Pale Moon

This is about a girl named Irina Williams who is dating a guy named Aiden. Aiden's not normal though. He has a secret. He's a werepire. Then Chelsea tells Irina something that changes everything.
  1. Hurt
    This is what happens when Chelsea says something she shouldn't have.
  2. After the Fall
    Chelsea tries to comfort Irina after what happened with Aiden.
  3. The Dream
    This is the dream Irina had.
  4. Later
    The next few days leading up to the next big thing.
  5. Problems
    Irina's dad has been taken by demons. What will she do?
  6. Pain
    The person Irina called comes.
  7. Information
    Irina tells Aiden about her father, and Aiden tells Irina more about the Luna Nueva League.
  8. Remembering
    Irina remembers when she found out Aiden was a werepire.
  9. Confused
    Big confusion between Irina and Aiden.
  10. Lied To
    Aiden kind of lied about something slightly important.
  11. Thirsty
    Aiden didn't eat. What'll he do?
  12. Go To Sleep
    Irina needs to rest, wouldn't you think?
  13. Awake
    Irina wakes up after sleeping for a while.
  14. Mysterious
    Who is this mysterious person?
  15. Found
    What does this person want?
  16. Two Plus Two
    What once was two, now is four.