Look Out Life

Chapter 15:Slow Motion

Me and Gerard looked up and saw.
“Dad!” I yelled my dad looked furious, his face was squinted together hands into fist; he was about to exploded! Gerard didn’t let go of me though, he actually held on tighter. And I could tell it made my Dad madder which is worse.
“What the hell are you doing to my daughter?!” Gerard’s eyes rose up and: I looked and slanted my eyes over to Frank’s, he was really freaked. Frank ran over to me and snatched me out of Gerard’s arms and ran into my room, I looked back to see my dad look at me and probably infuriated…I looked at Frank once he put me down — with a puzzled look on my face.
“Frank what the hell are you doing?” I said throwing my hands up and then down.
“I’m getting you out of here.”
“Wha— why? Plus Gerard’s out there,” I said pointing to the door. “and he’s the one getting bitched at Frank!” he knew I was irritated.
“Don’t worry…we’re getting you out and you can stay at Gerard’s house, or some shit.” he said directly in my face.
“Frank. How . The . Hell…are we going to get down!?” he looked at me and smiled.
“Threw your window.” I looked at him wide-eyed while he went over and opened my window.
“Ready?” he said with his hands on the window seal. I shook my head.
He jumped out and I looked down. My door busted open and I saw Gerard with his hand on the door and looked freak. He looked at me.
“Go!” he pointed towards the window, I wouldn’t go I just shook my head — he ran over and pushed me out the window, I was too scared to scream I just fell slowly. Everything looked like it was in slow motion. I saw Gerard’s face full of concern and frightful frigidly it hurt my heart. I landed on Frankie and he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me along. I looked back and saw Gerard turn around and their was my dad, I gulped Gerard ducked and went under his swinging arms. That was all I could see and I suddenly went…limp.

“Déjà, Déjà ya there, hello wake up.” I heard a voice say. I tried to open my eyes but it didn’t work out too good.
“Frank what the fuck happened?” I heard and all too familiar. Then I raised straight up and smacked someone upside the head.
“OW!” we said in union.
I opened my eyes and I smacked into Gerard. I looked at him then, before I knew it I was latched onto him — all I felt was the coldness of his leather jacket, then I felt arms around me.
I buried my head into his neck.
“My dad’s gonna hate me…” I cried out Gerard just held onto my tighter.
“He’s not gonna hate you, but me and Frank knew you didn’t need to be there with him.” I was confused by this moment.
“Wha— what do you mean?” I said with a tear trolling down my cheek.
“My mom said he heard him talking about moving. And if you didn’t want to go…he would beat your sorry ass.” I heard Frank sigh at the end. I clenched tighter onto Gerard.
“I DON’T WANT TO MOVE!” I said and began crying. I couldn’t move and leave my best friends I would go into spiraling depression! Does no one seem to understand that!
“I know you don’t.” Gerard said quietly in my ear; he tried to pull me away but I wouldn’t let go, he gave in.
“Theirs no way in hell I’m moving.” I demanded “I’ll run the fuck away before I do any of that shit.” I said angry.
“You’re not leaving.” I looked up at Gerard and he smiled and whipped a tear off my cheek. The single one that trailed down.
I looked over at Frank and he smiled at me.
“Okay love birds get up or I’m going out.”
Me and Gerard blushed slightly. Gerard ‘n’ me looked at Frank and smiled.
“Get! Out!”