Bella's Lullaby

Chapter Thirteen

Rob's P.O.V

“I’ll drop you off,” I suggested smiling in Bekki’s direction. Even though we were supposedly best friends, I somehow began to feel quite uncomfortable around her. Don’t get me wrong, Bekki was nice and nearly everything amazing there could ever be. It was just that feeling I got. Which told me to stay away from her now considering the fact that I had my Kristen back in my life.

What Bekki had to do with Kirsten? A hell of a lot, I shall say.

I just didn’t want Bekki to wreck what was supposed to happen between Kristen and myself. I loved Kristen with all my heart and more and I really didn’t want to lose that. I had gone through enough already these past few years without her and I didn’t want it to happen the second time round.

It would kill me if it did.

“Look Bekki…” I began as soon as I parked my car outside the hotel Bekki was staying at, “I’m sorry.” I first of all apologised, “I know we are best friends but sometimes in life we have to make sacrifices to achieve something and well…it is worth it in the end…”

“You want me to break off my contact with you,” Bekki interrupted before I could say anything else, “I can’t believe this Rob, I thought you trusted me but I guess I was wrong,” she whispered staring out of the window.

I could feel the pain in her voice, “I like Kristen a lot,” I told her.

“I know you do. I can see it in your eyes Rob; I understand your position completely but it hurts me to think that my own best friend doesn’t trust me!” she cried, “after all these years Rob! You know me really well and your still afraid I might wreck what you have with Kristen,” she sighed, “this is truly unbelievable, I just want to slap you right now.” She said through gritted teeth, “Oh I’m sorry I can’t slap you because if I did that would mean I’m touching you and oh boy Kristen wouldn’t like that.”

I didn’t know what to say to that to be honest, I didn’t like hurting her but it felt as if though it was the only option I had, “I said I’m sorry Bekki!” I apologised once again.

“Well for me sorry isn’t enough.”

Sighing frustratingly I stepped out of the car and opened the door for her, “what do you want?” I asked impatiently.

“I want you!” she screamed in my face, “I want my best friend back!”

“I’m sorry Bekki but like I mentioned before that’s not possible I’m afraid…” I said biting my lip hard.

Bekki began to laugh out loud, “Oh I get it now…” she grinned, “you’re afraid Kristen will find out what happened between us and you’re scared she’s going to leave you all over again just like she did when you were little…”

“She didn’t leave me! I left her and it wasn’t my choice, might I remind you!” I reminded her yet again, now screaming, “how many times do you want me to apologise huh? I said I was sorry! If you were my true friend you would want this for me!” I yelled.

“Well you know what Mister Pattinson?” Bekki stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut, “You’re right…sometimes in life we have to make sacrifices to achieve something and in the end it’s worth it. In our case that is you’re sacrificing my friendship to achieve Kristen’s love and surprisingly I’m okay with that. You said so yourself that if I were a true friend, I’d want this for you…and in my opinion I am a true friend of yours so I’ll leave,” she whispered trying to fight back her tears.

“You will?” I asked her raising an eyebrow, shocked to be quite exact.

She nodded her head, “Yeah,” she said sighing, “I really thought that I could be good friends with both yourself and Kristen but I now know you don’t want that and I’m okay with it, honestly…it will hurt a few days…I’ll miss you there’s no doubt about it but I’ll get use to the loneliness just like before when you weren’t even in my life. It’s all going to be worth it in the end. You’ll get what you desire and I? I’ll just have to sit tight and move on.” And with that she turned her back towards me. “Goodbye Pattinson.”

I watched her leave my life.

I was being selfish, I knew that but I wasn’t left any choice – I knew Kristen well enough to imagine how she would react if she knew the truth about me and Bekki and I was scared.


Entering Kristen’s apartment I slumped myself upon the sofa, closing my eyes I began to drift away into my thoughts. Now that Bekki was gone nothing could go wrong. “Hey,” I opened my eyes to see Kristen sitting right beside me, “You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I smiled and grabbed hold of her hands, “Kristen I love you,” I confessed, “Not just as friends but so much more, I love you Kris, you are my everything, my world. There’s no point in life anymore if you’re not there with me…I just love you.” I said pulling her closer towards myself.

I kissed her running my fingers through her hair; it was a different kind of kiss. Not a friendly one but one full of love and passion and lust. I smiled at her taking a slight break from the kiss, “I love you too,” I heard her squeak.

Grinning widely, I pulled her back into the kiss.
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Great plans for this people =]
Altogether there should be 25 chapters for this story; I've decided.
Feedback anyone?