‹ Prequel: Snapshots of Reality

The Webs We Weave

Chapter 41.

Watching Nicky walk away from us pissed me off. She was supposed to be here for Clover, and help support us through this mess. None of us had expected to see her change sides so quickly. I mean, What had Rider ever done for her? How could she turn her back on everyone that cared about her and just walk away. I was going to let it go, forget about it, until I saw the look in Clover's eyes. You could see that she was fighting back the tears and thats when I went after her. If she was going to walk away then she was going to give me a damn good reason.

"Hey." I yelled as she opened the door to her car. "What the fuck is this?"

She shook her head and slid inside her car. "Ronnie just drop it." She said slamming the door and cracking the window a little. I managed to pull the door open just as she started to drive away. This really caught her by surprise and she jumped out of the car, attempting to take a swing at me. "I said fucking drop it. You don't understand shit about me and I don't really give a damn if you do."

"I don't give a damn if you like me." I said calmly. "Hell you could hate my fucking guts and I wouldn't lose a second of sleep. The only thing that gets me is how you can turn your back on Clover." I pointed towards the house and Nicky turned away. I was sick of people hurting Clover, and I would make it a point. "You either get your ass in that house and explain why you can't help, or you leave. Get in your fucking car and drive. Get as far away from here as you can. Because I swear Nicky, If you go against us in court then I will come after you. Because if I lose the children I don't care what happens to me."

"Well I guess this is goodbye." She smirked. "Tell Clover I said Bye to."

"The hell I will." I growled. "I'm not telling her shit. You want to say something do it yourself. I'm not your messenger. You're nothing to me now."

We stared at each other for a long time. Finally she let out a sigh and got into her car. There may have been a trace of regret in her face but I wouldn't let that get to me. She had just betrayed my family. I may not like any of the guys in the house right now but at least they were helping us. They could actually say they were true friends to Clover. After watching Nicky pull out of the driveway and speed off I hurried back in the house. Everyone was whispering quietly while Clover sat in the corner rocking Emery. She still seemed pretty upset.

"How are you doing?" I asked sitting next to her.

"Why?" Was all she asked.

"I don't know." I sighed. "She wouldn't tell me anything."

"I don't understand people." She handed Emery to me. "They act like they'll always be there until you need them most. If she tries to call tell her I don't want to talk. Just say I want her gone for good."

I nodded and looked down at Emery. The thought of losing her made me that much angrier. Clover and I had tons of people willing to testify but none of it seemed to calm my fears. Rider was a tough chick and I knew she could do a lot. I just prayed this was something she would win. The way she looked at me when she left the hospital terrified me. Never had someone looked at me with so much hate. I'm sure it was all because I chose Clover over her, and she has a shitty life. But none of that was my fault.

"It's going to be okay." Jen said placing her hand on my shoulder. "I know what Nicky did seems bad, but I'm sure she has her reasons."

"What is she doesn't?" I spat. "What if she decides to tell all the bad stuff about Clover and I? Will you still try to protect her then?"

"No." She sighed. "I wouldn't do that, but I don't think Nicky is out to get you. I think she just has reasons to stay out of it all. Now if she sides with Rider then I'll have some words for her as well."

"Alright." I smiled and Emery. "Will you take her up to Clover? I have somewhere I need to go. Maybe I can fix all of this before things get bad."

"Where?" She asked taking Emery from me.

"I have to go talk to Rider. If I could just find out why then maybe I can talk her out of it. "

"Not without me." She handed Emery off to Shauna. "I'm not letting you go alone so shit can get started. You know Rider. She would make up some crap about you two having an affair. And I will not let anything happen to your marriage. Just let me tell Clover where we are going. I know she won't want to go. Because she would probably kill Rider, and we cannot have that."
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Sorry it's kinda short.