Look Out Life

Chapter 18: Bunking

“Gerard no one really understands me.” I told him out of nowhere.
“What do you mean? I understand you.” I looked at him and tilted my head down.
“You understand me, the ways I’ve only told you about myself. And you understand me in your own way.” I sighed. “But I have the darkest interest. Besides the dark art, and laughing at dark humor. But something more…I just can’t explain to you. Or at least…I haven’t found a way for someone else to understand it.” I returned to Gerard’s face who, was only facing forward and smiling.
“You’ll be able to understand it one day I’m sure.” his pajama pants rustling in the wind.

We walked back out through the cemetery gates, and wondered our way back to his house. Gerard twisted the door knob and it made a cricking sound, I saw that Frank was still asleep on the couch not noticing a thing.
“Gerard you got a pair a pants I can borrow?” I asked in a quite tone. He turned around after taking his slippers off.
“Sure, let me go get ‘em.” and he wondered off into the dark of the hallway.
I stood there awaiting anxious for my pair of damn pants.
He a saliently walked out of the darkness of the hallway; he handed me a pair of black baggy way-to-big-for-me Pjs.
“Thanks Gerard.” he nodded. I started to undo my belt.
“What are you doing!?” Gerard asked in a loud whisper. I looked at him still holding onto my belt buckle.
“Changing clothes. What does it look like?” I started fiddling around with it again finally getting it undone and went to unzip my pants.
“Don’t be doing that in here!.” he said again.
“Why?” I asked like he was mental (even though he probably thought I was)
Gerard got a mad look on his face,
“He’s in here,” he pointed to Frank. “And I’m in here.” he pointed to himself.
I undid my button.
“He’s asleep, you don’t have to look.” I told him and pulled my pants down and he turned away with his arms crossed. I giggled to myself at how people might look.
I slid the pants on and rolled um up a little bit. They were very comfortable.
“Otay Gerard you can turn around now.” I told him with my hands on my hips, he turned around slowly and looked at me madly.
“Good. Now don’t do it again.” he told me with a finger pointed at me.
“Yeah right.” and I went to the kitchen and got a coke; and came back in to see Gerard still standing.
“Can I ask you a question?” I asked Gerard sipping my coke. He nodded and walked over to the recliner and sit, he patted a little space where I could sit. I sat and riggled around.
“Okay, well to tell you the truth. Its not really a question I’m just gonna tell you.” he nodded. “I’m ‘ma bunk with Frankie tonight I guess, I’ll see you when I get up.” I got up and went to lay on the other end of the couch at Frank’s feet, and ass all in my face.
“No you’re not.” he told me. “I said when I got to trust him, I didn’t care if you had sex together. Well maybe that; but still,” he said with frustrated words. “You’re bunkin’ with me ‘kay.” I went to protest when he just grabbed my wrest and lead me down the hall, and we went to the bedroom. He let me go when we got in there and turned off the light, with slight moon light coming from the cricked blinds.
I crawled into his bed and didn’t think twice about what I was doing, I mean I slept with Gerard before. No not lot that, God…no.
I pulled the covers on top of me (well really more like a blanket but cover nonetheless)
I turned over and looked at Gerard who just was getting in the bed, he pulled the blanket the I was in to and struggled with it a little and got it right.
He looked at me and smiled, with those dazzlingly dashingly, dashingly dazzlingly hazel eyes sparkling in my face.
“Good night Déjà vu.” he said sweet and sleepily.
I smiled. “Night Gerard-O.” and I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. I then covered my head up and dreamed a sleep.