Status: In hold

Darkness Isn't That Bad...Right?

This isn't what we expected!

**next morning**


" come to me..."

me:" well, if I could see you, I would. But I can’t see you!!!"

Then I saw a light.

Me:"ah, there you are!"

I ran to the light.

Then when I was so close to getting in the light, everything went black, and a fish headed man appeared in front of me.

Me:"who are you?"

Then a part of his mask rose, revealing only his mouth.

"My name is Zant, and you will hear a lot of me from now on...."

Me:"and what is that supposed to mean??"


-----------------------Ends dream-----

I woke up.

Me: "sheesh, I can imagine such crappy names in my dreams! Besides, those kinds of people don’t exist! Sure, there have been tons of monsters lately, but that doesn’t mean anything..."

Then I looked at the clock: 7:30 am.

“I’m kind of late for work, but I can bet Link will take care of the job if don’t get there in time as always."

I got up, took a bath, put on a dark green mini skirt, a light green sleeveless shirt, brown ankle boots, and a pair of leather gloves, tied my hair in a pony tail, then got out and then headed off to work.

Then when I was just arriving, I saw Link getting out with epona.

Me:"you already finished your work?"

Link:"yup. And I had to finish yours' too."

Me:" really? Thanks!"

link:" no prob. I mean I do it most of the time."

I laughed: "yeah. So... where are you headed to?"

Link:" Hyrule castle, I’ll be back 'till tomorrow. Why?"

Me:" I want to go too!!"

Link:" and your gash?"

Me:" it can heal in the way there! "

Link:" and if you get more hurt?"

Me:" I don’t care. "

Link:" but I would have to ask Rusl about it..."

Me:" I don’t really think he would mind."

Link:" and who will take care of the goats?"

Me:" well, who else? Fado!"

Link sighed:" well, go get your horse..."

Me:" my horse has a name!! And he is called Kyo! "

Link:" well, call him."

I nodded and then ran to my house and took out Kyo, and got on him, and then I leaded him to where Link and epona were.

Me:"ok! Let’s go!! "

Then I saw that Ilia had just arrived to say goodbye to Link, and Bo (the mayor) was also there.

Bo: “are you going too, Kayra?”

Me: "yup!”

Ilia somehow glared at me.

Then I got down from Kyo, and went over to Ilia, with a huge smile in my face.

This kind of rivalry was well-known between me and her: ever since we were little, we liked to see who got Link’s attention more often. Why? She had a crush on him, and so did I.

And ever since I worked at the farm with him, she had gotten more jealous than ever.

I then whispered to Ilia:”I am going, and you’re not!"

Ilia: "well, I don’t care!"

I shrugged.

“Whatever, then. "

Then I saw that link and Bo were talking.

So, I just sat in a fence, waiting, while Ilia was looking at Kyo and Epona.

"The path before you two, sweet little horses is a long one, but please bear Link and Kayra safely along it... “said Ilia.

Then she started checking Epona’s legs.

"Wait…what is this?"

That’s when I thought: “oh, fuck.”

Ilia turned to see Link, at the same exact moment he and Bo also turned around.

Ilia: "What happened? She’s injured, isn’t she? "

Link flinched.

Then Ilia walked up to him.

"Link! How could you! You were pushing epona too hard again! I bet you hurt her leg jumping fences, didn’t you!! "

Bo: “now, now Ilia. There’s no need to get so angry with him..."

Then she turned to bo.

"FATHER!!! How can you be so easy on him? You’re the mayor!! You should start acting like one!! "

Me:” Ilia, stop being a b-... very bad person! It’s just a little bruise! "

Ilia:” and you can say that just because it’s not your leg?"

Me: " yup, but I still have my HUGE gash in the arm, and I know epona can continue running with only that little wound-"

Ilia: “she can’t!"

I hummed.

If I continued then she would probably hit me, or something.

Then she took epona.

"It’ll be all right epona. I’ll take you to the forest spring right now, and you will be healed in no time!! "

Then she started taking epona to the spring.

I sighed.

Bo: “w-wait! Ilia! "

Then when she didn’t stop, Bo turned to me and Link.

“Well, without epona the present won’t be delivered in time... "

Me: “want me to knock some sense into Ilia?”

Link: “no thanks.”

Bo: “you better go and apologize, so that you can deliver the gift in time.”

Me: “and if I go deliver the gift alone?"

Link: "no, you will get hurt, I just know it. Come on, help me with Ilia. "

Then he took me by my now covered wound again, and dragged me towards the spring.

Me:"stop! It hurts! "

And then I freed myself from link and continued walking on my own.

When we reached his house, I managed to see Colin standing there.

Me: “Colin! What are you doing here? "

Colin turned around: "ah! It’s just that I saw a very pissed Ilia walking with epona towards the spring, and I wanted to know what was wrong, but... "

Me: "but...?"

Colin: "well, Talo and Malo won’t let me go to the spring.”

Me: “that’s not nice at all! We’ll go talk to them! “

Colin: “and why do you guys want to go to the spring?”

Me:”Ilia got mad at Link because Epona’s leg got hurt accidentally while jumping the fences...”

Link: “let me go talk to them...”

Then I saw link walk towards Talo and Malo.

Me: “come on Colin.”

Then I took him by the hand, and followed link.

Talo: “hey! You can’t go on; because Ilia asked us not to let anyone in! "

Link: "we need to go see her"

Talo: "well... maybe if you lend me your wooden sword for a while, then maybe I can let you and Kayra through... "

Me: “Colin is also coming with us. "

Talo: “but he is weak!"

Me: “and do I look like I care?”

Talo: “okay. But, deal or no deal? "

Link thought it for a minute.

"Ok. Deal. "

Then he gave Talo the sword.

Talo took it while yelling "COOL!"

And then running up to the scarecrow that was used for training.

Me: "ok. Come on. "

And then Colin, link and I continued walking towards the spring.

When we arrived we saw that the door was closed.

Colin: "I’m going to try to make her understand. Meanwhile, you go over that hole and enter the spring. "

I nodded, and started entering the hole he had signaled.

After I got out was when I realized that link had gone really late after me because I was wearing a mini skirt.

When he got out, I realized that Colin was talking to Ilia.

Then Ilia noticed link and I were standing there.

Ilia: "Link! I uhm... I’m sorry. Well, Colin explained everything to me. I get it now. Sorry for being like that-"

Link: "no prob."

Then I heard something.

Me: “you heard that?"

Ilia glared at me.

Me: "No, I didn’t mean your apology, I meant, did you hear that-"

Then some moblins came from the door.

Everything happened so fast, but this is what I saw:
The moblins came in, in some kind of pigs and then Link quickly tried to protect Ilia and Colin by ‘taking out his sword’, but instead he got knocked down by the moblins, and Ilia got hit by an arrow, while Colin and Ilia were kidnapped.

Then the moblin somehow managed to see me watching the whole thing, and then threw an arrow to me, and the arrow caught my t-shirt, so that I couldn’t move.

But I could still watch where they were going.

I got free from the arrow, and saw that Link was waking up.

Me: “Link! We have to go get them back! "

He instantly got up and nodded.

"Did you see where they fled to, kayra? "

I nodded

"Follow me. "

I got out from the spring and started going towards faron woods, with link following of course.

On the way to the bridge I noticed that the doors were broken, and that there was a strange HUGE black door after the bridge.

Link: “kayra, do you still have your sword? "

Me: "should I go get it? "

Link nodded.

Me: "ok. Wait up. "

Then I went running towards my home, and quickly took my sword, slingshot, etc, etc. just in case we needed more stuff.

Then I ran back with link.

Link: "ok, let’s go. "

Then we ran towards the HUGE black gigantic door, but right before going through it we both slowed down to get a better view of it.

Me: "wow. It sure is HUGE!! "

Link: “and it sure covers the sun-"

Then a black big hand like thing came out of the door, and took Link in.

Me: "ok, what the f-"

Then the hand came out again, and took ME in.

I just closed my eyes and tried to think about good stuff in the other side, because, you know? Going through this kind of doors makes you dizzy, and by dizzy I mean that I wanted to throw up.

Then, when I felt myself in a solid place, I opened my eyes. HOLY SHIT! There was a wolf beside me!!... Wait. Isn’t that Link’s earring the one the wolf is wearing??

Me: "it can’t be-"

I looked at my hands, I was still the same!!

Then some monsters came, and took me and the wolf...

I wasn’t letting myself getting kidnapped!, but well, they knocked me out before I could do anything.

When I woke up, I saw that I was in a jail cell... along with the same wolf as before.

I tried to look closer into the wolf.

Sure, It DID look like Link, but there was no possible way- wait, why was I in jail???


Then the wolf started to wake up.

At first, it looked kind of strange at me, but then I saw it look at me... and it barked.

It was weird; it was like he recognized me.

Me: "awww! You’re such a cute wolf!! "

I shall call the wolf Yuki, it fits him well.

Then his eyes revealed surprise, as it looked at his body, and then started to struggle against the chains he had around his paws.

Mmm, wait. I DIDN’T have chains.

Me: “Little wolf, let me help you"

I got up and tried to undo the chains, but they were made of steel, and they were very large and heavy.

Me: “shit, sorry wolf. I can’t really do anything... "

Then it licked my cheek.

I giggled.

Then Yuki turned around and started growling at a spot.

Me: "What’s wrong? "

Then I saw an imp/ghost like thing appear in front of Yuki...

The imp opened its eyes and smiled.

Yuki continued to growl.

The imp jumped to a side of Yuki and said: " I found you! "

I had a face of WTF?? Then when Yuki continued to growl the imp said: " oh! Aren’t you scary! "

Then it laughed a little, but by the looks of it, it was a girl.

“Are you sure you want to be doing that? Snarling and glaring at me? Well, that’s too bad…"

I looked kind of surprised; I could actually understand her!

“I was planning on helping you… if you were nice. "

Then Yuki stopped growling and got up, and calmed down.

The imp laughed again.

“That’s much better! You humans are obedient to a fault, aren’t you? "

Human? He isn’t human!! He is a cute little wolf!!

"Oops! But you AREN’T a human anymore, are you? You’re a beast!! "

Then it laughed.

Then it looked at me.

Imp: "mmm, it looks like you ARE still human! And you’re somehow kind, by the looks of it... "

Me: "........what? "

I had a really confused face, I didn’t understand anything!!

She laughed again.

"Well, you’re confused, aren’t you? Oh, well... "

Then Yuki tried to bite the imp, but she jumped to another behind her before he bit her.

"There, there. You be a good boy and calm down. No need to bite! "

Then she started doing a ball of what looked like electricity, and then she broke the chain on Yuki’s paws.

Yuki looked surprised, and started examining the chains.

“You look kind of surprised! "

Then the imp laughed again.

"So! I bet you’re wondering, where exactly are we?! "

Then the imp went through the cell and on to the corridor that was outside of the cell bars.

"Well, I’ll make you a deal, if you can get over here, maybe I’ll tell you! "

And then it laughed.

I sat down, and started to look around for a possible way out.

Then I saw a box down the door.

Yuki was also looking for a way out. I got up, and tried to put away the box, and after that I saw that there was a bit of diggable earth.

Yuki looked at me.

Me: "cute little wolf, can you please dig the way out? "

It somehow understood me, and started digging until there was a space where I could fit in.

Me: "you get out first; I will get out after you, because I’m wearing a mini skirt... "

Then Yuki got out.

After Yuki, I got out.

When I got out I saw that Yuki was still dusting himself off.

And then when he was done, the imp tried to ride him, but Yuki wasn’t letting it.

"Humph! I guess you’re not completely stupid after all! "

Then Yuki calmed down, and the imp was still riding him.

Imp: “listen, I like you, so I think I’ll get you both out of here. "

I had already finished dusting myself off.

Me: “really? "

The imp nodded.

“But in exchange for my help, you have to do EXACTLY as I say! If you need anything just call me. "

I nodded, but Yuki didn’t look so comfortable.

“So. Are we all clear? Good. Now, come on! Get moving! "

Then I saw an opened cell, and went in.

Yuki and the imp followed me.

"Hm? What’s that? "

I looked at the imp.

“Okay, let me help you. "

Then her ponytail changed into a hand, and pulled down the chain like thing that was there, and a little door opened.

“Come on. "

Then she and Yuki went in, with me behind them.

We went through some corridors, and at the end we saw a light like flame.

"Oh, well, well... want to see something interesting? "

Yuki and I remained silent.

"You’re a beast! You should know what to do! Use your senses and poke around... "

Me: "uhm... senses? "

Imp: "ah, yes. You’re still human! Well, I shall help you! "

Then she took out a necklace.

Imp: “with these necklace you will be able to use your senses too! Even though you’re not a beast. "

Me: "wow! Thanks! "

Then I took the necklace and put it on, suddenly I saw a man, more like a guard, in the place of the flame thing.

Man: " huff.huff.. I have run too much, I hope I can be safe here... uh? What was that noise? Don’t anything dare come near me!! "

Then I stopped seeing the man.

We continued walking In the corridor.

Once we were pretty far away from the man, the imp said: “see? That was a soldier’s spirit. Maybe it’s someone from the other world? Tee hee! There are tons of spirits here, use your senses to watch them, maybe they are useful... "

We just continued waking in the corridors, Yuki and I killed some rats, and well, we reached a point with some stairs.

Yuki immediately went running, but some stairs fell along with him and the imp. When he reached me again this time I followed him.

Then the imp told him, that he just had to focus on really reaching the other side of the stairs.

I didn’t have much problem in jumping. When we were at the top of the stairs, tons of bats appeared, and Yuki and I had to kill them.

Then I saw that the door that lead outside, was TOO high for me.

Imp: "don’t worry. Just hold on to the wolf. "

Me: “and if I ride it? "

Yuki looked at me, and kind of nodded.

The imp got off, and then I positioned myself to get carried by a wolf.

When I was letting my whole weight in Yuki, I got worried.

Me: " are you sure this will work wolfie? "

He nodded.

“Aren’t I too heavy? "

He said no.

“Can I call you Yuki? "

He looked at me weirdly, but then said yes with his head.

Then Yuki started jumping up, towards the door.

You know? It felt like a roller coaster, just that there wasn’t any seat belt, or something like that, but I still could hold on to Yuki’s neck.

Once we were up, I got down from Yuki.

Me: "thank you Yuki "

Imp: "so, we were finally able to get out. And look at the sky! Isn’t the black cloud of twilight looking beautiful today? Do you know where this is? You STILL don’t know? eee hee hee! Look, there’s someone I want to introduce to you both to... but I’ll need you to go to that tower to do it! “And she pointed to a far off tower.

Ok. We HAD to get to that tower.

Something told me that we had to go there anyways... but now that I think about it...

Why is hyrule castle in twilight???
♠ ♠ ♠
D: i've got 2 more chapters to post...