‹ Prequel: Snapshots of Reality

The Webs We Weave

Chapter 27.

Clover came back with some tissues and sat down. When I told her she would need tissues I wasn't being serious. It was just I was going to tell her some things that would more than likely piss her off and then she would get all upset and start crying on me. So I sat down across from her and thought of a nicer way to say this. All I needed to do was know the complete truth, because I honestly wanted to make this relationship work. Clover was my future, well if thats the way she wanted it to be.

"I'm ready." Clover exhaled. "Just promise me it has nothing to do with my sister. I mean, I love you both, but I can't take anymore Rider secrets."

"Nothing to do with her." I sighed. "But it's about Max again. I know before you said that you didn't care about him that way, but I think you were lying to me. I can forget all about the whole sleeping together thing, but when I said we would be honest with each other I meant completely honest. Like if you're in love with another guy you fucking tell me. Not him."

Her face fell. "I didn't say I was in love with him. I just said I loved him, and I do as my friend."

"Since when the hell are friends 'Head over Heals' for each other? Because I'm friends with Jen and Nicky and all your other damn friends, but I do not say I'm head over heals for you!" I had gave up on being nice. This was just too hard and being calm during this seemed very unlikely. "How would you feel if one of your friends called and told you I said something like that to one of them?"

"I don't know." She looked at her feet.

"The hell you wouldn't Clover. You would be cussing me up one side and down the other. So don't even sit there and look at me like I'm being dramatic. I want us to grow old together, I really do. But your making that really hard. I can't sit back and let you tell my friends you love them, it just won't work." I pressed my fingers into my temples. "I'm not leaving this time. Trust me I don't want to lose another damn part of my body. So I'm going to go upstairs, take a shower and just wait. You go ahead and think, call someone, or whatever it is you do when I leave."

The stairs creaked as I walked up them slowly. My heart was pounding from all the yelling that just happened. It always seemed that I was the bad guy, while Clover just sat there and looked at me. Arguing with her was one thing I always hated, but we seemed to be doing it so much lately that it was getting old. If she wanted Max, then I just wanted her to go for it. I didn't want her to keep me thinking that I was the one she cared about. Because if she would rather be with Max then she could go for it. I would never stand in the way of her happiness, even if it was no longer going to be with me.

When I got upstairs to my room I just sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor. It seemed like I was only making my life harder, along with everyone I loved. They would all probably be better if I had died in that car crash. I was no longer in the band, no longer had a girlfriend who loved me and me only, and I had a kid. One that was perfect and I would love to spend more time with, but it looked like Clover was removing me and putting Max in. It was really fucking great how she couldn't make up her mind.

"Ronnie." She said walking into the room. "I don't need time alone, and I don't have anything to think about because I already know what I want."

"Oh and what the fuck is that?" I yelled. "Is it Max? Yeah I figured it was. So quit playing your sick game of cat and mouse and get it over. Tell me you want Max and you want me out of your life, again. Just know I won't be waiting this time. Clover I'm not your damn rebound."

"You don't get it Ronnie." She shook her head and her voice was full of frustration. Just sit down and let me explain it all."

"Listen Clover. If you're leaving me for Max then just walk out. I don't want to hear any reason, because honestly there probably all lies, even though you promised to be honest. But if you still want to work on what we had, then sit down and explain what my ex-best friend just told me." I let out a laugh. "And about that. If you are choosing Max over me you should really look into that. Look how quickly he sales you out. He doesn't Love you, Max doesn't know how to love anyone but Max. So what's it going to be? Sit down and talk to me, or walk out and live with the backstabber?"
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