Creating Telepathic Vampires

Chapter 5

Maira’s POV:
I sat on our roof early in the morning to watch the sun rise up over our huge trees, watching the sun was something that always made me feel calm and renewed, because it’s a new day and a new beginning. I sat and kept watching the sun rise until it was completely out of the horizon’s reach, but it was now time to change for school. I jumped off of the roof and landed with a barely audible thud on one of the branches of a nearby willow that lead to my bedroom windows. I walked along the thick branch then climbed back into my bedroom windows and started to get ready for school.
”Maira hurry up, we need to be at school early today.” Charlotte’s mental voice sounded in my head.
”And would you care to inform me why we have to be early today?” I asked her.
”Umm, well I just wanted to make sure that Jas – that the Cullens had someone there that they know before school, and then we could go to classes together. If they’re in our class that is.” She thought while I continued to organise myself, I just grabbed my schoolbag and converse out of the front room closet, then locked the front door considering I was the last one out.
”Well if you guys had told me that we are going half an hour earlier today, then we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we?” I thought to her as I walked toward the open garage, by the looks of it Grace and the others had already left.
Charlotte, Rhi and Abagail were already sitting in my car with the hood open, Abagail most probably did it. Always the impatient one I thought to myself.
I sat in my car and started the engine all at vampire speed then backed out and started to speed down our paved driveway to catch up to Grace and the others.
”Gee, took your time didn’t you?” Rhi said unhappily and slid her phone shut after checking the time.
“What, you too? May I ask which one you’ve fallen for?” I asked teasingly and turned in my seat with a sly grin so I could see her reaction, her face was shocked and surprised.
“How did you know?”
“So you have for one then? And the only way I suspected something was the fact that your acting a lot like Charlotte” I said as I turned back around to face the road, then I heard her sigh unhappily and she crossed her arms across her chest in annoyance. And at the same time Charlotte had crossed her arms in annoyance of being compared to someone. Myself and Abagail laughed at how immature they were acting.
“So who is it!?” Abagail asked impatiently, see, always the impatient one.
“Well. . . I really like Emmett, he’s like a giant teddy and he’s so much fun to be around, my type of guy.”
“You have a type?” Abagail said as she tried to conceal her laughter from us, it wasn’t working.
“We all do! Why, don’t you have a type Abby?” Rhi asked with faked interest.
“No, I believe I don’t!” Abby said defensively.
“Oh! Really? So does that mean you would go out with any type of guy? Even if it were that human named Hayden at school?” She said, happy to win their little argument, by now Charlotte and myself was laughing so hard at the front that Rhi was having trouble keeping her composure while she interrogated Abby.
“What!? No! I would never! That puny human smells so bad that if I could puke I would have lost my stomach lining ages ago and you guys would have too, and you know!” she was practically yelling by the time she finished.
“Settle Petal, it was just a joke I’m sure. . . Rhi?” I said so that we could all calm down.
“Um, yeah, it was a joke.” Rhi said with bitten back chuckle at the end, and that was the best reassurance she could some up with.

We arrived at the school with twenty-five minutes to spare, so instead of walking straight off to homeroom in the morning, we walked over to our school cedar, and guess who were sitting under it waiting for us? None other than the infamous Cullens. As we all walked over there, I realised that I couldn’t see Edward sitting with the rest and somehow my shoulders seemed become lighter, as if I had one less thing to worry about. We had just about reached the cedar when I realised there was a folded leg poking out from the side of the tree, when we got there it was pretty clear that Edward was sitting with his back leaning against the side of the tree, instead of sitting in the circle at the front with us. Way to burst my bubble.
Then right on cue he chuckled at my mental remark. ’Stupid mind reading vampire, stay out of my head!’ I thought towards him. He got up and joined the rest of us as if nothing had happened. I sat down next Grace and Alice, then opened my bag to pull out a hair tie considering I didn’t have time this morning because I was rushed against own will. So I tied my hair up into a high ponytail let hang just past my shoulders.
“Hey Charlotte, me, Grace and Maira are going to go shopping this weekend, do you want to come with us?” Alice suddenly asked out of the blue, wait, when was it decided that I was going to go shopping with Alice? When did this happen?
“What?” Grace and I both said at the same time?
“Wait, when was it decided that we were going to go shopping this weekend? Why weren’t we informed of this?” Grace asked
“I do believe you were informed Grace, Maira, in fact yesterday before science. Weren’t you two paying attention to what I was saying?” Alice asked hurt, great, now we’ve hurt the feelings of someone we’ve only known for about a day, more or less.
“I’m sorry Alice, we just had a lot on our minds I guess,” I said feeling really stupid, but I honestly did have a lot on my mind, actually, Grace and myself had a lot on each others minds. I guess we’ll have to go so that she doesn’t get upset.
“But we would love to go shopping with you Alice, I’m sorry we weren’t exactly listening to you yesterday, so we’ll make it up to you this weekend, Alright?” I asked faking as much happiness as I could, but I just felt like absolute crap, today was meant to be our wed- No, just don’t go there Maira, what’s done is done, stop living in your past. Just then I caught Edward and Jasper looking at me with sad, but confused expressions, so I faked my happiness and once again told Edward to stay out of my head. I looked back up to Alice just in time to see her moving out of hug from Grace and was now about to crush me with a hug – Vampire style.
“Thanks so much girls, I’ve been dying to go on a shopping spree in ages!” she whined.
“Alice, we just went shopping the other day, and you practically bought a whole new closet full of clothes and you redecorated your room.” Rosalie interrupted.
“Aw but Rose, that was necessary shopping, it had to be done, did you see what the wallpaper was in that room before I gave if a face lift?” she asked in an accusing manner.
“Yes, I do, what was wrong with a rose patterned wallpaper that was yellowing and peeling at the edges may I ask?” Rosalie asked innocently, then she looked at me then winked, then right on cue Alice started to rant.
“Are you seriously asking me that question Rosalie? Are you really? It was Ancient, yellowing and peeling in corners! You said it yourself! If you think that I. . .” Alice kept on going on with her rant, Charlotte sat and watched Alice rant and sometimes interrupted when Alice took a breath by either saying “Interesting,” or “No, please continue, I’m extremely fascinated by this so of stuff.”

I honestly think she’s doing it just so that we would all get annoyed.
”Its amazing isn’t it Maira, I mean she just keeps on going on and on about nothing! It’s so funny to watch.” she thought to me.
”Gee Charlotte, I forget, maybe you could remind me, but why are we at school a whole half hour early today?” I asked her, trying to distract her so that she would stop encouraging Alice.
”Oh my god! I almost completely forgot about him, I mean, isn’t yellowing wallpaper just so fascinating” she thought with way over exaggerated happiness and interest.
”Just go to talk with Jasper so that she’ll stop please, and don’t be too rude.” I thought to her.
”Yeah yeah,” she thought.

“That’s nice, hey Jasper!” Charlotte said distractedly in Jaspers direction then got up and sat next to him to talk. ”Real smooth Charlotte”
”Shush” was all she said and then she completely started to ignore everyone else except Jasper. Everyone was having fun talking and getting to know each other better, and seeing everyone was busy and weren’t really talking about anything important, I got out my manuscript book (book with music lines) and started to compose a new piece of music. After writing halfway down my second page the bell sounded for tag (which is like homeroom I guess, we read out school notices and waste ten minutes of our life everyday.) So I packed up my stuff and waited for Abagail, Grace, Charlotte and Genevieve to get up so that we could walk to tag together. None of us had tag together but our classes were in pretty much in the same area, so every morning we went one way, while everyone else went the other.

When I got to my tag room, only my teacher, Mr. Newman and a few other students were there, so we waited for everyone else to file in before notices were read. Mr. Newman read out the notices but I didn’t pay much attention to them, until I heard him say the magic words.
“Hey kids, If you really want to get out of class today, you can help set up catering for the big parent teacher lunch that’s on in the library today, at periods one and two, all help would be appreciated guys.
”Hmm, what do I have period one and two. . . Media then science, oh I am so there!” I thought to myself.
” Hey do you guys want to help set up the catering for the parent teacher lunch today?” I asked everyone telepathically. As it turned out, everyone had either an exam or in class essay today except for Charlotte, Rhi, and Grace.

When the bell sounded to eng Tag, I quickly met up with Charlotte, Rhi and Grace, then we all headed off to the library so that we could get out of class. As we approached the library I realised that Edward, Emmett and Jasper were standing around the entrance waiting, to be directed by Ms. Steel the home economics teacher, who was doing the catering. ’You getting out of class too now Edward?” I thought teasingly as I placed my bag into the racks and walked up to the Cullen boys with my small sample of our ‘Star Gang.’
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