The Girl Is Mine

Chocolate Covered Cherries.

Livy pulled up her hair and sighed. She brushed the bangs out of her eyes and straightened her shirt, sneezing very loudly.

Suddenly the phone rang.

What if it's him?

The second ring echoed through the house as she bit her lip.

Wait three rings... It'll seem less desperate.

The third ring began and Livy sat with her hand perched over the receiver, waiting and begging her fingers to grip it and pick it up.

"Hello?" Her voice was exasperated, almost begging. She NEEDED for it to be Alex.

"Hello. This Is An Automated Voic-" But she cut it off before the annoying robotic voice could continue any further.

She walked to her room in the midst of a depressed sigh and began putting eyeliner on.

The phone rang again, monotonously. She rolled her eyes. Her fingers were full of disappointment in the excitement her heart always frenzied into when the phone rang and she hoped it was Alex.

"Hello?" She answered angrily this time, almost sarcastically.


Her heart ate away at the muscles surrounding it in her chest.

"Yes..." she almost whispered, "Who is this?"


Her throat almost closed.

"Hi Alex. What can I do for you tonight?"

"I just want to talk."


Her heart did tiny cartwheels in her chest. They began their three hour conversation like that... And continued on until Alex asked her if he could ask a question.

"Well, that was a question."

"Well... Technically, but I have a different question...Do you think there's such thing as... Forget it, it's stupid."

"What?" She begged, hoping the question was what she thought it was.

"Do you believe in," she thought she heard a slight hesitation, "ligers?"



"I guess."

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair... Maybe she was the only person who believed in love at first sight.

"So, will I see you at the diner tomorrow?"

She smiled. "Yeah. You will."

"I'm being summoned."

"By who?"

My Heart.

"My stupid band mates. So talk to you later?"

"Sure. Night, Alex."

And it almost made it's magical escape from her lips... and she thought she caught a trace of it on his lips, too... "I love you" formed on her tongue, but she ate it back down in a single swallow.

"Bye. Night. Tomorrow..."


She smiled as she gently put the phone back down on it's charger, as if being rough with it would destroy the words they had just exchanged or make them less real...
♠ ♠ ♠
And So Begins Livy's SECOND Story.