Vampires Will Never Hurt You

Man With The Plan

Gerard's P.O.V

I was sat on the sofa with Frankie in my arms, our lips hitting one anothers as soft moans escaped once in a while. Sitting here with him made me forget everything.

"Gerard?" Frank asked once we broke apart. "How are we going to 'get rid' of Issak?"

"I-I don't know." Both our faces dropped once we thought about the horrid excuse for a vampire. "I'll see what Harry thinks?"

Yo, Harry...

I unlocked his door, making sure he could here me.

Yeah Gerardzo?

How the hell do we get Issak out of Frank...

Well let me think, you can't...

His tone seemed a little annoyed and I suddenly felt bad.

Well, we can't kill him or Frank would die...

We both began thinking and silence overcame the two of us.

What if I killed him?

Two problems with that, first; you could die and second Frank would die...

Not necessarily, I have had more experience in the field of killing. And Frank, I'm not sure, I don't know about a vampire and vampire attack?

So you're saying that if you and Issak had a fight, there may be a chance you could kill him? Without killing Frank...

My hopes rised and I'm sure Frank knew, by the smiled I felt appear on my face.

"What is it Gee?" Frank questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Harry has suggested attacking Issak without harming you. We aren't sure though." His face mirrored mine and I let Harrry continue.

I know that if a human kills a vampire, then the vampire and it's human dies, okay?

Not really, I don't understand...

If you killed Issak, Frank AND Issak would die, you understand me?

Oh, yeah...

I've never thought about a vampire killing another vampire, I think it would probably work, Issak isn't fully developed?

Oh, because Frank isn't a 'real' vampire...

Exactly, see?

I nodded and filled Frank in. Issak is still locked in Frank's head and will be, for quiet some time.

"Frank, Harry thinks that because Issak isn't TOTALLY 'developed' he might be able to kill him." I smiled wider, if possible, and waited for his answer.

"Oh, that's confusing. I give you fully permisson to, but how will it work?" His face shown confusion and he seemed really anxious.

"Well, you could start to be friends with him, and then when he least expects it... We could attack?" That was a great plan, this whole thing is so confusing.

"Yeah, great plan." Frank agreed and smiled. "Hey, can I speak to Harry please?"

Frank's P.O.V

"Frankzo!" Harry plunged at me and held me down with a hug. "So, what do you think?" He was really excited, I would be to if I knew my life wouldn't be at risk.

"Yeah, I love it. I'm just frightened for your sake." I ment every word, and genuinly happy that he would risk his own life for me.

"Don't worry about me! You've been like a brother to me, it's the least I could do. You accepted me like a normal person." My eyes welled up with tears of happiness. I softly hugged him, not a needy hug or an excited hug. Just a hug that said 'I love you like a brother, always remember that,' type of embrace.

"So, lets take our mind off things and bake some cakes?" I cheered the mood up even more. A gleam of joy flashed violently through his eyes. I giggled as his face lit up.

*An hour later*

Me and Harry was playing scrabble. Most of the words we picked were to do with vampires. I couldn't be bothered to play any more, all my energy had been lost and Harry felt the same.

Damn, we wore each other out! Both our hyper levels were the same, making us both tire eachother out.

"So, I'm going to bed. Good night," He hugged me and when we pulled apart, I knew Gerad had returned.

"Baby, I'm so happy." he smiled and it was obviously contagious as I couldn't stop smiling either.

My head leat towards his and I sat down with him on the sofa, not breaking the kiss. We started the day like this, and We'll end it that way.
♠ ♠ ♠
6 stars! *Does dance* Ha!
Thanks so much! These amazing subscribers comment every chapter, it's fantastic!cherub1578
Aiden Burn's.

Cherub1578-You are very welcome, I love thanking people who comment, just so they know how much it means.

I got a queston... Can any-one tll me why I picked Harry and Issak their names? =)