Look Out Life

Chapter 13;Gay?!

As I went inside I sonly got bored I went and ate a sucker (what a meal)
“So who was that boy anyway?” my dad asked.
“Oh; uh that was Frankie.” I said underly.
“I think he looked to found of you.” he said as a point he always does that.
“Dad I just meet him exactly today” I pointed out “and he’s gay anyway.” I put my hand over my mouth and slowly walked out the room. I closed my door and locked it.
‘why the hell did I call Frankie gay? Maybe it was my subconscious standing up for him’ I thought. Well — maybe he won’t talk about him so much now.
Now I need someone here with me, ugh I hate my life sometimes.
So without thinking of my actions; I actually took sleeping pills, life wasn’t exactly right without someone here with me — I’d hate to see if I’d move. I’d probably move in with Gerard, Dad wouldn’t except it — but I would in a dime.
I went guzzled them down with a swig of coke and about 30 minutes of waiting I feel asleep.
I woke up and I saw the clock it read 11:00 AM I jumped out of bed and got a shower got dressed and I wanted to see if Frankie was home, I went to his apartment number 113 and he answered the door.
“Hello Frankie-O.” I said cheerful. He smiled.
“Hello Déjà vu; how’s life.” he said and offered me to come in, and a certainly did.
He walked over and sat on the couch, I sat by him.
“It’s good I guess — I caught a cereal killer.” his eyes grew.
“Really?” he said in a hushed tone.
“Yeah, he was eating all of it…so I stole it from him and saved it.” I laughed, Frankie did the same.
“I like you, you’re strange.” he said and playfully pushed me, I blushed a little.
“You’re like the” I counted my fingers “9th person to tell me that.” I said making a statement.
“Whoa well no one can help that.”
“You’re very precise Frankie-Boy.” I said and giggled.
“Oh Frankie I got some bad news…” he looked at me with a eyebrow hunched.
“What is it?” I took a deep breath.
“I told my dad you’re gay…” Frank looked at me so hard it could cut a knife through me.
“What the…why?” it was kind of awkward.
“Because he was saying you were ‘found’ of me, and I took up for you and… kind of told him off. He though I shouldn’t hang around you — so I accidentally blurted out; you we’re gay.”
He shook his head “That’s nice of you to take up for me, maybe I can spend the night and I can sleep in the bed with you.” he laughed. I shook my head.
“Pervert.” I muttered.
So Frank asked me to come see something; I followed him into his room, he had a guitar there.
“Whoa you play?” I asked excited.
“Yes, yes I do and I enjoy it far to well…it’s like my girlfriend.” I looked at him with concern.
“Frankie you really — ‘really — ‘really need a girlfriend.” he looked at me devily.
“I might’ve found one.” he gulped. And he just keep looking at me “But I’m gay now so yeah.”
I laughed at his little comment.
“Well now you can hang out more often.” I said and sat on his floor bed, he sat down with me.
“SO TRUE!” he said like a child. He makes me giggle just like Gerard, I wonder if — well I pray they’ll get along so we can all be good friends — that’d pretty much make my life.
So I stayed with Frank for about another hour and had to go. I told him bye and hugged him.
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