Sister, I'm Not Much a Poet but a Criminal

Chapter 14

"Okay, Molly, let's go."

"Go where?"

"I know a great place that we can go for lunch today."

"Just us?"

Frank winked. "Just us."

I squealed in excitement and gave him a hug. We'd never been anywhere by ourselves before. I suppose it was just easier to explain now that everyone knew we were dating. We left the bus and began walking around the city.

"You know where you're going?" I asked.

He stared at me as though I'd just insulted him. "Me? Not know where I'm going?"

"Sorry, I trust you."

"You'd better. This is one time that I don't see myself getting lost. I've been to this place a million times."

"Well, if you do get us lost, there are restaurants on every corner. We won't starve."

"If I were to get us lost, we most definitely would starve because I wouldn't let us eat anywhere but this place."

"Picky, even in the face of starvation."

"You bet your ass I am."

We wandered the streets for a few more minutes before Frank steered me into a small building that was nearly indistiguishable from the others that surrounded it. The restaurant was dimly lit and nearly empty, which might have been what made it so appealing. We sat at a small table and flipped through a menu.

The room was so quiet that I was almost afraid to talk. A short brunette waitress came out of the kitchen and pulled a pad of paper from her apron.

"What can I get you kids to drink?" she asked pleasantly.

We ordered sodas, and the woman disappeared into the back again.

"What are you going to get?" Frank asked, looking up from his menu.

"I'm not sure yet. I'm thinking maybe a caesar salad."

"You know, you can get a burger or something if you want. I don't mind when other people eat meat."

"I like caesar salad. Besides, I bet you wouldn't be too excited to kiss me if my breath tastes like beef."

He smiled. "I would kiss you no matter what your breath tasted like. Just as long as it didn't taste like someone else. I'd be super pissed off if you didn't taste like you."

"Did you know that you're not making any sense?"

"Did you know that I never make any sense? I just ramble on and nobody knows what's going on most of the time."

The waitress returned with our drinks and took our orders. I got the caesar salad and, after ensuring its legitimacy, Frank got a veggie burger.

"So what's so special about this place?"

"It's secluded. And very private. We haven't had much time alone, so I figured we should do it right."

We held hands across the table and had a hushed conversation. Neither one of us wanted others to listen in, but every once in awhile we would break the silence with laughter. I'd never met anyone who could make me laugh like Frank could.

When we left the restaurant, the sunlight was blinding. Frank took my hand and we skipped down the street, both in amazing moods.

"I want some ice cream," he blurted suddenly.

"Me, too."

"There's an ice cream shop up there," he pointed.

"Race you!"

Before he could respond, I dropped his hand and took off running. After only a second of hesitation, I heard his footsteps behind me. We were neck and neck, and the finish line was approaching fast. He tried to grab me and hold me back, but I kept running. Just as I was nearing the doorway, he made one last attempt to stop me from winning. He dove and tackled me, and we landed in a tangled heap on the sidewalk. He gave me a quick kiss before jumping up and stepping into the ice cream parlour, a triumphant grin on his face.

"Cheater," I scowled.

"You should have known, Molly. You just can't beat me at a race."

"Oh, yeah? I'll remember that. Next time, I'll challenge you to a pose-off. I've got all the moves in that category. You wouldn't stand a chance."

"Bring it on!"

"Me and you, tonight, tour bus. Be there or be square!"

"Oh, it's on now."

"And just to prove that I'm not upset that you cheated, I'll buy the so-called winner an ice cream."

"Yeah, you don't sound bitter at all," he said sarcastically.

I pushed past him to go get some ice cream. "What flavor do you want, cheater?"


"Adventurous, aren't you?" I teased.

We started to walk back to the bus as we ate our ice cream.

"Umm, Molly?"


"I think we're lost."

I laughed and shoved him playfully. "Then I guess we're going to starve, aren't we?"

"There's nobody I'd rather starve with than you."