Look Out Life

Chapter four-Getting swept off my feet

We were just sitting there silently,awaiting for....okay I really don't know.

"So how long have you lived here?" Gerard broke the silents.

"Gerard I really don't know awhile,maybe two years. I think"

"Oh,and I've never seen you around.Strange" he tilted his head looking up at the,now gray sky.
My head was scrambling around for a topic.Something to say so I wont look like an idiot

"It might rain" he looked at me then the sky "Should you go home"

"No if it rains I want to stay in it "
he looked at me questioningly.
"I can't help it if I like the rain it's fun" I awserd for him

He shifted his eyes and looked at me,as if he was interested in something.......but what? I may never know.

"Would you like me to walk you home,cause you're not staying in this rain.I'll carry you if i have to ma'am" he said seriously.

I looked at this boy confused his soft,then his sweet,then he serious all of a sudden.What have I gotten myself into.

"If you must" I said holding out my arms waiting for him,but I was joking.
He got up and come over to me and grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. I really didn't think he was gonna do it,i was shocked trust me ha.

My eyes grew wide gigantic...so weird.

"You said "If you must" So I must" he new my question/chucked.

So he carried me there after I gave him directions,sly turns and a few trips later he came to my front door.he flopped me down. And I landed on my feet lucky Gerard just laughed at me.

"So can I come in Hun?" he looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Fine. But don't call me Hun or you wont be able to have children" he widened his eyes and nodded his head.I got my key out and turned the key whole and pushed the door open, and I stepped in awaiting for my dad to burst in and have Gerard runin' for his life.

I saw Gerard looking around like he was fixing to steal something,I kinda laughed at that thought.
He walked on over into the kitchen ,I looked at him stupid he didn't even say he was gonna look around I mean come on.....at least be nice.

"Oh it's nice..." he turned his head and looked at me.

"Thanks" was all the came out of me. 'Wait! Why am I still standing' I thought and dove into the couch with 'ouch' sound when I landed in it,Gerard looked at me with a quivered eyebrow.

"What!?" he just shook his head and walked over to where I was sitting.But me I was laying on the couch he had no where to sit haha.

He looked at me and crashed down on me. I let out a 'ewch' sound when he sat on me,he looked down at me and smiled.

"Dude why are you sitting' on me!"

"Cause you're comfy"
I smiled and then I shouted "So cliche!"

He screwed his face up in some kinda goofy form "I know you are but what am I?"

"Some kinda pain" I said in a smart remark with my lips pressed together

Soon I heard the from door open,and to see my dad walk in. Gerard cocked his head to the side to also see my dad there.

"Deja what are you doing!" he looked at Gerard than me.
Gerard go up and sat on the other side of the couch and looked at the floor. His hair hanging in his face.

"Nothing dad" I said more calm then I thought

He looked at me and looked over at Gerard and pointed to him "Deja who is this bastard!"

That took me back some he called Gerard a bastard. Okay Deja came down you can argue with him latter.

"Dad that's Gerard he's no bastard,he's my friend!"

He looked from Gerard to me at least 5 times. Then he looked at me confused.

"You mean he's not some punk here to get in your pants?"

My eyes grew wide what the fuck is he talking about.
"No dad God I swear. Not every guy wants to get in your pants!" I said with movement of my arms.
He walked over to Gerard and Gerard unglued his face from the floor and looked at my dad.

"So who are you? How old are you?Where do you live?And who are you parents?"

Gerard looked at him for a minute like he was confused then answered him.

"I'm Gerard Way ,I'm 16, I live around here, And my parents are Donald and Donna"
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