Status: In hold

Darkness Isn't That Bad...Right?

What happened before all the adventure started?

"This is the time where our world connects with theirs...the hour of twilight."
"Where could he be?!"
"I have to go to Hyrule the day after tomorrow. But I can’t do it. so I talked to the mayor and he agreed that you could go in my instead" he nodded.
"Aha! There you are!"

"Uh?" link turned around.

"I’ve been looking for you all over the village! We still have to finish herding all the goats! You know, they won’t herd themselves!"

"As childish as always, huh, Kayra?"

"I’m not childish Rusl!! I’m only remembering him about his job" I said

"OUR job, Kayra." said link

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on now!"

He laughed. "Ok. going"

They got up and link went for Epona.

Rusl:" So, how did you get here?"

Me:" Kyo helped."

Rusl: "OK"


Me: "ok. See you later Rusl!!"

Link just waved goodbye.

Me: "ok. Let’s get going!"

Link laughed a little.

Me: "what's so funny?"

Link: “nothing. Forget it."

Me: "hm. I think you find funny on how I try to boss you around, right?"

Link:" maybe."

I laughed a little bit.

After a while of riding through the village, we arrived to Ordon ranch.

Me:" ok. I think you know what to do, right? I think I’ll just lay here and wait for you to finish..."

Link:" so, you finished your part of the job early?"

Me:" yup. Right after I finished I went looking for you. Actually, I was going to ask you what would you like for lunch after work, but since I didn’t find you..."

He started the work right after I finished talking, but he could still hear me.

"...I thought that maybe you would like anything, right?"

He smiled.

Me:" so I guess I just did my best on guessing."

Then I got out a little box.

Just as I finished taking out the box, Link also finished herding.

"Here." I said while handling him the box and blushing a bit.

Then I saw Fado get close to both of us.

Fado:" good job. So, should I put the fences up? y'know, so that you can practice your horseback riding?"

me:" well...I uhm..."

I looked over to link, who was too busy eating.

"Yeah. I will practice"

Fado: "ok! I will get the fences up in no time!"

Me:" alright, I will help."

After a while we finished putting the fences.

Me:" whew! It’s done!"

Then I ran to where Kyo was.

And Link had just finished eating too.

Me: "Ok! 10 laps and we're done!! Let’s go Kyo!"

Then he started running.

After 5 minutes, we were done.

Then I jumped down.

Me: "Gosh, I'm tired!"

Then I saw link also jumping the fences.

Fado: "are you interested in him?"

Me: "hmm? No. I just...don’t know anymore…" then I yawned.

He laughed.

Me: “I shall go back home. I’m too tired"

he nodded" see you tomorrow"

Then I got on Kyo and started riding back home. I was yawning ALL the way home, and eventually, fell asleep on Kyo.

-_-_-_-_-_next day-_-_-_-_-_

I woke up.

I yawned “Ahh... Good morning!"

"Good morning to you too, Kayra-Chan"

Then I fell from the bed.

Me:" who is there?"

Then I heard a familiar laugh.

Link: " good morning too."

me:" what are you doing in my house?"

He laughed again: “you fell asleep yesterday on the way home. so...since I couldn’t enter to your house, I took you to mine."

Then I remembered it. ”yeah… I DID fall asleep on Kyo-“ I thought.

Me: “and Kyo?"

Link: “with Epona."

Me: "ahh..."

There was a short silence.

Me: “Thank you, Link-san."

Link: “it’s ok. Just try not to push yourself too hard in horse riding."

“After all I have only 2 weeks from learning it” I thought while nodding.

Me:" well... maybe I should go back home..."

He nodded.

I got up, and got out of his house.

Then I started running to my house. And, on the way, I found the kids.

Beth: "Kayra! I thought you were still at Link's place!!"

Then I felt myself getting beet red.

Me:" do you really think I...Gosh!"

Colin:" yes. We saw link take Kyo, along with you asleep to his place."

Me: "uhm... Can we talk about this later? I have got to go back home. Bye!"

Then I ran to my house. When I arrived I entered quickly and shut the door.

Then I rushed to the bathroom and took a bath, after that I heard a knock at the door.

I went to the door, myself only covering with the towel.

I opened the door.

Me: “yes...?"

Then I saw link.

Me: "what’s up?"

Link: “uhm... I...”

Then I saw his face getting red

Me: “yes?”

Link: "I just came to deliver Kyo"

Me: “aw! Thank you so much!"

Link: “ok. So...see you later!"

Me: " yeah, bye!"

Then I closed the door.

After that I immediately got dressed.

I put on a tight long grey t-shirt, with a black mini skirt, black boots and some ninja-like gloves.

I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed my black hair and underlined my red eyes. Why did I have red eyes anyways? It made me look kind of like a demon…a sexy demon.

I laughed at my own thought.

Then I sighed a bit and headed out.

After a while I found Link fishing with a cat beside him.

Me:" feeding the cat?"

He turned around: "no. trying to get him to get back to his house"

Me:" oh well; maybe I’ll see you later. I will go see what the kids are up to. See you later!"

Then I left and after I while I saw the cat that was beside Link run into the shop.

Me: "let's see what the cat is up to now?"

Then I entered the shop.

Me: "hey Sera!"

Sera:" hello m'dear! Are you here for the milk?"

Then I remembered it. “Ah, yeah. The stupid milk.” I thought

Me: “yeah! And I will also take a slingshot!"

Sera:" ah! Good timing! I only have 2 left!"

Me: “ok .Thanks!"

I handed her the money I took the slingshot and the milk and left.
♠ ♠ ♠
C: i just kind of didnt know what to put on the title and the short description. so...if it doesn't has sence, dont blame me!