Bella's Lullaby

Chapter Two

Kristen's P.O.V

Just when I thought my day could not get any better it did, I was excited as ever to tell my family the good news that I had gotten a part in Twilight as Isabella Swan oh and not to forget the bad news which made my quite uneasy that I would not be seeing them for the next six months or so.

The thing was I could never stand a day without my family then, wherever I went they went but this time I would be leaving. Alone. I knew I was being such a baby but the truth was…I didn’t really care. I always got whatever I wanted, whenever there was filming abroad I’d force my parents to come with me too. But this time Catherine the director of Twilight had clearly said the word “Alone” I shook my head in disbelief but kept on repeating to myself, “You are an adult Kris, start to act like one dammit!” that helped me a bit. Sort of.

“You will never guess what!” I screamed with my mouth full.

“Kristen Stewart. Don’t talk with your mouth full!” Again! With the use of the full name! I shook my head at my mother and tried to tell them the news.

“We know honey,” My dad smiled, “I am so proud of you Kristen!” he kissed my forehead.

“It’s Kris dad,” I corrected him, “And you know?”

“Yes of course, you got the part of Isabella!” My mother squealed like a teenage making me laugh.

I sighed feeling a bit on the edge, “There is something else too, you cannot come with me,” I pouted.

Dad looked at mom and they both burst out laughing, “Finally we get some peace!” dad hugged mom.

“What is that supposed to mean?!”

Mom came and sat down beside me, “It means that we are happy staying at home,” she said.

“You are?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yes we are and we wish you the very best of luck,” she kissed my forehead, “We are really proud of you!” she kept on repeating.

I smiled giving her a hug, I felt more relaxed now, “Thanks,” I said getting up, “I’ll be in my room packing,” I informed them and made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom. I had a feeling this was going to be quite an adventure for me and now that I felt more confident. I couldn’t wait to start filming. All I wanted to know was who was going to be my Edward?

Two hours flew by and I had finished my packing except for one very special thing. A picture. It was of me and my childhood best friend. The picture itself was torn in half. I remembered that day really well when I had torn that picture of me and him together in half. I kept the part of the photo of him and he kept the part of me and we both went our separate ways from then on.

I wondered endlessly day and night whether I would be able to see him again, it had been more than twelve years now…I asked myself whether he missed me like I missed him. I doubted it. But there was still hope left in me that he did.

All I knew that this Kristen was completely lost without her Robert.
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I updated this because I wanted too haha. I tried to mix my feelings with Kristen's how she feels about Rob, its how I feel about my childhood best friend....


Comment or I wont update :P

Soffy xD