Beast and The Harlot

Chapter 6

Something wet was rubbing on my arm.

"Mmm?" I sat up, and saw what I had gotten in.

A plate with toast and eggs sat balanced on my bunk, and my orange juice glass lay on its side, the juice soaking into my blanket and sheets.

Where was I?

I opened the curtain and gave a groan.

It was way too damn bright.

I threw my blanket and sheets into the floor, then crawled out afterwards.

Wait a second, I paused, giving a self concious look down.

My clothes were not on, just my undergarments.

I sighed frustratedly, reaching up to get my sunglasses out of my bag.

I put them on, hauling up my sheets.

Where are you going in your bra and panties? a skeptical voice questioned.

I held my sheets to my body when footsteps were advancing towards me.

"You're awake," Matt didn't notice anything weird, but as soon as he got a second look, he blinked.

"Uh...Cait? What are you doing in"

"I spilled orange juice on it," I pushed my shades up.

"I see. Too bright in here also?"

I gave a nod.

"What time is it?" I really hated looking like an idiot.

"It's 10:33," he went up to me and took my sheets away.

And me, being too hung over to be coordinated, barely fought to keep the sheets covering me.

"Hey! You bastard, I'm not dressed yet!" I cried, covering myself with my hands.

"Then go get dressed," his twinkling eyes lingering on me for an unnecessary amount of minutes.

He turned, then stopped.

"We have to do laundry today before we go to Seattle," he informed me before leaving into the tiny living room.

I scowled after his wide expanse of shoulders, tugging out my duffel bag with an angry course of much needed energy.

I put on a black Metallica tee shirt, jeans, and hot pink and neon blue toe socks.

I brushed out my crazy mane of curls, then fashioned it into a pony tail.

I made sure my glasses were still on, then went into the other room with the boys.

Johnny was chowing down on a muffin, his hair unruly, his naturally blonde hair dyed a kool aid red.

Jimmy was playing a PS2 game with Syn, and Zacky.

Matt had their two laundry hampers, throwing in more clothes.

"Did you get yours?" he smiled up at me, picking up a rhythm while he worked.

"Oh, no..." I went back, then returned to hand it to him.

"You want to help me today? We'll go find a laundry mat when Jason gets hungry. We're kinda outta food at the moment," he grimaced, smoothing down his adorable cow lick.

I glanced at Johnny, who was still shoveling muffin into his mouth.

"I wonder why," I said dryly, but smiling all the while.

"Bad hangover?" he pointed at my shades.

"Yeah...I'm not gonna do that for awhile," I admitted.

Matt looked at me, and luckily my glasses prevented him from seeing that I was returning the stares.

God, the level of sex appeal on that man....

It was always up.

Matt and I spent a few hours watching Jimmy, Johnny, Syn, and Zacky play Guitar Hero.

They fought with each other, and screamed at the tv screen.

Boys could never get that it was just a game.

My eyes settled on Jimmy, who had sunglasses on.

It hadn't been too smart of me to get wasted; something happens, and I wind up sleeping with one of the guys.

I was surprised none of them had found me out yet.

My little chirade had been going on for a year then.

One of these days, I thought with a disappointed smile.

What would I do if they finally caught me in the act?

Finally figured out my lie?

I sighed, and stretched my body to cover the entire sofa.

I shut my eyes.

It hadn't even been a mere millisecond before the brakes were stomped on, and I had been flung off the chair.

"Damn it, Jason Berry!" I heard Syn swear.

"You okay, Cait?" Zacky crouched to give me a hand up.

"Uh huh. I'm fine," Zack was such a sweetheart.

He sat down next to me.

Jason opened the tour bus door, a breeze filtering into the hot, cramped space.

"Learn how to drive, asswipe!" Johnny spit beer everywhere.

"Learn how to get taller, munchkin," Jason tossed at him, then gave all of us a smile.

"Anybody want tacos?"

Zacky, Jimmy, Johnny, and Syn shoved Jason out of the door with them.

"You would think they'd never eaten a taco before," Matt shook his head, "ready?"

I picked up a basket, "Yeah."
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Thanks for the comments! You guys seriously are awesome! :D The crap's fizzin to hit the fan here...But I have at least two more chapters to go before anything bad happens Hehe. The subscribers, and readers, commenters, keep it up! Joo make me giggle!