Look Out Life

Chapter 2:No Dreaming

As I reached my little apartment,trying to find my keys 'Uh I hate looking for them things' I thought to myself fiddling.
"Got 'em!" I said graping my keys out my bag
"Dad I'm home!" I said has I walked inside the house,hopeing he wasn't home
"Hi honey,already home I see?" he said walking into the living room siting on he couch
I walked over to the little arm chair and sat down on it "Yeah dad.It didn't take me that long,considering the trains faster than walking."
"Yeah thats true" he said fliping the TV on
"So how was you're day?" he said looking away from the TV
"Oh ya know same ol'same ol."
"Oh.I see you got a new book" He said looking down at it
"Yeah I got it last week,shocked you didn't see it" I said getting up goin' to my room closeing my door.
I sat my books down on my computer desk ,and laid out on my bed
I found myself thinking about that guy again, he was amazing.
I sighed thinking out loud "I wonder when he'll call" thinking if he actually will
I heard someone knock on my door "Come in" I said still laid out on my bed
I saw my dads face then he came in,"Wonder when who's gonna call?"
Shit I thought he didn't hear everthing.God he's so noisey
I sat up straight "Uh,no one day"
He looked at me like he knew I was lieing "Well from what I heard you said'wonder when HE'S gonna call' so whos he?"
"No one dad,God why do you have to be so noisey!" I was geting aggravated now
"Well anything that has to do with the word "He" I need or would like to know" he said pointing a finger at me like I was a dog or something
"Well there nothing to do with the word "He" in it,sorry"
"Okay..." He just got up and left the room and closed my door,I locked it
Okay there are so many reason why I didn't want to tell him anything to do with a guy. First of all:he would ask me everything about him,even if I didn't know anything

Then if he ever met him he'd interview him,God why do dads have to do that to there daughters

So I just sat there praying Gerard would either call me or E-mail me or do both
Guys are so,OKay I don't know the word for it know but,you know what I mean

So I did everthing a girls gonna do befor they go to bed and what else,jumped in the bed
And I didn't dream nor move in my sleep
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Okay a new one I'mma be busey for a while do to school and I'm not done reading Twilight