Status: Leave comments(: They make me deleriously happy which motivates me to edit faster which gets us to the new chapters faster. It's amazing how everything is a domino affect, yeah?

I Love You is Eight Letters, So is Bullshit

Estella and Brian were the cutest high school couple.
That was until Brian cheated on her with her best friend.
Now with a broken hear t and a few college experiences, she’s become one tough, bad ass chick.
Her entering the music industry with her type of attitude caused her to become one of the top, leading heads of a multi-million dollar music corporation.
Her high status brought her income from little to none cash flow to tons.
All of this combined, her attitude, her income, her job, led her to a heartless, emotionless, loveless life.
… Or at least, that’s the way she wished it to be.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avenged Sevenfold or anything related to them, but I do own the other fictional characters in the story, so please do not steal. And besides, if I really did own them, do you think I wouldn't be busy enough that I'd have time to come write a fan-fiction? I think not.