If Home Is Where The Heart Is, Then Were All Just ***ed.

Everything you say, every time we kiss..

I will never get over Adam, he was my biggest relationship, i had relationships, they just wern't serious,
Patrick's a different subject, i really do like him, i mean he's my boyfriend i have to like him, but its
not the like/love i want, i want something where we both feel the same, and to be honest i think Patrick and
me are at two different stages in are relationship. He goes way to fast for my liking, i think he's one of the
guys that thinks just because we were friends before we were an 'item' that we know everything about each other
so deserve to be like deeply deeply in love. That doesnt work with me. It doesnt matter how long i've known someone
Im still not going to jump into bed with them in a heartbeat. And yes all those Patrick lovers, im not making this
up he actually is a little sex mad. I know you all thought Pete was like that, but baby its the other way around,
well not that i know what Petes like in bed, but i do know he doesn't have a 'bit on the side' unlike his 'wife'
well thats what he likes to call her. Im worried that Patrick does, i don't give him what he wants so he takes
it from someone or someTHING else.

Im still in love with 3 men.

1. Adam, hes the best thing to happen to me, Will's just a cock and ruined it.

2. Patrick, i love him dearly, not deeply.

3. Pete. Im scared to say that myself, but as much as i may like him, hes married. I wont ruin that.

4. William...

"Mollie, im going to see Joe quickly, got my phone if you need me!" he shouted to me as he left the house.

"Relax.. Relax.." i kept trying to tell myself this.

"FUCK it!" i got out of the bath and went towards my phone,

The only way i was going to work out if Patrick had a bit on the side, was to talk to my source's.
First, Joe!


"Heyy Mollie, whats up?" he asked with a bit of excitment.

"Miss me?" i asked with a smile.

"Yes, you and Patrick!" He said still happy.

"Arn't you seeing him today though?" i asked in the most fake surprised voice i could muster.

"Uhh no he told me he was staying home today, i asked him if he wanted to do something.." he questioned.

"I fucking knew it!" i mumbled.

"Knew what?" he asked.

"Never mind, if i get my facts correct, then i'll tell you!" i replyed..

"Okay, well you sound as though you have a mission to do, wanna talk later?"

"Definatly, thanks, love ya' Joe!" i said smiling.

Next, Andy.



"Ohh good Andy i was just..."

"This is Andy, i havn't picked up because im either in the studio, to lazy to pick up my phone,
or saw your name flash across my screen and didn't wanna talk to you, so if ya wanna get in touch
that much, leave a message demanding my important time!" his voicemail.

"Shit.. Andy please get back to me, i truely hope that my name didn't come under the latter,
Love you muchly, talk soon" i let out a sigh.

Last but not least, Pete.. the one i was dreading, i thought i would get enough information
from Joe and Andy that i didn't or wouldn't need to get in contact with Pete but, shit happens.

I hate to think this about Patrick.

I found Petes number in my phone book and stared at it.. Aimlessly knowing that doing this
was not helping this situation at all. Ahh for fuck sake..


"Hey?" it was female..

"Hey wrong number, i was hoping for Pete, sorry.." i went to hang up.

"No, No this is Pete, well no its Ashlee but Petes in the shower so i answered his phone, sorry.
Would you like me to take a message?" She asked.

Slag.. Dont get me wrong, i like Ashlee but answering his phone?

"No No, i'll just call back later, dont worry, but thanks" I replied with a smile, and hung up.

Fuck, now nothing to accuse him of. Dont get me wrong, i love Patrick, but i dont like to be cheated,
i Wont be cheated.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Patrick walked in the door whilst i was watching Judge Judy on the television.
What? That lady makes me laugh!.

The stench of cheap perfume hit my nostrils.

I can't take it any longer, i had to say something with or without enough amo.

"Heyyaa baby" he said stumbling into the living room.


"Patrick we need to talk" i said looking to the sofa opposite me.

"Please don't give me the 'Patrick we need to talk' speech, im not in the mood" he replied.

"Patrick sit the fuck down before i get pissed." i replied still looking at the sofa.

He didn't move.

"Fine play it that way, you knew this was comming didn't you." i asked.

"Knew what was comming?" he asked with a smirk.

"I never knew you were that kind of man Patrick, i expected more."

He laughed.

"Never judge a book by its cover hunny, or a magazine for that much" he said still laughing.

"For fuck sake Patrick, you really no how to piss me off, what was the point in this fucking
relationship, if you knew you were going to fuck some cheap whore behind my back, Joe even
proved my accusations were correct!" i said getting angry.

"For one, she was not a cheap whore. For two, my plan of this relationship was just to get back at
Pete. For Three Joe knew i was sleeping with Dannii" he smirked towards me.

"DANNII?" I Shouted.

"Yes DANNII" he replied mimiking me.

"That was low Patrick, real low." i said disappionted in both him and Dannii.

"Whats that supposed to mean?" he replied cocking his head to the side.

"You, i think the papers will enjoy this" i replied with a smirk, and fueled this argument with more amo.

"You wouldn't" he stood with his mouth open.

"Now the tables have turned dear Patrick, this is for 1. thinking that just because Pete wanted me, you could have me,
that is way to low, even for you, 2. Sleeping with Dannii. 3. Making me care for you..." i turned on my heel as a tear slowly fell down my cheek.

The only person i really wanted to talk to was Pete, and i wasn't going to give into what Patrick thought.

I was laying on my bed looking at the photograph of my family thinking of all the things that i'd left behind, the amazing lifestyle,
i gave up on just for this shit hole.

My phone started to vibrate, i hoped it was either my mum or Pete. I Checked the screen ID first and it was Joe.

"Hello?" i questioned. He had to be calling for a reason.

"Ughh well.." i could tell he was scratching the back of his neck. " Patric.."

"Joe i don't care if Patricks there with you or not, but im not speaking to him,
the papers will be doing it for a long time when im done with him" i replied smirking.

"But Mo.." Beeeeeep.



"You rang?"

"PETEEEE! Wait, i didn't ring."

"I know but i can sense you!" he laughed.

"That was kinda dirty anyway. Patrick slept with a slut" i said feeling the tears coming again.

"I'll be right there, hold on 2 secs" he said trying to muffle the noise of the phone whilst speaking to Ashlee.

"Why are you leaving so suddenly?" i heard her muffle.

"..Em..er...gency.." i heard Pete whisper.

I heard the door shut and a car engine start

"I'll be there in 2 chick!" he hung up.

I waited.





"Pete where the fuck are you 2 seconds my ass!" i left a voicemail.


I opened the door and saw a very wet looking Pete.

"My car broke down.. some how and i tried to fix it but this is me were talking about so then i phoned some guy and he
said he needed to take it to somewhere and gave me an address to come and pick it up in a week so then i had to walk here
and i got wet and im FUCKING freezing." he said quickly .

I moved out of the door way for him to come in.

I gave him a pair of my jeans and put his and his t-shirt in the wash.

"Give me the goss" he said sitting down with wet hair, his feet on the coffee table and whilst turning his phone off. I followed suit.


"All of it!" he exclaimed.

"Okay so basically ever since've been going out with Patrick i just thought something wasn't right between us, i didn't wanna say anything,
because i honestly did like being with him. But i started to get wierd feelings when he left the house and today when he left this morning just
after you got back from tour he said he was going to Joe's i was in the bath and i was trying to convince myself that everything was fine, and
although he had spent every hour of every living day with him for the past 3 months, they were just looking over some band stuff. I kept telling myself
to relax but it really wasn't working so i got out the bath and rang Joe, Joe said he wasn't there and said Patrick told him he was staying home so i
kinda explained the story to Joe, just not in full detail and then said i was going to ring Andy, i tried ringing Andy but i got his voicemail,
and to be honest was quite offended. So the only thing i could think of was you. So i rang you and Ashlee answered. Then Patrick came home and all i
could smell was cheap perfume, so i told him and then he told me he was only going out with me to piss you off." i told him quickly averting my eyes
to the magazine on the coffee table. Trying to distract myself from his toned chest.

He sat kind of shocked.

"Pete.. Pete!" i shouted.

~*Petes POV*~

"So he did this to piss me off?" she nodded.

"Even though he new i had a wife?" she nodded again.

"He told you this?" she nodded again. I stopped asking questions i new she was pissed with what Patrick had done.

"Bastard, where is he, im gunna kick his head" i said removing myself of the sofa.

"Calm down Pete, hes at Joes i think, he tried to talk to me earlier just before you rang, And you cant, he's your band mate!! "

"Come on then!" i said picking her up.

"Im not going anywhere near him, you don't understand the half of it, he slept with Dannii!"

That shocked me, that really was low.

"You have to speak to him Mollie, he may have been the bastard to you but please be the bigger wo-man" i nudged her laughing.

She didnt laugh back.

"Okay sorry for my lame attempt of a joke, lets make some food and watch a movie?" she nodded eagerly.

After a 45 minute attempt of making pizza, we did it, yes it was slightly crispy but beggers can't be choosers.
I picked out Snakes On A Plane to watch and we sat down with duvets and Pizza. We got about half way through the movie
when the door opened all by its self.

"Patrick.." she mumbled.

He came round the corner and stared blankly.

"Move on quick ayy Mollie?" he replied smirking.

"Atlea..." I Began

"Don't waste your breath" she said looking towards Patrick.

"Patrick put your key down on the table and fuck off, im not in the mood for your pointless arguments," she argued.

"Just dont tell the papers" he asked looking towards Mollie.

She nodded, but never promised, a nod means nothing in Mollies world.

Patrick left just as she had told him to. And i could tell she really needed to cry
so when the door shut i looked at her, and saw the tear slowly fall down her cheek.
I pulled her into a hug and whispered to her..

"Mollie, as much as he may be my band mate, he can still bitch, just ignore it, you
can make someone else's life that much better" i said rubbing her back.

"Like who? Patrick turned out to be a dick, I ruined the relationship between me and
Adam, and William, well William's just William, i just don't feel anything there, i really want
to aswell, theres no one else.. everyone thinks im just a quite girl that doesn't really want
to talk to anyone.. There all fucking right, i gotta go again, thats the only way, bye job that i
actually may like, bye flat i was starting to get used to, hello fuck-tard parents. Maybe its better than before"
I could tell she was disappionted in the words she just spoke, but i wouldn't let her go through with it,
Patrick was not going to ruin this for her.

"No No No No No No, Mollie to pack up and move just because some dousche bag guys, come on i
have my own record label, im sure i could find one descent guy for your to date, please
give it a try" i pleaded.

She gave me a skeptical look.

"One chance Pete if it.. noo if i fuck it up, im gone"

"I understand, now shall we watch the rest of the film?"

"Sure" she smiled.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 hours later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~* Mollie's POV *~

"Cyaa Pete, thanks for the shoulder" i waved as he got out of my car.

"Thanks, chick, anytime" he laughed as he walked into his house.

I drove home, i didn't want to go 'home' so i went to a hotel, turned off my
phone and slept, and dreamed.

"Agh! Stop thinking! Stop dreaming! I hate guys!" i screamed

If someone walked passed my room at this point they would of thought i was crazy.
I Stayed for about 3 days, no phone calls, no text messages and no Patrick.
Hell would break loose when i came back to earth.

~~~~~~~~~~ 3 days later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walked into my flat and pushed the door open and the mail that had piled up.

I eventually turned my phone on.

27 New Text Messages.

36 New voicemails.

43 Missed calls.

Unknown number
Unknown number


Voice mails along the lines of

"Mollie where are ya we should catch up sometime.

Mollie, we should talk, please.

Mollie where are you?

Long time no speak?

Mollie you there?

Please ring me."

Text messages

"Mollie, what happened to you?

Mollie please texts back,

Mollie been called recently :D"

Better sort this out.




"Uhh Hiya?"

"Where the fuck have you been?"

"I needed to get away for a while, 3 days later, im all good!" i said smiling, even if he couldn't see me.

"Dont you ever EVER do that again!" he said sternly!

"Calm down Pete!"

"Im coming over! The cars fixed!" he said excitedly.

..Hung up..

Lets ring an 'Unknown number'



"I guess im an unkown number on your phone to?" i asked.

"Ughh yeah who is this?"

"Mollie, ring any bells?"

"Ohh Petes friend!"

"Ohhh, i get it, and you are?"


"The mystery date i guess" i asked.

"You could say that"

"Sorry 'Gabe' but Pete is comming over in a minute and he's already pissed enough with me, can we talk later?"

"Sure" he replied.


Pete doesnt wait does he?

"Knock Knock" Pete said as he walked into my apartment.

"Heyaa Pete come in sit down!" i said with sarcasm.

"Im allowed!" he stated.


"Just caus.." he replied looking for a reason.

"Give it up Pete, but one day i will laugh so hard when you try to come in and its locked!"

"Ha Ha very funny.."

"Well im laughing, and im sure 'Gabe' would to" i added with quotation marks to emphasize Gabe.

"So he called?"

"No Pete i made up a name that happened to be one of the members that are on your record label"

"Calm it lady, just caus you had a rest for a while doesn't mean you get to be all 'happy happy, im going to piss you off' some of us do have to work.."

"You say that like i've never worked a day in my life"

"Yeah b.."

"Pete i've worked tripple the amount of days you have!"

"yeah b.."

"Exactly now shut up!"

"Fine.. but i do work" he said with a puppy dog look.

"Pete if you call talking to band mates and managers over the phone, sorting out tour dates occasionally and talking about how many pairs of Nike Dunks you own then fine,
i will believe that occasionally you do work.. but theres more to life than what your doing right now"

..... Silence, now i felt a bit mean.

"Im sorry Pete that was a bit harsh, its just im not saying that you don't work, im simply stating that i work more than you do"


"Pete don't go all 'Cry me a river' on me, please!"

I'd pissed him off with my little out burst.

He turned around to leave,

"I only came to see how you were now i can leave, right?"

"If you want to.." i replied looking towards the floor, he looked towards me.

"Sorry!" he said and walked towards me, pulling me into a hug.

"Were both as bad as each other" i replied laughing slightly.

"Okayy, so are you happy that im back?" i asked


I was shocked

"Why not?"

"Because you shouldn't have gone in the first place!" he was joking!


"We'll cant stay long gotta' talk to gabe about his album, hes doing some recording, you can come to if ya like..?"

"Sure, can i shower and get changed and eat first?!"

"Sure, hurry up Pete needs starbucks!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 30 minutes laterr ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

We drove round starbucks towards the drive through, i asked why we couldn't go in there.
He had two replies one consisted of 'To lazy' and the second one was something like 'Dannii!'

"What d'ya want?" he asked looking towards me when were near the small about 15 year old kid.

I told him what i wanted and engaged in converation about funny tour stories, even if i had
heard alot of them over the phone from Patrick, i shuddered at the thought of him.

"You okay?" Pete asked looking at me skeptically.

I gave him a nod.

"You sure your not cold" he smiled "You live in an igloo?"

"No, im fine just.. yeah, fine!"

We got our drinks and made are way to the studio.
We walked into the studio swinging our arms with each other.
I laughed.
We walked into a room where there was about 6-7 people in it.

"Hey guys!" Pete exclaimed as he walked into the room.

"Peteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" some one shouted and ran towards him.

"Brendon! Keep of the skittles and redbull!" he stated.

"Can't blame him, they are damn good!" i said with a smile.

"Your not ment to encourage him!" he smiled back.

"Pete, new lady? What happened to Ashlee?" questioned a girl.

"Vicky! No 'New Girl' this is Mollie, my new best friend, sorry Patrick" he said looking behind the glass.

"Bye Pete" i waved and removed myself from his grip and towards the door.

Pete grabbed my arm again.

"For fuck sake! You two grow up, this needs to be sorted out"

"Pete there is nothing to 'sort out' i wasn't the cheating bitch in all of this was i Patrick?" i stated.

Patrick walked out of the booth.

"No!" i said sternly, i noticed everyone else in the room looking rather confused.

"Ohh, i spoke to the magazine company the other day, they'd love to hear my story.. maybe front page material" i smirked, knowing i was pissing him off.

"Mollie, how can i plead any more?"

"You can't" i replied yanking my arm from Pete again.

"Well thanks for the invite Pete.. but im sure i can find many better place's to be than here.. like err WORK!" opps..

I walked out of the room being chased by someone. I got to the bottom of the stairs i was about to walk out and call a
cab before someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can i help?" i asked turning around, to be met with a very tall, tanned, toned man, Jezz! He was gourgeous.

"Gabe," he said extending his hand. FUCK. ME.

"Mollie," i replied extending my hand.

"Your very tall," i said looking up towards his face.

"No No, your just very small!" he replied with a smile.

"Lunch?" he questioned

"Sure.." i replied as he extended his arm for me to hold.

We walked out of the studio, well i suppose it takes me away for a while, and its better than being at work.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey Monday - 6 Months :D

i hope this makes up for it, i had wrote it up ages ago, kept forgeting
then would remember when the internet stopped working
so would write more, so Yum :D
love you guys thank you muchly :D
please comment!