Make up Make up never never brake up!!

Those were the years...

As I sat at my table with 5 other children I didn’t really know I slurped my milk. I could see 2 of the boys on our table play fighting with toy dinosaurs and 2 little girls with blonde hair tied in pigtails eating their biscuit and drinking their milk like good little girls. I had my dolly I was playing with next to me on the table. Since I first came here this morning I had been playing with the dolly and nothing else. I didn’t like the sandpit, I didn’t like the babies, I didn’t like the potato heads I only wanted the dolly. Suddenly someone’s hand snatched the dolly…MY dolly away. I dropped my biscuit and looked up to see a girl had snatched her off of me.
“Give her back” I said standing up and grabbing dolly by the head.
“She’s mine now” the girl said tugging back. I tried to hold on to dolly but the girl pushed me over. I sat on the floor and tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t stop crying even when the pre-school teachers told me it was someone else’s go and I shouldn’t be so selfish with dolly. They didn’t understand, it wasn’t fair I had her first.
I sat by myself in a chair watching the other kids playing, then someone tapped me on the shoulder.
“I got your Dolly off of that mean little girl. I saw her take it from you, you can have her back now” the girl had shoulder length wavy red hair with big brown eyes and tanned looking skin. I smiled at her and took Dolly back,
“You can play with me and Dolly if you want” I said smiling at the girl. She smiled back.
“I’m Emily” she said “what’s your name?”
“Samantha” I replied.