Sister, I'm Not Much a Poet but a Criminal

Chapter 15

"Look at that. We made it," I grinned. It was nearly an hour and a half since Frank had joked that we were lost. It turns out there was more truth to it than he'd led me to believe.

"We sure did. No starving necessary."

We stepped onto the bus and found everyone sitting quietly.

"You're back," Mikey announced.

"Did you miss me?" I asked, sitting beside him on the couch.

"Well I did, but Bob, on the other hand..."

I gasped and gave Bob a hurt look. "Don't you love me anymore, Bob?"

He laughed, but shook his head slightly. "I can't love you if you're sleeping with my friend, Molly."

"I'm not sleeping with him," I said defensively. "I'm just using him to get into the cool crowd. I'll drop him within a month."

Everyone laughed, and Frank pouted. "I wish you'd told me this sooner. I could have found some desperate drunk girl and been her last resort!"

"Don't worry. There'll be plenty of time for that once I've had my way with you and got bored of you." I gave him a quick kiss and a sympathetic look.

"Okay, fair enough."

"You guys say creepy things in the course of conversation," Ariella muttered.

"But you love it," I replied.

"You're kind of annoying."

"All in a day's work for a little sister."

Mikey hung his arm across the back of the couch. "Younger siblings are definitely cooler."

"Most definitely."

"Fuck you guys," Gerard glared at us.

"Get in line," I shot back, making him laugh. "Seriously, you're right behind Frank."

"You mean once you drop me you're moving on to him?" Frank sounded shocked.

"Why not? He's reasonably attractive, kind of fun. Plus, he's got the whole singing and drawing thing going for him. What have you got? Guitar skills?"

"Hey, I kick ass at guitar!"

"I never said you didn't."

"Change of subject, please." Ariella interrupted. "I'm not interested in hearing who my little sister wants to let in her pants."

"Yeah, well I don't want to hear about you and Ray, either."

"Okay, calm down," Mikey pleaded. "We need to keep this a peaceful, neutral environment."

Gerard stood up. "Time for a smoke."

Frank and I both followed, and I ignored the curious look Ariella gave me. She should be used to me going with them by now. I lit a cigarette and leaned on Frank's shoulder. He let his head fall onto mine and we stood there, silent for a long moment.

"Seriously, you've just announced that you're together, and you're acting like you've been together forever. Minus the arguments," he added.

"We're just happy," Frank explained.

"Very happy," I added with a content sigh.

"How cute," Gerard teased.

When he was finished his cigarette, Gerard disappeared back onto the bus. I tossed mine onto the ground and stepped on the butt. Frank did the same, and as I started to head back onto the bus, he caught my arm.


"You're beautiful."

I smiled. "So are you, cutie."

"I've been so much happier since I met you, Molly. I just want you to know: I love you."

I stared into his eyes, but couldn't speak. The words had caught me off guard and I couldn't seem to filter out their meaning. When it hit me, I nearly fainted.

"Are you okay?" he wrapped his arm around me for support.

"I... I'm not ready..."

"That's okay."

"Not, it's not. The last time I said that... well, you know what happened. I just can't let someone have that piece of me... not yet. It's too dangerous."

"What do you mean?"

My voice was weak, and I was ashamed. I knew I was letting him down just when he needed me. "If someone has that part of me, they have power. They can hurt me."

"I'll never hurt you," he promised.

"I know, but I... I'm scared."

"Calm down, Molly. I said it because I felt it, not so that I could hear it back."

"You mean that? You're not mad?"

"How could I be mad about something like this? You'll say it when you feel it, I have faith in that."

"You really love me?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it."

"You're crazy, you know that?"

"That's what they tell me."

It was such a nostalgic moment. We kissed and returned to the bus, where the others were waiting. We sat on the couch and curled up together. Mikey moved over, apparently feeling uncomfortable.

I was in such high spirits when they went to perform that night that I was actually dancing backstage.

"Calm down," Ariella commanded.

"I can't."

"Why not?" she sounded irritated, but it didn't phase me.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy before."

"Yeah? And why's that?"

"I'm not entirely sure. But I know one thing: Frank is the only person who can make me this happy. You could tell me I'd die tomorrow and I'd just smile and go on like nothing happened. Oh, I love this song!" I burst out and continued dancing.

"It appears he's also shortened your attention span," she muttered under her breath.