Forever And A Day.

Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up with this huge smile on my face.

Wait make that a gigantic smile.

I couldn't wait to see Gerard again. Although I don't know when that will be. I should have given him my number or something but I didn't wanna sound or look desperate.

But the more I think about it I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship.

I just cant help thinking about Gerard though.

Ive never got lost in someones eyes before. Hell I haven't ever thought about anyone this much just after a day of meeting them after what happen with Edward.

Think Happy Thoughts...

I just kept repeating that. I think I'm gonna go back to the club tonight and see if his band is playing tonight. I called in sick at work. When i got to the club they were playing at last night I didn't see there name on the sign. I walked up to the bartender.

"Hey do you know if my chemical romance is playing here tonight" I asked
Not that i know of he said.

I drive all this way and there not playing It fucking figures I thought to myself.

Since I drove two hours I decided to have a drink. I was sitting at the bar just thinking to my self about how stupid I was for driving two hours away just to see this guy I just met last night. I was getting ready to leave when someone taped my shoulder. I turned around and was met with the beautiful eyes I saw last night.

"I would have asked you this last night but that didn't happen so what I'm trying to say is would you like to dance with me?" He asked with that sexy smirk.

"Of course" I replied with this cheesy look on my face. '

What I couldn't help it I was seriously into this guy. Which was kind of scaring me.

He grabbed my hand and and as corny as it sounds i swear i felt some kind of spark. As we walked to the dance floor they started to play juicy.

I know I said i don't listen to rap anymore but and this is a big but my favorite song of all time is juicy.

Or is it?

I don't actually remember seeing how long ago that seems but It's defiantly between juicy and keep your head up. I just don't know which I like more.

When we got to the floor Gerard wasted no time in putting his hands on my waste and pulled me close. As we moved our hips to the beet I couldn't feel any more content then I ever had since before I met Edward. The longer we danced the more into it I became. I could feel Gerard was into it to. When i turned so my back was to him i could feel something poking into my lower back.

Girls believe me when I say this Gerard is not a little boy.

I felt his lips on my neck and i started to freak and i started to pull away. I thought twice about it and decided to stay with him. He seemed nice enough. But when he started to suck on my collar bone i lost it. I started crying and freaking out. I couldn't breath right I just had to get some air. I pulled away and ran.

I was outside the club when i heard my name being called. I turned around and i saw Gerard running towards me. fear took over me and i just stood still until he made it over. He tried to give me a hug and i flinched.

I'm sorry Gerard I cant do this. I told him softly.
Do you want to talk about it? he asked.
I'd rather not i said as i started tearing up.
He pulled me towards his chest and i couldn't hold back. I started bawling.

We stayed like that for a while and when i pulled away i noticed his shirt was soaked.
I'm so sorry Gerard.
Its okay really.

Look Gerard i have to go. I have work in the morning i said as he gave me a hug goodbye. Here take this he said handing me a piece of paper.

i got to my car and i open it.

Need to talk? Ill always listen, ill never hurt you
xoxo g

I smiled to my self and pulled out of the parking heading for the highway