Look Out Life

Chapter 10:Walk Me Home

“So are you gonna walk me home or am I gonna walk by myself?” I asked Gerard he just looked at me like he was in space. Maybe I should thump him? I thought to myself.
“Gerard! Hello” I waved my hands in front of his face “hello are you alive? You’re not breathing.”
He shook his head and looked at me and blinked twice, then he stood up and pulled me up off his bed.
“I’ll walk you home. Don’t worry.” I looked at him confused ‘don’t worry’ what does he mean.
“What do you mean? Why would I worry?” it was left hanging in the air for awhile.
So I was waiting for an answer.
“Ah I don’t know.” he was so much fun to be around he was confusing, fun, funny, goofy. He made me laugh and the best of all he made me smile the whole time I’m with him. My mind was swirling was I growing fond of Gerard, was I finding myself liking him slowly. I couldn’t do that to him though he’s my bestest of friend he couldn’t feel that way about me.
So as Gerard was leading me out of his junkie ass room, I heard talking in the living room I thought Gerard’s little bro might have a friend or something over.
“Hi Gerard when did you get home----.” this person cut himself off when he saw Gerard dragging me out of his room, he looked to be old-ish I guess you could say. His hair was blond-ish and he was wearing like a pants-suit I guess, and there was a lady with bleach blond hair. They stared at Gerard wide it kind of freaked me out.
“Um Gerard where were you just coming from?” the woman said. Gerard stopped in his tracks and looked at her, he was still a hold of my wrist.
“Uh hey mom…when did you get back…?” he said kind of shocked. I was shocked none the less cause they were probably thinking the same thing my dad thought when he saw me and Gerard on the couch.
“We got back a few minutes ago. You still didn’t answer my question.”
Gerard looked at her then to the man I guess was his Dad.
“Oh I’m taking her home, we came back from my room and it’s getting dark and I don’t want her dad to freak.” he said sincere.
“Oh okay” she said like she was relieved “but who is she?”
Gerard hit himself in the head with his fist.
“This is Déjà…Déjà this is my parents.” Gerard pointed to me to them.
They both waved. “Nice to meet you.”
I waved back then Geard let me out the door .
So we went walking to my house, Gerard had his hands in his pockets I was walking alone silently. So we made it to my house I got to the little door frame in the apartment. Before Gerard left he looked at me. He was looking down smiling, it was a good awkward silence.
He looked at me and leaned down to my ear
“Don’t forget the bench.” he informed me. I just smiled. Then anyone in there great mind would know this would happen. The ‘Dad’ opened the door. Gerard slowly turned his head his eyes kind of grew you could say.
My dad looked at me then to Gerard, Gerard stepped back then went to walk away.
He turned his torso so he could so me some.
“Don’t forget.” he told me
I smiled “I won’t!” I told him and waved. So I went inside dad just looked at me I payed him no attention and went to my room, I didn’t even change into sleeping clothes I got to the bed sat on it pulled my covers up and laid there. Wow. I thought to myself I actually found a friend that listens talks and doesn’t get bored with me…(maybe I’ve grown to get to like him) I can feel that way if I want no one has to know, I let another smile slip. I was doing that a lot and I started to like it
I hope when school starts (though I wish it never will) that we go to the same school.
I nodded off to sleep and went to a dreamless sleep I was just trying to sleep till day came so I could be with Gerard again…
♠ ♠ ♠
I-KIRJAIN johtua rikki avulla toinen ja ehkä ihmiset joka kuulua nyt kuluva jälkisäädös käsittää Finnish

(and i also hope i spell all the Finnish words right XD)