Bella's Lullaby

Chapter Three

Rob's P.O.V

I had packed all my suitcases, though I didn't need too as of yet because the first meeting was being held right here in London, but I thought I'd get it over and done with. I had asked my parents several times now the same question over and over again about who in the world was Kristen? But, yet again to my dissapointment they always found a way not to give me an answer. I worked out that Kristen was some girl of my past that might have been unsuitable for me and that my parents didn't like her, but then again I was old enough to make my own decisions so what was the problem?

Today, was the first meeting with the director of Twilight, Catherine. Also, the rest of the Twilight cast, I couldn't wait to see the rest of the cast especially the actress who would be playing the role of Bella.

I shipped my hand into my back pocket searching for my car keys but to no avail they were not there. I could just swear I put them in there. I searched my bedroom from top to bottom but still no sign of my keys.

"Mum?" I called for my mother when I went down the stairs and into the kitchen, "Do you know where my keys are?" I asked.

She laughed, "Of course hun, they are right over there on the table," she pointed towards the keys as I laughed picking them up, "What time will you be back because me and your father are going out for dinner tonight,"

I thought for awhile, "I have no idea how long the meeting will last for, but don't worry I'll take the house keys as well," I smiled, "Have fun," I said grabbing my jacket and stepping outside into the night.

Driving through the streets of London, I yet again began to wonder who in the world could Kristen be because I needed to know, who she was, how she knew me and was she someone very special for me. I knew, my parents would not tell me the truth so I decided to sign up on that 'Friends Reunited' website, if she was registered on there too then I'd sure find her soon.

Stepping outside and into Cafe Royale where the meeting was being held my eyes searched the restuarant for Catherine, I soon found her talking to a girl probably from one of the Twilight Crew. I made my way towards Catherine, "Hey," I greeted her with a smile.

"Oh hello Rob! So glad you could make it!" she replied excitedly.

"Thanks again for picking me," I thanked her.

"No problem, you're a natural! I'll be right back!" she said leaving me all alone with the girl whom I sort of recognised. Kind of.

She turned around and I gasped as I recognised who she was, she gasped too and looked at my face as if she had just seen a ghost, "Robert?" she asked.

"Yes, Kristen Stewert?"

"Yes!" she jumped up, "You remember me?!" she screamed.

"No well I've seen you a couple of times on TV but I believe this is the first time we are meeting face to face," I grinned.

She looked towards the floor, "Yeah you're right, of course, " she sighed, "See you at the meeting," she said glaring at me and then walked off. I scrunched my eyebrows together in thought, ok so what was her problem?
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Soffy xD