Status: In hold

Darkness Isn't That Bad...Right?

This is how it all started...

Right after we got out, we jumped down, to an alley like thing ... whatever.

We continued and we eventually found some bird-like monsters.

I killed most of them, since it took yuki 2 blows, while it took me 1 blow to finish those monsters.

The whole time i was thinking: “I wish Link to be here so that he would see how I CAN defend myself alone...!”

Then I sighed.

After a while of having to hold on to yuki because we had to get to a really far off place sometimes, we finally reached where we had to arrive.

We jumped off the window and into some stairs –lucky me didn’t fell- and we continued them until the top, and then we entered the room that was there.

There was a girl. Yuki immediately started growling, but when the girl turned around, he calmed down and went forward, towards her.

I just kept by his side.

Then I heard the girl say: "…Midna?! "

Oh... So Midna is the name of this imp. Okay, I’ll call her Midna from now on.

Midna laughed. "You remembered my name? What an honor for me... "

Girl: "so, this is the ones for whom you were searching ... "

Midna: “they’re not exactly what I had in mind, but ... I guess they’ll do... "

Me: "and what is that supposed to mean?"

Midna laughed.

The girl bent down and looked at the chain in Yuki’s right paw.

"You were imprisoned?? "

I answered her a little bit sarcastically: “oh, no! We were in a nearby hotel being treated well, just waiting for Midna...! "

The girl got up.

"I am sorry. "

She looked at me.

“what is your name? "

Me: "I’m Kayra. "

She looked shocked for a moment, but hid it immediately.

Then Midna said: "poor things. They have no idea where this is or what happened... So, don’t you think you should explain to them what YOU’VE MANAGED TO DO? you owe them that much... twilight princess! Eee hee! "

By now I had a face of WTF?

Girl: “listen carefully. This was once the land where the power of the gods was said to slumber. This was once the kingdom of hyrule. But that blessed kingdom has been transformed by the king that rules the twilight... it has been turned into a world of shadows, ruled by creatures who shun the light. "

Then she told us the story of why hyrule was like this: according to her and my memory, an evil person wanted to rule hyrule, and he attacked the castle, many soldiers died, and then she saw him: he had a fish like mask and was being guarded by 2 monsters.

And when he was almost right in front of her he said: "it is time for you to choose: surrender or die. Oh, yes. A question for all the land and people of hyrule... life? Or death?! "

And well, I think we all know that by the looks of it, she chose to surrender and live.

Then she continued: “the kingdom succumbed to twilight but I remain its princess... "

Then she took off her hood-like-thing she had.

"I am Zelda. "

THAT was princess Zelda? ... Well, she wasn’t as pretty and powerful as everyone says!!

Midna: “you don’t have to look so sad! We actually find it to be quite livable! I mean, is perpetual twilight really all that bad? "

Zelda: "Midna... this is no time for levity. The shadow beasts have been searching far and wide for you...why is this? "

Midna started floating right above Yuki.

Midna: "why indeed? You tell me! Eee hee hee! "

Zelda: “time has grown short. The guard will soon make his rounds. "

Then Midna jumped onto Yuki’s back again.

“you must leave here, quickly. "

We left quickly and just when we were about to get down, we saw that the guard had opened the door.

Midna signaled us to go to a really high window, so I had to grab on to Yuki’s neck again so that I wouldn’t get caught... more like, WE wouldn’t get caught.

Once we were out, I followed Midna to where she was jumping-floating to.

Once yuki caught up too, she said: “well? Do you understand where we are now? "

Yuki kind of glared at her.

I did understand where we were.

Midna: "I guess a promise is a promise, so I’ll let you go back to where you first tumbled into twilight... but... are you really sure you should be going back? Are you sure you aren’t forgetting anything important? "

Then she transformed into Colin, and then into Ilia, both of them shouting, like when they were being kidnapped.

I narrowed my eyes.

I didn’t need Ilia to live my life properly, Colin on the other hand was innocent, so...I guess he deserves to be saved, plus he was very sweet.

" eee hee! Do you want to save them? Well, in that case, little Midna would be happy to help you! “She said as she passed her hand through her hair, transformed into Ilia. "But...well, you’d have to be my servants... and like servants, you’d have to do exactly as I say! Why don’t you go back, take a little time and give it some thought? "

I was going to open my mouth to say something, but I was quickly teleported somewhere.

when I saw light again, yuki and I were in the spring where Ilia and Colin had been kidnapped.

"Oh, that’s right. I forgot to mention one thing... "

That was Midna’s voice!!

“Though you may have left the darkened realm, you haven’t transformed back to your former self... and you won’t anytime soon! Now, why could that be? " She laughed “see you later! "

I sighed.

Me: “come on, yuki. Let’s go see the villagers... "

Then we both started to exit the spring when we heard: "so, um, what next? "

Then a shadow like Midna came out of Yuki’s shadow.

"Did you think I’d disappear? "

I looked at her weirdly.

“Listen. There’s another thing I forgot to tell you…don’t think you can just run off and save your friends, because you can’t. Just beyond that bridge, the land is covered in twilight. Last time, a shadow beast pulled you through the curtain of twilight... but if you want to go that way this time, you’ll need the cooperation of someone FROM the me! So you really have no choice but to do what I say. Saving your friends and all that... well, that’ll depend on your actions...because you can never trust words, you know. Right now I want some swords and shields that will suit me. You understand me, don’t you? So, what do you plan to do? While you’re here dawdling, the twilight continues to expand. Come on! Hurry it up! " Then she disappeared again.

Me: " mmm, well, there are two shields in work back at Ordon, and I think rusl had made 2 swords. Maybe, JUST MAYBE, we can somehow steal them. Come on, yuki! "

We headed back to Ordon, but we had to kill 3 monsters, and 2 of them were in front of Link’s house.

Hey, by the way! What happened to him? He got kidnapped almost at the same time as me!! Then when we were walking away from Link’s house I heard a “WAIT! "

Then I turned around to see a squirrel talking...wait. A SQUIRREL TALKING?!

Gosh, this place has gone mad.

"I don’t know what you’ve come here to do, but if you’re going into town, be careful! THEY came and made both the forest and the village a mess... they kidnapped the children from the village... but you’re’re not a bad thing, are you? I can tell, because you smell like the trees of Ordon... If you run into any trouble, try talking to the animals in town. We animals understand others, so you’ll be fine! " Then the squirrel left.

Me: “ok, WTF? I just heard a squirrel talk! "

Midna: “that’s thanks to the necklace I gave you. You have the same senses as ... what do you call him? Oh, yes. YUKI. "

Then we left to the village.

I stopped; no one could see us since it was all dark.

Me: “ok, look. I can distract the people while you steal the swords and the shields. But I really don’t think it’s going to work. Still we can try. Yuki, while I distract them; you try to get into the houses that I tell you, and steal the shields and swords, ok? "

He nodded.

Then I saw Bo and Jaggle (Talo and Malo’s dad) talking.

Me: "come on. Follow from far behind. I think I can handle this.” I went over to Bo and Jaggle.

Me: "hi! "

They both jumped from the surprise.

Bo: “Kayra! You’re ok! Where is link and the kids?? "

Me: " well...I actually got away from some kidnappers, but I need 2 shields, one for me and the other for Link, since he doesn’t have any weapons... "

They looked at me weirdly, and then bo said: " ok, inside Jaggle’s house are 2 shields, you can take them. "

"Thanks for letting me borrow the shields! " I said that loud enough for Midna and Yuki to hear.

Then I went inside the house and took both shields.

When I went out, and saw that bo and Jaggle weren’t there anymore, and yuki was just outside the house.

Me: "you scared them, didn’t you? "

Yuki barked.

I laughed: “Ok. Let’s go for the swords. "

I put the shields in Yuki’s back and then left for the swords.

I suddenly stopped, causing Yuki to almost fall into the water.

Me: “Rusl is going out, I will ‘help him’ and you can enter the house from the right side, there is diggable earth on that side of the house. Get in and take both swords you find there. Then run away to the spring, I will meet you there, ok? "

Then yuki nodded again.

I went over to rusl, just to get asked tons of questions by him and his wife.

Then rusl decided to let me help him, once we were pretty far away I managed to see yuki running away from the village.

Me: "I think I saw something, let me go check... "

Rusl: “but be careful. "

Then I went over to the exit of the village.

Right when I was in front of Link’s house, I let out a high pitched scream, and then ran away to the spring.

I saw yuki waiting in the spring, but he was fighting a monster.

Then the invisible like walls that kept him, disappeared.

Then I ran to his side and hugged him.

Me: "OMG! Are you ok?? "

Then the spring lit up, and a light like ball come out of the spring.

Then it became a goat like spirit.

"o brave youth...I am one of four light spirits that protect hyrule at the behest of the gods. I’m Ordon...the black beast you slayed was a shadow being. It had come to seize the power of light I wield. "

Then suddenly a movie like thing started playing around us.

“My brethren in hyrule have already had their light stolen by these fell beasts. The entire kingdom has been reduced to a netherworld ruled by the cursed powers of darkness. The blight will not stop with hyrule. Before long, the entire world of light will fall into the hands of the king who rules the twilight. "

Then the movie stopped. I was standing beside Yuki and looking at the spirit.

“To save this land from the king of twilight, the lost light must be recovered. The three light spirits who have lost their light must be revived. There is but one who can revive them and redeem this land... you. "

Was he talking about me, or about yuki? Ok, I can declare myself confused.

" you still have not discovered your true power...those transformed by twilight usually cannot recover their original forms...unless... if you were to return to Faron woods where you were first transformed... if you were to revive the light spirit... there, by the power of the light spirit, you may find the means to regain your other state of being... "

Then it disappeared.

Me: "ok. Let’s go. "

Then we went running towards the black portal again.

When we arrived, yuki stopped, as so did i.

“Hey... look..." said Midna. " the faron woods you know so well...they’re now covered in twilight. You might not be able to come back here, but... do you still want to go? "

Yuki and I nodded.

She went through the portal, and then a hand like thing came out and took both yuki and I .

Gosh I feel dizzy again. But this time I woke up faster, just to see a complete different faron woods in front of me.

"hmm! So these are the weapons you use in your world? “said Midna ad she had a shield by a mask, and was swinging a sword like it wasn’t going to hurt anyone. " you really think this thing can slay the creatures of twilight?... well, I won’t use these, but I’ll hang on to them for you! "

Then she somehow disappeared both shields and swords. “All right, a promise is a promise... I trust you both enough to help. In exchange for my help, though, I need you to gather some things for me. Look. I can’t tell you the details now, but it’ll be easy, trust me... but enough about that. Do you hear that noise? It’s the lamentation of the spirit that had its light stolen...where in the world could it be? Better get going, don’t you think? Don’t blame me for your world’s fate if you don’t hurry up and find that light! Come on! Snap to it! "

Then we continued walking farther.

Then I had an idea.

Me. "mmm, I think I know where the spirit is. "

Then I went running over to the nearest spring in faron woods. It had to be there!

Then yuki followed me.

But in the middle of the way, some stone like things fell out of the sky, making a kind of barrier.

Me: "ok. WTF! "

Then 3 monsters fell out of the sky.

Midna: " aww... we’re penned in again! Pfft! Who do they think they’re dealing with? No need to take these little pests on one at a time, right? You can take them all at once! So... you can handle this by yourselves, cant you? good luck! Bye!”

Then she floated away.

Sure, thank you Midna!!

Yuki went for one, and I went for another one with the wooden sword.

I had finished knocking out one, and yuki had finished to knock out the other one too, when the third one shouted and woke the other 2 again.

Midna went over to yuki, and I heard her say: “what’s the hold up? If you leave the last one alive, it’s just going to use that shriek to bring the others back. Listen, let me help you out here! Just move like I tell you! "

Then, suddenly all three monsters were dead. And they just became tiny bits, and went up in the sky.

Me: "ok... let’s continue. "

After a while we arrived to the spring.

We approached to the light thing in the spring.

" ...please, be careful...these woods...have been changed...the dark clouds of dusk cover this land... this drape of shadows is called...twilight. in this twilight, those who live in the light.... become as mere spirits... it is a place... where the dark ones and evil creatures dwell...i... am a spirit...of eyed beast and brave girl... look... for my light... retrieve the light stolen by the dark beasts... and keep it... in this vessel... "

Then he gave us a vessel.

"in the shadows of twilight... the dark insects are as...invisible… as normal beings are here... let me use the last of my power... to reveal the locations of the dark insects...that consumed the light... "

I took out my map and saw that there were tiny spots marked.

"Find... the insects of darkness...they are the form taken by evil... once it has latched on to ... our scattered light..."

Then it kind of stopped talking.

Me:"ok, let's go!"

And with that we started looking for the insects, with one than other surprises and limitations over here and there...but it was pretty simple overall.

We were in the empty tree trunk that leaded to where link and I had to rescue talo and the monkey, and we were 2 bugs to go. And according to the map....the bugs were at the end of the tree trunk.

Yuki and I hurried up, and when we arrived I saw the monkey from last time on top of a pole and kind of begging, but it looked like a ghost.

I shrugged that and killed the last 2 bugs, and right after that I heard the monkey say:"someone...someone helped me?"

She looked around and then sighed, and after that she looked at a giant spider web that was covering a tunnel.

"boy, lucky for me...ever since the boss went funny in the head, there've been scary monsters everywhere...those village kids got led through the woods for some reason...the whole forest is so weird now...what's happened?"

Then she just stopped talking. Then I saw that yuki had just obtained the last tear of light. And then we both lit up, and got transported back to the spring, and slowly but at the time fast, the whole forest started to recover the light.

Midna: "awww, but it was so nice here in the twilight...what's so great about a world of light anyway? ee, heehee, see you later!"

Then she disappeared and the spring started to light up.

Then a monkey like spirit appeared." my name is faron. I am one of the spirits of light who dwell in hyrule; I use the life force of the gods to protect this forest. o brave the land covered in twilight, where people roam as spirits, you were transformed into a blue eyed beast, and you weren't transformed at all... that was a was a sign that the powers of the chosen one rest within you...and that they are awakening. Look at your awakened form..."

I immediately looked at my clothes, because I was feeling a little different: I was wearing a dark green, long sleeved dress, that reached until half my thighs, I had a pair of black leather gloves, a pair of dark brown boots, black tight shorts, a small belt around my waist and the necklace Midna had given me.

Curiosity got the better of me, and i turned around to see what had yuki become into....---LINK!?

Right now there were so many things and questions going on in my mind, and i only managed to whisper:"...Link...?"
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i'm in a hurry. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow.. see ya!