Sister, I'm Not Much a Poet but a Criminal

Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning when Frank entered the room.

"Morning," he said brightly.

I yawned and smiled at him in return. When I sat up, he sat next to me, offering a cup of coffee. I took it gratefully and sipped the hot liquid. I instantly felt good. It's truly amazing how something can make you feel like a normal person so easily.

"Molly, you're a lot different that Ariella made you seem."


"Mmhm," he took a drink of his own coffee. "She made you seem like this kid with no direction whatsoever other than to find trouble. I don't think she did you justice."

I laughed a little. "She's more right than you know. Actually, she's more right than even she knows."

"Care to explain that?"

"Only if you won't tell."

"Cross my heart," he said the words as he drew a cross over his chest with his finger.

"She blames my friend Brooke, who went to a reform camp. But really, Brooke only got sent there because of me. We were driving around one night and got into an accident. It was her car, but she'd been way too drunk to drive, so I did. I was also drinking, and I lost control on a gravel road. The SUV rolled, and she took the blame. I tried to stop her, but she figured it would be better that way because it was her vehicle. Nobody else knows that story but me and her. She saved me. Now everyone is against Brooke because they think she endangered my life. I may have been in slightly better condition than her that night, but I still shouldn't have been driving. I owe her everything."

"Wow," he muttered. "You've had quite the adventure, haven't you? Oh well, I know that you're a good person deep down. Everyone's made mistakes, and everyone's got secrets."

I smiled. He made it seem like the worst thing I'd ever done was no big deal.

"Time for a smoke," he got up and walked to the door of the bus. He seemed shocked when I followed.

"Don't tell on me for this, either," I directed as I lit a cigarette moments later.

"I'm a good secret keeper," he vowed as he did the same.

I could hear movement on the bus, and knew that the others were starting to get up. When we heard someone coming down the stairs to the door, Frank dropped his cigarette and stepped on it, then grabbed mine.

"There you are!" Ariella poked her head out. "I got a little worried when I didn't find you on the couch," she turned her attention to Frank, who had my cigarette between his lips. "I wish you would quit that."

"I will just as soon as Gerard does," he smirked.

She sighed and went back onto the bus, and Frank gave me back the cigarette.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

He shrugged. "She doesn't really care that I smoke because she knows I won't let her get to me. You, on the other hand, would be dead right now if I hadn't just saved you."

I blew out the smoke that had just filled my lungs, and offered him the remains of the cigarette. "Thanks. Here, you can have the rest of this one, since you had to put yours out."

He shrugged again, but took the cigarette nonetheless.

We went back on the bus and found that everyone had gotten up. I sat back on the couch and picked up my cup of coffee. Frank joined me, and we sipped from our mugs and listened to the conversation.

"I really hope that you girls are ready for this," Mikey murmured as he sat in a booth-like seat at the table.

"It won't be that bad," I responded.

"I think we'll have fun," Ariella spoke in that sickeningly sweet voice that she used when she wanted to seem overly happy. "Besides, I think it's time that Molly got out a little bit."

I rolled my eyes, but didn't reply.

We spent the entire day in the same room, getting up only to eat or go to the bathroom. Gerard and Frank sat with a stack of comic books between them. Ariella and Ray talked quietly as they sat across from each other at the table, holding hands. Bob was reading a novel, and Mikey just sat there, flipping randomly through a magazine. I texted for a long time with Brooke, trying to find out what I was missing back home, but eventually quit and put my headphones in.

When both Gerard and Frank went for a smoke, I eagerly followed, saying that I needed to get a little air. This time I didn't light my own, only stole a few drags of Frank's.

"So, how does Ariella fit in around here?" I asked, breaking the silence after Gerard also agreed to keep my secret.

"To be honest, she doesn't really. She's kind of... well she's just a little sugary," Gerard admitted.

I laughed. "I was actually scared that you guys would accept her as one of you. I guess I was worried for nothing."

"We'd much rather have you," Frank joked, leaning on me slightly.

Once again, I felt that welcome feeling in the pit of my stomach. I leaned back on him until the two of them had finished their cigarettes and we headed back to join the others.

"You guys smell like smoke," Ariella complained. Ray caught my eye and gave me a sly smile. I looked away, hoping that my sister hadn't noticed.

"It can't be helped," Frank sat down and picked up the comic book he'd left sitting on the table. After a minute, he tossed it back and got up. "Bathroom break!" he announced loudly, making me laugh.

Ariella shot me a look. "Don't encourage him," she snapped.

I ignored her and continued to laugh quietly to myself. Frank winked at me before turning and leaving the room.

Ariella seemed annoyed, but said nothing more. She came and sat by me on the couch. "How are you holing up?"


"Good. I want you to have a good time this summer."

"It's already better than you know."