Creating Telepathic Vampires

Chapter 2

”Maira? What do we do? What do we tell him? And how the hell is able to tell that we are communicating telepathically? Maybe he’s telepathic as well and he’s out to steal the knowle-“ I had cut off Charlotte’s voice from yelling in my head, and yet again I was confused to how her mental voice could leave my ears ringing.
”Charlotte! Will you please just calm down and think things through before we start assuming he’s up to no good. If he could hear us before, then I’m sure that he can hear us now, so let’s just keep to ourselves for now before he figures anything out.” I told her, and then I felt the familiar feeling of her thoughts leave my head, and my own leaving hers. As I looked away from Charlotte’s face and to Edward’s face, I saw that he was completely and utterly confused, annoyed and amused with our mental conversation. Then his head snapped to his left which caused Charlotte and me to also snap our heads in that direction, and we instantly knew that the very pale, short pixie like looking girl that was walking with grace, was what caused him to look that direction. Clearly this girl was a vampire like the rest of us for her eyes were a rich golden colour and her skin was deathly pale, but this girl looked so much more like a pixie than a vampire because she was so short and her hair was black and styled short whilst sticking up in every possible direction.

As she approached it occurred to me that the gossiped family of five teenagers, are in fact, five vampires. So adding up this new lot of vampires and the 'Star Gang', that means that there are now thirteen vampires within this school!

As the short pixie looking vampire came and stood by Edward’s left side, he started to introduce her to us.
“This is Alice, she’s one of my sisters, and as you’ve already figured out, there are five of us who have just transferred to this school. So Alice, this is Maira and Charlotte” He said as he gestured to each of us. Wait, how did he know what our names were? We hadn’t told him anything about us! Now I was really confused and irritated with this guy.
“How did you know our names? We haven’t you told anything about us.” I asked and I tried to make my irritation really clear to him.
“Well, as you know vampires sometimes get special abilities when they turn, and my special talent is to be able to hear the thoughts of others around me.” He said, and emphasized the word special.
“Oh” we both said in unison, well that explains a lot.
“Well it’s nice to meet you Alice” I said happily.
“It’s good to meet you too Maira, Charlotte, we are totally going to be the best of friends!” She said with such excitement that I was starting to feel excited myself, and then I glanced at Edward’s face and I could see that he was really irritated by something by the look on his face. And as he noticed that I was watching him with a questioning gaze, his face became a smooth mask of no emotion. Huh.

“So Maira, Charlotte, are you going to tell us how you two were able to communicate like that?” he asked, clearly irritated with the delay of Alice’s appearance.
“Communicate like what?” she asked suddenly with her eyes wide whilst standing on the balls of her feet. Edward sighed as his answer was going to be delayed by Alice’s question.
“Well the whole reason why we even met was because I walked past these two here whilst they were walking, and then they abruptly stopped dead in their tracks as they passed one of our scents. That was when I realised that these two had to be vampires because humans aren’t that affected by our scent. Then I heard them talking to each other, well it sounded more like screaming and they were discussing things that would give away our identity, but I then realised that not a single human around them appeared to be taking notice of the screaming that was coming from them. And so it hit me that they were talking to each other telepathically or something like that, so I went over to see how they were doing it, and so on to this present moment. So will you tell us now?” He asked us again for the. . . I don’t know how many times now, but I seriously don’t think we can tell them until we know them better, because absolutely no one knows about what we have discovered.

“I suppose we could tell you but –“ I started to say but I was interrupted by a loud booming voice of some guy who was now leaning on Edward’s shoulder, and Edward looked absolutely murderous.
“Yo! What’s up Eddy? I see your already turning the charm up on the girls around here. . .” he trailed off as he studied our features. “You two are vampires.” And he sounded quite impressed, Charlotte just huffed at him.
“Yeah, cause like you’ve never seen one of us before now have you?” she said with sarcasm dripping off her voice.
“How many times must I tell you Emmett, don’t call me Eddy!” Edward said sternly to the guy leaning on him.
“Well. . . Um, well I’m Emmett, and this is Rosalie and Jasper Cullen. I see you’ve already met Edward and Alice here.” He said as he nodded to Edward and Alice standing in front of us, So these are the Cullens, I thought to myself. Just as Emmett introduced us to himself, Rosalie and Jasper, and that was when I took in the features of everyone standing there.

Emmett was muscled like a serious weight lifter, with dark, curly hair. The guy who was Jasper was taller but leaner, but was still muscular and had honey blonde hair. While Edward was kind of lanky, less bulky with very untidy bronze coloured hair and he looked much more boyish than the other guys. Rosalie was tall and had a beautiful figure, and her hair was golden that gently waved to the middle of her back. And then there was Alice who looked a lot like a pixie with her short, deep black hair sticking up in every direction, and like us, they all had golden eyes which told us they didn’t feed on feeble humans.

“Hello” Charlotte said to Jasper and held out her hand to him, and he gladly took it in his.
“Pleasure to meet you” he said to her, and I swear I saw her eyes light up with happiness.
”I like this one.” I heard Charlotte say in my head, how typical of her.
”Easy now Charlotte, you know nothing about him.” I told her, and I felt her irritation seep into my system. Then I noticed that Edward was again looking very irritated and annoyed with us, so I decided that before he started asking questions again, I would change the situation.
“Hey, how about you guys come and sit with us for lunch?” I asked them, everyone looked relieved, but Alice didn’t look at all surprised, she looked as if she was expecting it even, then she smiled at me innocently, so I smiled back at her.
“So, where to ladies?” Emmett asked.
“We sit under an ancient cedar tree not far from the canteen, it’s really nice.” Charlotte said with delight, but I reckon it’s just because she was going to get to talk to Jasper. So we both lead the Cullen’s to our beloved school cedar tree. . . Not really.

As we approached our tree, I saw that everyone was already there, all six of them not including Charlotte. As they saw us approaching them, they looked quite surprised and hostile to the strangers we were dragging to sit with us without their knowledge, so I guess they are a bit angry at us right now. So I thought I should tell them what’s going on, so I spoke to all of them telepathically except for Charlotte because she doesn’t need me telling her what she already knew.
”It’s okay guys, they’re vampires as well and they seem really nice, so we thought we could let them sit with us, I guess its about time we made some extra friends at this school anyway.” I said and I felt the relief washing from them and into my consciousness, so I quickly retracted from them and started to introduce the 'Star Gang' to the Cullens.

“Okay, here we are, hey guys could you make the circle wider so we can all fit and see each other please?” I asked them, and they all promptly shifted and let the Cullens sit down, so once we were all sitting I started introducing.
“Okay everyone, this is Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett, Alice and Edward Cullen.” I gestured to each of them, and thought that its time for our gang.
“And this is Rhi, Genevieve, Hester, Zona, Grace, and Abagail.” I introduced and also gestured to everyone in the group. And it was really nice how we all just became good friends immediately, we were all talking to each other as if we were old friends. And then Edward had to spoil the friendly atmosphere by asking the question that I was trying to avoid as long as possible.
“So how do you lot talk to each telepathically like that, just before when were approaching everyone at the tree, you all heard Maira’s mental voice in your heads warning you not to be alarmed when we came. So how do you do it?” He asked for again for probably the hundreth time, maybe not but thats deffinetly how it felt.
“Wow! You guys can talk to each other in your minds!? That’s so cool!” Emmett said with pure excitement, and then were all feeling excited, and I had know idea why, so that was quite a weird feeling.
“Yes, we can Emmett, but I think it alright to tell you guys after talking to you today.” I said, trying to prolong the moment, I looked at everyone’s face of the gang, and they all looked at bit uncertain but alright with the situation. And then I looked at the Cullens and they looked like they might explode if I don’t tell them soon enough.

Well might as well get it over with. I thought to myself.
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