Look Out Life

Chapter 16:Likes Me

“Gerard do you trust him now?” I asked because I knew he couldn’t keep this up for long.
“Not yet I told you I’ll stop when I do trust him so you’ll just have to wait, okay?” I sighed at him for this he was getting on my nerves not trust Frank.
“Yeah but I still think its wrong for us to lie to him, about us fake dating Gerard.” I said bleakly.
“Okay, okay I know but I’ll see where it goes tonight and if I trust him; I’ll stop.”
“Okay Gerard. I think he doesn’t want you to fake date me.” I giggled at Gerard’s face it was all confused.
“I think Frank likes me.” And I laughed a little, then I felt Gerard’s body tense then thinking maybe I said the wrong thing. But I don’t see why it would matter to him.
“Nah, at least not while I’m around.” At looked at him puzzled ‘Why did he say something like that?’
“So don’t be shocked if I kiss you in front of him. Cause I’ll just be like that okay.” He said with out having me question it like he demanded it.
“Whatever you say Daddy.” I said and got out of his grip and opened his bedroom door and walked out and closed it behind me. Before I closed it I saw Gerard’s confused face but didn’t bother.
I saw Frank on Gerard’s couch with his arms crossed over his chest like he was upset.
“What’s wrong Frankie-boy?” I asked and sat on his lap with his arms still crossed.
“Nothing, so you and Gerard are going out huh?” he asked and I wanted to tell him the truth, yet I wanted to follow Gerard’s orders and listen but I don’t know.
“I wouldn’t call it dating,” I told him summing up the words. “I rather call it communicating friendship.” I told him and put my arms around his neck as he unfolded his arms and looked at me with straight eyes that could probably see through me.
“Okay…” I kissed him on the cheek and wondered why it bothered him so much. I was only joking when I said Frank liked me but I wondered if I was just fooling myself.
He held his gaze on me for awhile and I got up and got off his lap to go get Gerard. Because Frank’s silent’s was getting on my nerves.
“Gerard! Frank’s creeping me out with this silent’s and gaze he’s holding on me.” I said as I grabbed for Gerard’s arm, but he pulled me down and I landed beside him. He looked at me hard and, his pale skin glowing in the little light he had in his room. He put his palm on my cheek and starting tracing it; with his worm touch. While I put my hand on top of his resting it there, I found my way into his long locks and starting twirling and twisting them. His soft un-brushed hair. Wishing this moment could last forever.
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I'm sorry its so short i just dont have enough time to write a full one, but i promise to make another one as soon as i can. I didnt want to keep you wanted.
(Read Slowly For More enjoyment Till The Next One Comes Out) El Oh El