
Weak In The Knees

Quinn stopped mid sentence to place a hand over her mouth. A wave of nausea came down on her out of nowhere. All the faces at the conference table blurred and the room felt like it was rotating. Quinn rolled backwards from the table and stood on unsteady legs. “Excuse me.” Her voice was barley audible. Speaking had become rather hard with vomit climbing up her esophagus. She walked briskly through the large glass double doors and broke out into a full out sprint to the restroom. She burst through the bathroom door with unbelievable force. Quinn stuck her head into the first open receptacle she could find. A trashcan. She braced her hands on the sides of the can and spilled the contents of her stomach into the bundles of damp paper towels. She gagged from the smell and taste of her own bile. The thought of her throwing up just made her even sicker. Quinn dealt with many unpleasant things but the very idea of her getting sick was not comforting to her consciousness.

There was a knock on the women’s restroom door. Quinn was to preoccupied trying to breath to invite in the concerned person on the opposite side of the door. Her eyes were watering and her caramel skin was tinged red from the ordeal. She tottered over to the sink never leaving her hunched over position. She flicked on the cold water and dunked her face into it. She cupped her hand and splashed the refreshing water into her parched mouth. She was reluctant to swallow anything, but her throat was in desperate need of relief from the uncomfortable burning caused by the stomach acid.

The door creaked open. Trajen stood in the doorway, his dark eyes reflected concern before it vanished quickly.

“I am okay.” Quinn croaked. She cut off the water and grabbed a hand full of paper towels. She rubbed them over her face , drying herself off.

“Are you sure?” Trajen stepped into the bathroom, letting the door close behind him. Quinn turned toward him and nodded. She pushed her dark locks back from her face. Trajen smiled at her affectionately. He pressed a hand to her forehead and then the palm of his hand against her cheek. “You are warm,” Trajen said quietly. She nodded and moved away from Trajen. She turned to herself in the mirror to inspect her image.

Her make up and hair was ruined. She sighed and grabbed another paper towel and began blotting away the smeared eyeliner. She ran her long fingers through her hair hoping in vain that it might help with her disheveled appearance.

“You look fine.” Trajen interjected. He had one eyebrow raised at her.

“Why don’t you just go to bed? I will come up to your room later and fill you in about the rest of the meeting. Its not a mandatory one, anyway.” Quinn nodded at that idea.

“Thanks, tell everyone I am really sorry about this,” She sighed and ran her hands through her hair again, trying to smooth it down, “I am just going to.. Go to bed now.” Without another word Quinn was out in the hallway and heading for her room. Her insides still felt knotted and Trajen’s appearance didn’t help. He made her knees go weak, weather he knew it or not. He should have known, though. He should have sensed it with his supernatural talents. He knew things, she would never know. He had experienced smells and taste Quinn was sure she couldn’t even begin to fathom. He after all was a Lycan. The sound of the bathroom door hinges made Quinn stop in her tracks. She turned around and locked eyes with Trajen. The look in his eyes made every nerve in her body ignite with excitement, she scolded herself.

She shook her head.

Things had not been the same between them since that night, a month ago. Things where never going to be the same,ever again.
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First story.
I am excited to be publishing something. I have been rolling this idea around. It is a work in progress. I am looking forward to feedback, for better or worse.
