the three of us cuddled up on the sofa and watched the Mike Myers’ film, The Cat in the Hat. We’d only been watching for around half an hour when we realised that Emily was fast asleep, Bill put her to bed while I tidied up.

Walking down the stairs Bill said, “What are we doing for Christmas this year?”

“Well, I was wondering what you wanted to do, dancing queen.” He smiled.

“Um, seeing as we went to my parent’s house last year, we could go to your parent’s house this year?” he suggested.

“That’d be great! I’ll let my mom know tomorrow that we’re going,” I said trying and failing to hide my excitement. I sat down on the sofa and started watching the film again, although it was a children’s movie – it was one of my favourites. Bill sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder; instinctively I rested my head in the crook of his neck, where it fit perfectly.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around William’s front room. He was no longer next to me, but I could see the kitchen light on, so I slowly got up and went to let him know I was going up to bed.

Poking my head round the door, I saw him stuff something in his pocket. Not taking it on board due to my fatigue, I told him my plans and I gave him a kiss before leaving to the comfort of our bed.

After taking a cold shower, I put on my sweats and headed out to the studio.

Putting my bag down, I grabbed a bottle of water and ad turned the stereo up high and I began running through the new routine I’d come up with. My job as a choreographer and dance teacher was strenuous, but I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t enjoy it. Watching young kids’ eye light up as they begin dancing, it was a magical feeling. Tap, jazz, ballet, street, I did it all. I’d fallen in love with dancing at a very young age, my mom took me to a ballet lesson and the rest is history.

I’d say the highest point in my career is when I choreographed the Fall Out Boy video, Dance Dance. In fact that was the highest point in my career because that was the day I met Patrick Stump, since that day he’d become like the older brother I never had. We were so close, we spoke almost every day.

At the time I was in the midst of choreographing a dance for Katy Perry’s song ‘I Kissed A Girl’. She was performing at an awards ceremony and through William I’d landed the job. I was eternally grateful to him, but whenever I thanked him he always responded with ‘You deserve it.’

4 hours and an almost perfected dance later, I decided it was time for me to leave and head home. William had invited me to the Decaydance Christmas party at Angels and Kings. I was looking forward to it because I hadn’t seen loads of the people for ages and this was going to be the first chance I got to catch up with them all.

I arrived home and took a quick shower before getting into my new black and white dress and doing my hair and make-up.

Around half an hour later, William appeared from nowhere and said “You look beautiful,” before dusting kisses up and down my jaw line.

“Happy birthday baby,” he said quietly, I smiled as it was my 23rd birthday.

I giggled delightedly, “Bill, we have to go.”

“Nah, the party can wait.” He said, continuing to kiss me. I reluctantly pulled away and grabbed him by the hand, dragging him towards the door and out of the apartment.

“Amy!” Patrick shouted as we entered the club.

“Tricky!” I shouted back, running towards him, my arms open.

I vaguely heard Bill tell me he was going to talk to Pete…or it could have been Ryland, I wasn’t too sure. But I was too immersed in my conversation with Patrick to really care. I loved talking to him; I could unleash my nerdy side and not feel completely stupid.

Something that made us both laugh was that people always assumed that we were a couple because of the way we acted around each other, but we both found it absurd. Going out with Patrick would be like going out with family, just plain wrong.

The night carried on, dancing, drinking and conversation taking place in every possible space of the club. Almost everyone I encountered wished me a happy birthday. Each of the Decaydance bands that attended the party had a half an hour slot on the bill.

I walked around the club, drink in hand, trying to find Bill to ask him what time he was on stage, just to make sure I didn’t miss him. But no matter how hard I searched I couldn’t seem to find him. Although, I couldn’t find Bill, I found Zack, Panic At The Disco’s security guy who happened to have a copy of the times. It read:

Tyga: 7 - 7:30
The Cab: 7:30 – 8
Four Year Strong: 8 – 8:30
The Hush Sound: 8:30 - 9
Hey Monday: 9 – 10:00
Cobra Starship: 10:00 – 10:30
Panic At The Disco: 11 – 11:30
The Academy Is…: 11:30 – 12
Fall Out Boy: 12 - 12:40

I looked at the clock behind the bar and it told me that it was 11:20, I could have guessed the time approximately as I could hear Brendon Urie singing Camisado.

Planning ahead, I quickly ran to the bathroom. I had a pee and then re-touched my make up before walking back out, just in time to hear TAI launch into We’ve Got A Big Mess On Our Hands. I pushed my way to the front of the crowd and began singing each and every word of the song back at Bill.

Their set passed way too quickly for my liking, but I enjoyed it all the same.

Looking at me, he said, “This is our last song and I’d like to dedicate it to somebody very special to me.”

Everybody turned to look at me, causing me to blush deeply at his obviousness, subtlety had never been William’s forte.

“This is About A Girl.” He said before they powered through the song, as it came close to the end, unexpectedly, William pulled me up onto the stage and sang the last verse to me.

His eyes bore deep into my own as though we were the only two people in the room.
At the end of the song, I was abruptly pulled out of my daydream and William began talking into the microphone.

“Well as you all know, its Amy’s 23rd birthday today” William told the people, “Why don’t we all sing her happy birthday?” he suggested.

Everyone began singing, making the blush return to my cheeks as I smiled at my boyfriend. As everyone stopped singing, I turned around to make my way off stage, but Bill caught my hand and spun me around.

“Amy, I just wanted to say that you are the best thing that’s ever happened to me and that every day I wonder what I did to be deserve to be with someone as amazing as you,” as if on cue everyone aww’ed. “I don’t want to make this go on longer than necessary, so I’m going to spit it out.”

It was as if it all happened in slow motion. He got down onto one knee and pulled a ring box from his pocket. “Amy, will you marry me?” he asked, his eyes hopeful as he looked up at me. I heard a few gasps from the crowd which made me smile.

I got down on my knees, so we were at equal level and slowly, I put my hands on his cheeks and quietly said “Of course!” then I pulled him into a kiss. Cheers and applause erupted from everyone around as we got up.

I hadn’t even realised, but as our episode took place, the TAI boys had left the stage and Fall Out Boy were there, ready to rock out. Before I got a chance to leave, Andy, Joe and Pete all gave me a hug a kiss on the cheek before giving Bill a hug. I looked past them all and saw Patrick standing there a knowing smile on his face, walked over to him and said “You knew about this didn’t you?” all he could do was nod before I squealed “I’m getting married!” and hugging him as tightly as possible.

Bill appeared and took my hand and lead me off stage as Fall Out Boy began playing I Don’t Care.

We stood in the wings and Bill took the ring from the box and placed in on my finger. It was a simple ring with a silver band and an amethyst in it.

I looked down at the ring on my finger; it looked perfect, on the third finger of my left hand, where it would stay forever.
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Amy's Party Outfit

I hope you guys liked it! I had loads of fun writing it. Its my new tears gift to you all. Hmm, what could you give me? I know, COMMENTS!

