
I Love You

After a while, everything went black and I couldn’t see anything at all. I tried to move around but I couldn’t feel my body. It was as if something made me numb. It was like the anesthesia that ran through my body the day I knew he died. There was nothing I could do but wake up so I slowly opened my eyes to see the bright rays of light from the sun through the window. I felt an arm wrapped around me. I turned around to see that it was Liam that held me tight. I didn’t want to wake him so I slowly took his arm and placed it on the side of the bed where I slept with gentle movements. I walked to the comfort room to wash my face and the memory of seeing him in that cloudy place. But sadly, the only thing that was refreshed was my face, not my mind. The scenes played over and over again inside my head and there was nothing else I could think about. I knew this would happen. I knew that he would come back to haunt me.

“Rachel?” Liam called from the bed room. I didn’t answer him. I just stayed silent. I didn’t want him to see me like this.

“Rachel? Where are you?” he called out yet again with a voice that sounded very tired. I pitied him but did nothing to help him. If he wanted to find me, he might as well get up and look everywhere. I know that I’m being irrational but isn’t it normal for someone to be like that every once in a while?

“You okay?” he said as he opened the door of the bathroom. I shook my head and sunk down with my back to the wall.

“What happened?” he asked sitting next to me.

“Nothing,” I whispered.

“No, this is something. Tell me, what happened?” he demanded.

“He’s haunting me,” I said finally giving in. I glanced at him and all he did was shake his head.

“He’s not haunting you-”

“Yes he is,” I said cutting him off.

“It’s all in your head Rach,” he said taking my hand.

“No, it’s not. It’s true!” I said trying to defend myself.

“Look you only think that because you miss him.” He said cupping my face with both of his hands.

“Don’t you miss him too?” I asked and he slowly put his hands down.

“Ya, I do but I can’t cry over spilled milk forever.” He said.

“I know but-”

“Just think about the good times you guys spent and it will all turn out to be fine.” He said getting up. He took my hand and pulled me up as well.

“But I can’t do that,” I said without really thinking of what to say next.

“Why not?” he asked and I paused for a little longer than a little while.

“Because I’ll only miss him more and he’s going to come back and haunt me in my sleep,” I said

“Stop acting childish. He won’t haunt you. I won’t let him. You got that?” he said annoyed.

“How?” I asked rather curiously.

“I’ll find a way,” he said and with that he took my hand and led me back to the bedroom.

“Why are we back here? I don’t really feel like sleeping anymore.” I said honestly.

“Are you kidding? It’s like 3 in the freakin’ morning,” he said acting a wee bit cranky.

“I guess lying on the bed won’t hurt,” I said climbing on the bed and rolling over to my side. I lay there staring at the ceiling as he lay down beside me. He shut his eyes and we cuddled.

“I love you,” he whispered in to my ear.