The Girl Is Mine

Eighteen And A Beauty Queen.

Livy yanked her coat over her shoulders and sucked in, smelling the crisp air of the pre-rain she loved. By the time she got to the diner she could feel the first mists of rain tickling her back.

The uniform she was in felt uncomfortable in the humidity and she went inside the tiny building quickly. Things were slow that morning... One person was seated at a table, sipping coffee as she rolled her sleeping baby's stroller foward and backward rhythmically.

She went behind the counter and Marie hugged her. "Hey. Early again! It's a miracle!"

"Yeah..." Livy laughed hesitantly, as if letting a real laugh out would alert Marie of her secret.

"Alrighty, well I guess I'll get going." Marie's eyes searched outside blankly as she inhaled a long breath.

"Okay Marie."

"My, that rain is pretty!"

"I know. I love the rain."

Marie walked away slowly and held the door open for a man as she walked out. Livy thought about Marie's oddities... She'd hold a door open for a man but wouldn't let a man hold a door for her.

"Is that MY livy? All soaked and eyeliner smudged with the wetness of the rain all over her face?"

Livy burned a bright red and wiped away the extra eyeliner from beneath her eyelids. "Hi, Alex."


She smiled and wiped her hands on her apron. "What's going on?"

"I want coffee."


"Yes, please. Will you get me coffee?"


The woman with the stroller tucked her baby into a nice little niche and pulled a waterproof cover over it. She walked out into the rain comfortably as Alex and Livy watched.

"Now that she's gone," Alex continued, "I like for you to get me my coffee in the nude."

"ALEX! That's being a bit forward, don't you think?"

She blushed again, the rose color rising up from her neck to the apple of her cheeks.

"Sorry doll, I was just teasing."

"Oh." The little tiny word hung on her lips for a second as she looked away in embarassment.

He giggled a little. "Livy, you don't have to be so self-concious around me you know."

"Yeah. I know."

She crossed her arms and sighed, because really she didn't know.
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