Look Out Life

Chapter nine-The Deal

“Hey don’t ask me cause I don’t know.” I said as Gerard looked at me.
“Well is your dad crazy! Why would he think that?” Gerard said kinda loud
“Well maybe cause the gender I don’t know.” I kind of trailed off with it I left it in the air.
“Okay Gerard I’m goin’ to bed k.” I laid there and put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. Gerard was probably gonna say ‘why’ el oh el.
“Cause I wanna mwha.” I said like he was stupid and then I went silent. Then I felt something move beside me, I squinched my eye open to see him laying beside me with one arm under his head and he was looking at me, he was looking at my face his hazel eyes had a little sparkle in them. It wasn’t very bright in the room yet I could see his eyes shine. I closed my squinched eye back and let that thought lay with me he might have thought I was asleep I felt something twirling my hair, I peeked my eye back open to see him twirling my hair in between his fingers I saw his mouth move but nothing came out like he was mouthing words but I have no idea.

So after that I fell asleep.
I heard a slight snoring I tried to raise my head but that was impossible I even tried just to turn it when I did I felt something fuzzy I guess you would say. So I got the fuzzy thing out of my face as good as I could, when I could finally see I saw Gerard’s face he was asleep but he was so close by me I kind of froze in place, is forehead was touching mine and his skin was so warm he looked so peaceful sleeping. Then I realized why I couldn’t get up, his arm was around me. Does he just hold stuff in his sleep or what! I thought. Just think if someone walked in I’d be ran out. I kind of laugh at that really I did.

I went to move and he pulled me closer. oh shit! I thought he ain’t gonna let me go! Huh ways to get out of this I don’t know
So I didn’t try to move but there had to be a way but I couldn’t think of one at the time, what to do what to do? So I just thought of the normal thing to do. I got my face close to Gerard’s.
“Gerard…will you let me go?” I whispered, nothing came out of him.
“Gerard…Gerard!” I hissed “Get your ass off of me so I can get up!” I said in a very loud whisper. He moved maybe an inch. it’s time to take action! I thought so, I really didn’t know how I was gonna take action but I just nudged him he peeked one eye open. He’s a very strange one.
He blinked down then looked at me in the eyes his lip quivered. I pointed to where his arm was, he looked down then at me and removed his arm he mouthed the words “Sorry.” I rolled my eyes a little.
I broke the silence
“How long was I asleep?” I said, he yawned then looked at his digi clock.
“I don’t know when we fell asleep but it’s 3 ‘o clock.”
My eyes shot open but I didn’t know why.
“Hmm some how I had a good sleep.” I said my eyes shot to the right to slits. Gerard’s eyes flipped up to me and he might have smirked.
“So when can we do this again Gerry? It’s pretty much the best sleep I’ve had in 4 years.”
He looked at me and smiled. “How about your house? Tomorrow.” he laughed.
I chucked “Yeah and watch my dad kill you.”
He shrugged “Yeah you gotta point, then we’ll sleep on a bench. Deal?”
I shook his hand. “Deal!”
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It took me awhile cause I've been gone...