Look Out Life

Chapter 19:Strange Enough

I woke up felt a embrace of arms around me, I turned my head slightly to see Gerard holding on to me loosely. His hair in his face over his pale-ish skin, white eyelids with dark eyelashes. I could stare for hours.
I snuggled into his warm embrace and enjoyed it fierily.
I hated to get up but I was thrusting to death, I struggled out of his arms and uncovered myself and began my stumbling way to the fridge; I came to see Frank drinking some milk. Out of the carton. I looked at him and did hands signals for him to pass it, he wasn’t the brightest bulb ever.
“Gimme.” I said sleepily. He looked confused as he pulled it away from his mouth.
“What?” I grabbed to milk from him and started to chug it. After I was done I saw Frank looking at me, after wait a Mino second, I let it go, he was just staring.
“I was thirsty.” was all I told him after I set the milk down, I went through the kitchen door and walked over by the couch and when I saw it; I fell forward on it. My arm dangling from the side of the couch. I heard foot steps so I assumed it was Frank.
“Hand me that cover frank.” I told him in a slur. I felt a blanket being thrown on me from neck to toe.
“Déjà? You slept with Gerard last night?” his voice was weak.
“Yeah. I was gonna bunk with you till-” he cut me off short.
“You were gonna sleep with me?” he asked in a hurry.
“Yup. Frankie come’er.” I told him with my eyes shut and me sleepy, I felt him come close by. I opened my eyes for a minute and saw his hand, like he was waiting for me to grasp it.
“Frankie, what’s wrong?” I asked him as well as I could…asleep.
“What? What do you mean?” I heard his voice quickened as he found the shrewd words.
“I don’t believe that Frankie. You know you’re my friend, and I love you. But what’s wrong?” I asked him pacing a few words faster than others.
“Well the truth…ugh I don’t understand,” he said as he began to obtain frustrations. “You and Gerard. Why him? Why not…me…”
I was taken aback by those words the flew about his mouth, why Gerard, not me.
I was now sitting up on the couch; awake by the sudden disconcert.
“Gerard not you? Frank I don’t like you like that!” I was now astound.
“Just tell me why? Uh, at least give me an answer.” he said with his hands in his short hair, while sitting on the couch looking at the ground.
“Frank I’m sorry, but Gerard just seemed…” I didn’t know how to exactly say this since I was pretending to date Gerard. “More of uh, er my type you could say. And he’s a year older than me, sooo….”
He looked up at me; and pleaded with those brown green eyes, that glowed with sadness that endured me.
“I see, I suppose.” I grew a bit calmer knowing that.
“But,” his words caught me like a slit in my throat. “If he ever leaves you. I’ll be there for you and also, I’ll always be waiting in line.” he smiled at me and showed all teeth. I couldn’t resist that smile.
“I’ll be picking you out then.” and we both smiled at each other.
“Love ya man.” I told Frank he looked at me and leaned his head on my shoulder, and put my arm around him.
“Hey ain’t this supposed to be the other way around?” I asked him, he answered.
“I don’t really care.”

I went to go get ready to take a shower I got my little bit of clothes I had and went to the bathroom; I started running the hot steaming water. I moved the cold water knob so I wouldn’t get scowled. I stepped in and let it hit my face, I let my hair soak up the water so it would be ready to accept shampoo.
After I was lathering it, I heard the toilet flush. I knew it was coming. Hot Or Cold.
I screamed and I heard a “thud” hit the floor I popped my head out the shower to see a Gerard on his back just laying their.
“Gerard you okay?” he turned his head slowly and wide eyed at me.
He jumped up and ran out the door. That was the last I heard.

After I got out the shower I got my little bit of clothes and put them on. I walked out the bathroom and saw Gerard on the porch holding a cup of coffee. I walked outside and sat by him.
“Hey Gerardie.” I said and waved at him, he looked at me and turned his head and looked down into his cup of coffee.
“Yeah…” that wasn’t even an answer.