Sister, I'm Not Much a Poet but a Criminal

Chapter 1

I glared out the window as I watched the world fly by. High school was finally over, and I didn't even have a chance to enjoy myself before being shipped off to live with my older sister, Ariella. Under any other circumstances, this would have been a dream come true for me. However, I was unbelievably bitter even after all this time.

A year earlier I had convinced Ariella to take me to a concert. It was my favorite band, My Chemical Romance, and the only way I was allowed to go was if she went with me. She was the favorite, the golden child. She was born first, and remained first in my parents' hearts. She was better at everything. She was prettier, smarter, thinner, and even had an elegant name. I was just plain old Molly.

When the concert was over, Ariella and I had hung out for awhile. I bought some tour merch and she flirted with some of the crew. I recognized the voice even from where I had stood across the room, and it had made my heart stop.

"I couldn't help but notice you out there earlier."

I spun around, shocked. I really should have expected it, but anger and jealousy still pumped through my veins as I watched my sister and Ray Toro, one of my heroes, exchange phone numbers. Before tonight, she hadn't even heard of the band. Why did things always get to work out so perfectly for her?

They've been together ever since.

Now I, along with all of my belongings, was packed into the family car to go and spend the summer with her. My last summer of freedom was now ruined by my sister, just like everything else that had ever started going my way in life. I sat in the backseat with my hood up and my headphones in, not wanting to listen to my parents' mindless banter.

When we finally reached Ariella's apartment, I stepped out of the car, throwing my bag over my shoulder. She came outside to meet us, and pulled me into a hug.

"It seems like I haven't seen you in forever, Molls!"

"Molly," I corrected, irritated.

"Sorry," she apologized, then began helping to carry my things inside.

Her roommate had recently moved out, which had worked perfectly. This way, I got my own room that I could hide in to escape from her. Not that we would be here for long. In a week, we were going on the tour bus with My Chemical Romance so that Ariella and Ray didn't have to be apart.

Gag me.

Like I said, under different circumstances this would be the opportunity of a lifetime. Going on tour with my favorite band would have been a dream come true normally. But Ariella was going, so I knew it wouldn't turn out good for me.

Don't get under the impression that Ariella and I are enemies. Quite often, she's my best friend. I'm just sick of being compared to her and not measuring up. I always come in second. Except, that is, when it comes to getting into trouble. That was the whole reason that I was here. I hadn't decided on a college yet, as I'd been accepted to three, and my parents feared I would never decide and would end up not going. They thought if I spent the summer at home I would simply get into trouble. They were probably right.

As I threw my bag on my bed, I pulled out my cell phone and began texting.

"Who are you already on the phone with?" Ariella asked as she walked in with a suitcase.

"Brooke," I replied. "I'm just letting her know I made it here."

"Are you two still friends? I was kind of hoping you'd outgrown her."

I sighed. "Sorry she's not up to your standards, but she's the best friend I've ever had."

"Well, hurry up and get settled. Ray's coming over soon and I'd hate for him to have to see this mess," she turned and left the room. I could hear her making conversation with my parents a few moments later.

Instead of unpacking, I sat on my mattress and observed the room I'd have to live with. I was already feeling bored by the bare walls. My room at home was so filled with posters that the walls themselves were barely visible. I really couldn't think of a single place I would hate to be more in that moment. I would gladly have went back to high school rather than spend one day in the cramped apartment with my sister. I was alone here. Back home, I'd at least had Brooke. We were best friends since the first grade, and she was the best person to share detention with. I missed her already.

I missed everything already.

I got up and left the room, wandering through the place I was supposed to call home for the rest of the summer.

"Settled in already?" Ariella's voice was sugary-sweet, and I honestly believed it could give someone diabetes.

"Almost. I'll finish later."

I sat on the couch beside her and listened to the conversation.

"We're so proud that you've become such a strong, independent woman, Ariella," Dad gushed.

"This is the perfect way for little Molly to see what she can accomplish in only a few short years," Mom added, smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes. Just when I started to think that this moment couldn't get any worse for me, there was a knock at the door. Ariella jumped up, grinning.

"That must be Ray. He's coming to get to know Molly a little bit better before the tour. That way, she won't feel like an outcast because she'll know someone."

As she leapt up off the couch and bounded away, I couldn't help but mutter "I already know them better than you do," under my breath. Thankfully, nobody heard me.

Ray appeared in the room a few moments later.

"Hey, Molly. I haven't seen you in awhile."

"Well, you better get used to me."

"I think you're really going to enjoy the tour. If you can handle the wierd smells of five sweaty guys, that is."

"It's not me I'm worried about," I smirked at Ariella.

"What do you say we all get something to eat?" she asked loudly, acting as if she hadn't heard me.

I sighed and followed the family out of the apartment to the car.