Status: In hold

Darkness Isn't That Bad...Right?

Something starts going wrong...

After I got out, I went directly to my home, and on the way to it I saw Rusl in front of my door, like if he was about to knock on the door.

Me:" hey Rusl! What’s up?" I approached to him.

Rusl: "oh, hey!"

Then I saw he had 2 chests.

rusl:" hey, I was just going to give you a little present, since your birthday is coming, isn’t it?"

Then he pointed at the black chest.

Me:" aww! Thank you!!"

Rusl:" ok! Then I think I’m going. See you!"

He started leaving, carrying along the other chest.

Me:"thank you so much!"

Then a question popped in my mind.

Me:" rusl!"

"Mm? What’s wrong?"

Me:" who's the other chest to?"

Rusl:" link, why?"

Me:" nothing! Just wondering!!" Then he turned around and left.

Me:"mmm...I wonder..." I opened the door to my house.

Left the sling shot and milk in the table and then started taking in the chest.

"What’s in the chest?"

After a while of struggling to put the chest inside my house.

Me: “ok. Let’s open it." Then I quickly opened it.

"O...m....G!!!" There was a sword in there!

A wooden sword, but a sword nonetheless!

Me:" I remember I once told him as a commentary that I wanted a sword, but I never thought he would give me one!!"

I got it out, and checked it out.

Me:"OMG! It’s black with blue and gold!! It’s so cute!"

Then I put it on proudly.

"Ok. I’ll go see the kids, and link, so that I can see what he got as a present!!"

Then after that I packed up some stuff in my small bag, I put the bag at a side of my hip.

And then headed out towards Link's place.

When I arrived I saw link practicing his sword skills in front of the kids.

Me: “hey!"

They all turned around:"hey!"

When I got in front of them, talo noticed the sword in my back:"you have sword too!!"

Beth:" amazing!"


Then it seemed talo had an idea:" hey! Why don’t you show us your skills, and battle link! You know, just to see how good you are!"

Me:"uh..." I looked at link

“However you wish." He replied.

Me:" OK! Let’s do this!!" after a while, we both ended the fight: with me losing pitifully.

Talo:"OK! Now I’m sure that when one of those monkeys comes again to the village to bother, I will be ready!"

Then suddenly I saw a monkey appear.

“Uh, oh” I thought.

Talo:" hey! There it is!!"

The monkey fled and talo malo and beth went after it.

Me:" I think we should follow them, you know. Just in case they try to kill it and it gets bloody and-"

Link:"ok, ok. I get it" then we followed them too.

after a while, we found beth:" I couldn’t keep up with them, but they went that way..." she said as she pointed forward in the road.


Then after awhile we found malo:"....please find him..."

Then we just continued until we were almost at faron woods.



"You don’t think that he was stupid enough to go into the faron woods, right?"

"Maybe. It’s possible if he did follow the monkey till he reached it....or he got lost."

We continued for a while more. Then we saw an intersection.


Then I plopped into the ground.

Link:"yeah me too."

me:" it’s just that you didnt get your ass kicked by yourself..."

Then suddenly a dekku baba came out from behind me, you know I didnt notice it because I did until it was biting me .

And then link killed it.

me." hurts..."

Link sighed: “you should be more careful from now on. I mean you don’t even know what a nasty cut it left in your arm..."

me:" AND DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE?!” but then whispered: “ouch, it hurts...Hurts... I want my mom...”

Then I looked at the path that the deku baba was covering.

It was all dark.

Me:" Am faron woods always so dark?"

Link:" yup. We will need a lamp if we want to cross it."

Then I got up slowly and looked at the other path: there was a guy with a pot with what it looked like oil.

Me:"maybe that guy can lend us or sell us a lamp!"

Link:"yeah." and after that we started approaching to the guy.

After we approached, we saw that the guy was actually selling oil, just as we had expected.

So, after a while of talking, we managed to get a free lamp and some oil.

Guy:" hey! Wouldn’t you like some bandages too?"

Me:" hum... No, I’m fine. Thanks anyways!"

He nodded and we left to the faron woods again.

Me: “ok. This time, no monsters will manage to hurt me! ^^ "

@@@Link's pov@@@

Right after we left from the oil guy, I instantly thought:” we should have taken those bandages! I mean, she’s hurt and if she goes just like that to faron woods, her wounds will get infected, and it obviously will do her no good.”

Then just when I was going to go back, I noticed we were right outside the cave we had been before, the one that led to faron woods, and then I heard Kayra say:" ok. This time, no monsters will manage to hurt me!"

“Yeah, because this time I WILL protect you. Not like a while ago.” I thought

@@@my pov@@@

Me:" right, link?"


"Link?" I turned around.

There he was, but he seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

Me:" ok. Earth calling to link! Answer!!"

Then he looked at me:"what's the matter?"

I looked at him confused. "Nothing. Just wondering if you were listening. That’s all."

I turned around, even more confused now." let's go link or else the monkey might eat talo."

Then I continued walking inside the cave, since I was holding the lamp.

link:" hey, kayra."

I turned around:"yes?"

"Give me the lamp, please. I don’t want you to get more hurt than you already are."

Me:" ok, if you say so...."

I gave him the lamp and then I told him:" but 'I' will kill the monsters, ok?"

Link:" I--"

"You agree!! Ok! Then let’s go!"

Then I started going deeper into the cave, and link just followed, but from time to time he would get ahead of me and I would get ahead of him too.

I even got to kill a few rats, so yeah, I considered myself lucky since link killed all the deku babas.


Link:" and I don’t want you losing your arms!"

That’s when I got in front of him.

Me:" look... YOU. I WILL kill a deku baba before I leave this place!!"

Link rolled his eyes: "sure...."

Then he continued walking forward.

I hummed.

You know? I can sometimes be too stubborn for my own good.

I took the lamp and started running forward, I HAD TO find a deku baba!!!

Link:"WAIT!!" I heard him run after me.

But I started running faster.

Then I found a deku baba, and I wouldn’t leave this place without killing it!!

I took out my sword, and put the lamp to a side.

Then I jumped right into the deku baba.

I immediately cut its head and it was dead.

2 seconds later link caught up with me.

Me:" see? I killed it! "

Link sighed. “Could you PLEASE stop acting like a kid?"

Me:" nope. That’s how I am. Deal with it."

Then he looked over to the dead deku baba.

Link:" you killed it???"


Link:" you were lucky."

I hummed.

Then I saw him take the lamp and continue walking.

After a while we got out of the tunnel thing.

Me:" yay!! We’re out!!"

Link:" yup. But we have to continue, so that we can find talo and bring him back home."

Me:" sure." then we found a little cave. Me:" let's see what's inside!!!"

Then I ran inside, link following me.

When I got inside I immediately got out the sword, why? Because there were 5 monsters: 2 trolls and 3 bats.

I got to take care of the bats, and link started fighting the trolls.

After that, we found a chest, and I opened it.

There was a key inside.

me:" should we keep it?"

Link:" yes, it might be helpful"

We got out of the cave.

Me: "oh! What’s that over there??"

Then I ran in a random direction, over to where I saw a troll.

I took out my sword, and while I was running I cut the head of the troll, and killed like 5 bats.

And then I arrived to a gate where there were 4 trolls.

I was about to kill them, when link caught up with me and killed them in the blink of an eye.

Link:" there is a lock in the door they were guarding."

I took out the key we had found earlier and tried to open the lock.

It actually opened!! Well, we went through the gate and continued.

And then we found ourselves near a shallow tree trunk like path.

And in the distance, we could see talo and the monkey trapped in a cage like thing, being guarded by 2 trolls.

I really mean it, what's wrong with this place and trolls?!

Me:"look, I kill the trolls, and you free talo and the monkey!"


And with that he went running towards the trolls and killed them.

Then I ran behind him, and released talo and the monkey.

Talo:"thanks! I thought we were going to get eaten!! You know? Actually I found out that this monkey is a she! and actually she is very kind, she even tried to protect me!!!!"

me:" you're not harmed?"

Talo: “no."

Then the monkey hugged me and then ran away.

Link:" I think we should head back to the village, before someone else gets worried."

Talo and I nodded.

After 5 minutes, we got out, near the spring in the road.

Talo:"I should hurry up! If my father finds out I have been here, he will absolutely punish me!! Thank you and see you!!"

Then he went away running.

3 seconds after he left, rusl appeared.

Rusl:"he will not punish him, and he knows it."

Me:" well, at least he is safe!!"

Link:"yup. I just hope he doesn’t get into any more trouble."

Rusl:" thank you two for saving talo, but we too should get going. It’s getting late. Also, we have to treat that huge gash on your arm Kayra."

Me:" but it's not that bad!!!"

Link took me by the arm, exactly where I had the gash, and started dragging me to the village.


Link:" then start walking."

Rusl just followed us the whole way to the village, laughing at how I was yelling at link for not letting go of my wound.

After a while we arrived to the village, and they immediately took me to Ilia, because she is a good medic or something like that.

I don’t really care.

Then at night I went to my home.

I decided I would go help link to deliver the order at hyrule's castle, even if he didnt wanted me to.

I was sure going to give him a surprise.

But I somehow knew, he would need my help anyways....
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for this delay! i will try to fix this right away, and post the other parts of the story... ):