Make up Make up never never brake up!!

How things normally are

I giggled while walking down the street with Emily.
“He asked me for my number” I said between giggles.
“Did he? Awww what if he asks you out” Emily said as we walked with my arm draped over her shoulder.
“I doubt he’ll even phone me, I mean he’s alright as a guy but I’ve only just met him so…”
“Yeah sooo….you could go out” she finished off my sentence.
We stopped at the end of the path and I leaned against a wall next to us. I shook my head slightly and pulled a face.
“You know you wanna!” she said.
“I don’t know. Look can we just forget about it, he won’t even call me” I was still laughing, something had made me go hyper. Normally when me and Emily are together we are hyper.
As I leaned against the wall waiting for my mum to pick us up my eyes started closing slightly.
“You’re not going to sleep!” Emily said poking me.
“My mums here” I said opening my eyes. We giggled and ran like little girls over to my mum’s car and climbed in.

“Have a nice time girls?” my mum asked as we buckled our seatbelts in.
“Yeeaaaahhhh” I said.
“Me and Em are gonna sleep in the living room, is that okay?” I asked turning the radio over.
“Yeah that’s fine. What are you two doing tomorrow then because I’ve got work in the morning but I think Jack will be in?”
I shrugged “we’ll probably go out somewhere, isn’t Jack going out with his girlfriend Louisa tomorrow?” I asked. Mum looked at me
“They broke up”
“WHAT!” Jack never told me.
“Well why would he want his little sister knowing?”
Suppose she had a point there. After a while I said
“So who dumped who?”
“He dumped her I think, something to do with ‘she’s doing my head in’” mum said putting on my brother’s voice.
That’s weird, I thought. He seemed like he was quite serious with Louisa.