Look Out Life

Chapter 12: Oh My God!

“So what ‘cha been up to since I last saw you yesterday?” Gerard stood there in a long hard thought. “Just waiting for you to come ‘cause I’m bored has hell.” he said mental.
I just bursted out laughing he looked so weird.
“Why you laughing at me you fignuten?” I looked at him just shook my head.
“I’m laughing cause I’m a beautiful fignuten! Ha.” he just rolled his eyes and I got up and followed him to the kitchen and I sat on the counter while he got, cereal.
“AHHHH!” I scream Gerard jumped and spelled some cereal.
“WHAT!” he looked at me mad. “You’re a cereal killer!” he just put his hands on his face,
“Why are you so abnormal?”
“Why aren’t you so abnormal?” I said and stuck my tongue out. He walked closer and put his fist on the counters and got right in my face, he looked me straight in the eyes.
“You have no idea how un-normal I am.” he said and cocked his head and looked at me.
“Oh yeah…” was all I said. “Yeah.” he just keep looking at me I got closer and leaned down to his ear, and I felt him stiff up. “See I told you I’m more un-normal than…” I’ whispered, I waited for a second “you!” I yelled in his ear he clung his hands to his ears and scrunched his face up. I started laughing. “I told you Gerard-0, who’s number one dude who?!” I said and slid off the counter and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a coke and sipped it. And went over to Gerard cereal that didn’t have no milk in it and got a spoon and picked some up with the spoon and eat it.
“Whoa Gerard your cereals good.” he just gave me a mean look and murmured something I didn’t quite catch. I stayed for a hour or two and I had to go.
“Bye Déjà Vu.” Gerard said as he hugged me I did the same. “Bye Gerard-O.”
And I went out the door. I made it home to my apartment and was walking down the hall way.
I looked up to see I guy who looked way to familiar, I looked a little harder.
“Frank?” I hollered just a little. I saw a head pop up and who would’ve guess it.
“Déjà Vu?” he had a smile on his face. And I ran over to him, and he hugged me like we known each other our whole life.
“Oh my God I didn’t think you’d actually live in the same apartment!” he scream.
“I didn’t think the same ether!” we both squealed. We grabbed each others hand and started going around in circles jumping just hollering and screaming it was awesomeness’.
We did that for about 2 more minutes and we heard doors open I saw my dad and some woman.
“What’s going on.” my dad and the woman yelled in union.
We instantly stopped but we still hand death grips on each others’ hands. I looked at my dad’s face and he looked at me and Frank holding hands and his eyes got really ‘really big.
“Déjà! What are you doing?”
“Frank what are you doing?” my Dad and the woman yelled.
“Dad this is Frank we meet at the park when I was goin’ over to Gerard’s.”
“Oh…” was all he said. “Yeah Mom and I meet her when I was at the park, going to the park.” so that was his mom.
“Okay well Frank get in this house you have chores to do.” he sighed.
“Alright mommmm.”
“Bye Frankie see ya latter.” I hugged him, and we separated.
I went inside and I bet dad was confused it was funny though…
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