Beast and The Harlot

Chapter 27

"Let's go get maternity clothes!" Kimper suggested, bouncing on Joss's bed as her, Joss, and I talked on a Saturday, two days before the results came in.

"Thanks...You make me feel loads better!" I punched her shoulder with a smile.

"I know, right!" Kimper smirked, looking at Joss, who was hanging on the edge of the bed, her short red hair spiking out, her cheeks turning a similar shade.

"You know, you're head is gonna explode from all the blood rushing to it," Kimper informed her.

"Oh well. It'd be cool! Total blood bath!" Joss screamed, flipping over and landing on her knees.

"Okay. Let's go shopping...Since someone," I aimed to Kimper, "thinks I'm getting fat!"

"Psh. You're about the size of one of my pinky toes!" Joss thumped Kimper upside the head.

"Oh, you stinkin' heifer!"

"Again, with the damn heifer! That's so fucking stupid!"

"You're stupid, you b-" Kimper raised a fist in Joss's direction.

"Alright, you two! Do I need to spank you and send you to your rooms?" I kidded.

"Ooooh, yes! Spank me hard! I like it!" Joss pooched her butt out towards me.

"You're so silly!" I pushed her butt away.

"Get up! Let's go!" Kimper wiggled out of her pajamas and picked up a pair of pink jeans, sliding them up.

"Those are mine!" Joss pointed and pouted.

"Oh, get over it! Find something else!" Kimper waved her off.

"Fiiine!" Joss yanked up purple shorts, and stomped into the bathroom.

"You two are such kids," I shook my head, getting up like I was an old woman, grabbing my duffel bag.

"He's so hot! I wonder if his name's Bruce!" Joss squealed, widening her eyes at a random dude with a skater hair style, black shorts, facial piercings, and numerous tattoos.

"You and Bruce...I swear, the Joker and Batman will never die for you!" Kimper laughed, linking arms with us both.

"We can't go to Hot Topic then, can we?" I whined in direction of the darkly lit store with the peculiar clothes, heavy metal leaking out of the doors.

"We can...but unless they've started selling maternity clothes..." Kimper gave me a sympathetic squeeze.

"Eh, fuck that! I'm going anyway!" I drug Joss and K.B. into the store.

I freed myself from Kimper and Joss's grasp, and went to a rack of jeans.

"These are adorable! I want them," I took the 5's and went into a dressing room.

"Watch the door for me," I told Joss.

I shut it, and pulled off my jeans.

I shimmied into the Tripp jeans, then zipped them up.

I couldn't button them...

No! I yelled in my mind.

I sucked it in and tried to button them then.

It still didn't work, and frustrated stings pelted my eyes.

"Oh no!" I hollered.

"What?! You okay?!" Joss's voice sounded like it wanted to burst through the door.


"OhMyGod, did your water break?!"


"Well," Joss huffed, "what the hell's your problem?"

"I can't fit 5's anymore!" I wailed, taking the jeans off and throwing them, reminding myself very much of a three year old.

"Oh, boo whoo! You'll be alright. Just get 6's," she suggested, not boosting my esteem.

I didn't try to flick off the tears; I grabbed my phone and found Jimmy's number in my address book.


"I'm a gross, fat pig!" I cried, and I heard Joss give a 'ughh!'

"Come outta there!" she said.

"What? Cait, what are you talking about?" Jimmy seemed as confused as Joss.

"I can't fit 5's anymore!"

"Can't fit 5's anymore? Cait..Haha!"

Jimmy busted into a fit of laughter.

Laughing, and laughing.

"Why are you laughing at me?!" I screamed.

"Babe, you're supposed to get fat! It's not like you'll stay that way forever!" he chuckled, gasping for breath.

"Uhhh!" I slapped the phone shut, my depression even worse.

"Cait! Don't mind Joss. She's being a beyotch," I heard a slap and then an "Ow!"

"Just come on out," she soothed, "we'll take you somewhere you like."

"That hurt, you cum twat!"

I opened the door, and faced Kimper who looked worried, and Joss was rubbing her shoulder, her lower lip out like a sulky child.

"Can we go to Candy Craze?" I asked sullenly.

"Sure," Kimper and Joss whisked me out of there, eyes on us the whole way out the door.

"Well, whatcha want?" Joss peeked onto the counter, eyeballing the humongous chocolate chip cookies.

"Those," I pointed to the cookies, my taste buds salviating at the mere thought.

"Mmmkay. What else?" Kimper pulled out her wallet.

"Oh! Some chocolate fudge, just not peanut butter. That could kill me...Umm..snickerdoodles...And a coke," I thought I had handled my gorging very successfully.

"Okay. You and Joss go sit, and I'll get it," she offered.

Joss reached into her bag, getting out a Monster, popped the lid open, and drank it like a camel.

"You don't ever leave anywhere without it, do you?" I giggled at her.

"Hell no. I need my Monster! I swear, it's like cocaine!" she rolled her eyes to the back of her skull, like she was getting high.

I snorted, then covered my mouth in embarrassment.

Joss ducked down, almost spitting out her drink, chuckling into her arm.

"What's so funny?" Kimper set my feast in front of me.

"Oh, yummy!" I took a cookie, and attacked it, chocolate oozing, and the dough soft and chewy.

Yeah...I know..Such delicious, gory details...I'm kinda craving a cookie.

"She snorted."

"Wow! You guys...You guys amaze me at how easily amused you are," Kimper slapped her forehead.

"We didn't exactly accomplish anything today...All we bought were cookies, fudge, and a coke," Joss grinned.

"Oh well," I stared at my house as we pulled into the driveway.

"Haha. I'll see ya later. If you need company or anything, give us a call," Kimper kissed my cheek.

"Dammit! I was gonna kiss her first! But now I can't," Joss threw her Monster can at Kimper's head.

"Why? And that hurt!"

"'Cause I really don't feel like catching the stupid," she got out and sat in the front seat.

I laughed, and backed up a little, waving at them.

"Bye you guys!" I called.

I went into the house, giggling to myself.

"Hello you!" Jimmy's arms were around me faster than I could spell artichoke.

Artichoke? Hmm..

"Hello," I smiled, returning his billions of kisses, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you missed me."

"Very," he smirked.

"Yuck, do you guys have to do that in front of me?" Syn's voice scared me, and made my cheeks hot.

His face seemed a little pained, but his grossed out smirk almost covered it.

"Sorry," I mumbled, shaking off Jimmy's hand.

Jimmy looked at me funny, but turned to Syn.

"What'd you go to the mall for?" Syn asked, straightening his fedora.

"Maternity clothes..But we didn't get to buy anything," I grew even more red, so much, I resembled a tomato.

"Oh...Um, can we talk?" Syn's question was straight forward, socked right to me.

I turned to Jimmy, like I was seeking permission.

"Go," he waved his hand, leaning down and kissing my nose.

"Okay," I beckoned Syn to follow me outside.

He did, and soon, we were walking in a pin-hit-the-floor rhythm.

"So..what did you need to talk about?" I was almost afraid to inquire it.

He kept his eyes forward, his hands fiddling together, like a healing addict.

"I, well...Cait...Please be with me," he spun on me, taking my hands.

I ripped them out of his grasp, staring into his eyes.

"Syn...I can't..Don't get me wrong, I really do love you...But Jimmy.." I studied the tiny flecks of sand.

"He has my whole heart..I don't why, and I don't know how, but he does..."

Syn's eyes looked like a man being tortured.

"I'm so sorry..." I shut my eyes, not wanting to cry in front of him.

"It's fine," his calm tone made my eyes pop open.

"I..I understand. It's not like you could control your heart..I'll be fine," he pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Even if this baby is yours...You can have a part of its life. I owe you that much..And tons more," I added.

"I plan on it, even if it's not mine..I can be an uncle, right?" he smiled.
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Gosh, I'm so sowwy it's been forever since i've updated. I've felt shitty, and tons of stuff's been happening...I'm terribly sowwy. x) Enjoy! I love you all! hehe